Is Trump Good For America?

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Is Trump Good For America?

Postby planosteve » Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:25 pm

In the 2016 election, I voted for businessman Donald Trump, not because I particularly liked him (I didn’t), but because the alternative was Hillary Clinton, the most dishonest, corrupt, and despicable politician in American history to ever run for president of this country. In 2020 I voted for then-incumbent President Trump once again, and once again not because I liked him (I didn’t), but because ‘his administration’ had done a fair job, and his opponent Joe Biden was a bumbling buffoon. And also because Biden was just as corrupt, dishonest, and despicable as was Hillary Clinton. Although, at the time, we had yet to learn just how corrupt, even treasonous Joe Biden has been throughout his career in politics.

As we enter a new election year in 2024, Americans will once again go to the polls in November, hoping against hope that we will select a candidate for president who is honest, capable, and a genuine leader. Along with a Congress and Senate who will be able to finally put political gamesmanship aside and for once work together for the betterment of Americans (fat chance).

Since I have yet to see any potential candidate for the Marxist Democrats for president who I agree with on anything (again, it won’t be Joe Biden, he’s history), it’s almost assured I’ll be voting once again for the Republicans, the party with whom I have always been more philosophically aligned with anyway. I’m hopeful that in this election, unlike when McCain and Romney ran, I’ll be able to vote for a candidate whom I agree with philosophically, whose policy positions are in tune with my own, and who I genuinely like. I’m beginning to really hope that candidate is not Donald Trump.

Aside from the fact that I have begun to question Trump’s mental stability, the fact is I simply do not like him personally; he’s a genuine horse’s ass. I’m reminded constantly by die-hard Trumpers that he came under attack from all directions from the day he announced his candidacy back in 2016. They use that to excuse his, at times, outrageous behavior. Discounting completely the fact that his abrasive and obnoxious personality brought much of his problems onto himself.

Trump has also shown some very poor judgment; he walked right into a trap laid for him on January 6, 2021. Not one of his best moments, and it cost one of his ardent supporters her life, while others are still languishing in jail.

When it came to dealing with the news media and the Democrats, Trump simply couldn’t get along. I’m reminded of former President Ronald Reagan’s time in office. Reagan was also attacked unmercifully by the news media and by the Democrats. The difference between Trump and Reagan is that the attacks against Reagan were like water off a duck’s back. President Reagan disarmed his attackers with his humor, and his genuinely likable personality. People just liked Ronnie. Trump, on the other hand, just gets mean and nasty, slinging personal attacks, insults, and name-calling at anyone who even slightly questions him. Name-calling is best reserved for the grade school playground, not a preferred characteristic of a presidential candidate. Trump is simply not very likable at all.

Trump supporters will also usually insult any Republican who doesn’t support Donald Trump by calling them names like “RINO” and “DEEP STATE” simply because they don’t like Trump. They’ll make light of any opposition, claiming it’s all based just on not liking his “mean tweets.” Not at all that it might have something to do with his handling of COVID, the fact that Trump never held Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, or even Barack Obama accountable for the crimes they have committed against this country, or that the Mexicans never paid for one foot of the border wall. All of which were Trump’s promises not kept.

Well the fact of the matter is that at least my own personal dislike of Trump comes down to more a matter of character. Trump is pretty much a pathological liar; he’s an extreme narcissist and simply doesn’t work well with others. If he secures the Republican nomination for president, I’ll hold my nose and vote for him a third time and hope and pray that he can win (not likely) against whomever the Democrats dress up and package as their nominees, and that someone can exert some control over Trump and his own worst character traits (also not likely). The alternative to Trump if he’s the Republican nominee is nothing less than thinly veiled Marxism in the guise of a once proud Democrat Party.

But I want a president who can govern, who can reach consensus and pass needed legislation. Not one who simply governs by only temporary Executive Orders because he’s so despised by his opponents that they refuse to work with him.

That’s not good for America. And I’m beginning to think neither is Trump.

D.W. Wilber
Del is a former under cover employee of the Central Intelligence Agency serving overseas in Eastern and Western Europe, and the Middle East. He currently does consulting work in counterterrorism and writes columns, as well as appears as a guest on a number of programs. ... got-to-go/
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Re: Is Trump Good For America?

Postby Mark » Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:01 pm

I only read a few small excerpts of this, but it's easy to tell that this is just a swamp creature that wants to maintain the status quo.
The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

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Re: Is Trump Good For America?

Postby planosteve » Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:09 pm

Mark wrote:I only read a few small excerpts of this, but it's easy to tell that this is just a swamp creature that wants to maintain the status quo.

No shit Dick Tracy! What was your first clue? :lol:
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Re: Is Trump Good For America?

Postby Mark » Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:00 pm

planosteve wrote:
Mark wrote:I only read a few small excerpts of this, but it's easy to tell that this is just a swamp creature that wants to maintain the status quo.

No shit Dick Tracy! What was your first clue? :lol:

So you think the status quo is a good thing? O

Okay, got it.
The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

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Re: Is Trump Good For America?

Postby GRANDPA » Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:13 pm

Like you, I didn't vote FOR Trump, so much as vote against Clinton & Biden. Just think, if they hadn't stolen the '20 election, all this would be a moot point. Biden would be just another forgotten has-been wannabe.

I feel like I'm parked diagonally in a parallel universe.

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Re: Is Trump Good For America?

Postby GFB » Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:46 pm

GRANDPA wrote:Like you, I didn't vote FOR Trump, so much as vote against Clinton & Biden. Just think, if they hadn't stolen the '20 election, all this would be a moot point. Biden would be just another forgotten has-been wannabe.


I definitely voted FOR Trump.

I loved everything about him..and the tweets were the best part.

It was a beautiful thing..wake up every day and go check out who he’s slapping around today.

..always the right people.
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Re: Is Trump Good For America?

Postby Mark » Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:48 am

I didn't vote for President Trump in 2016 because I didn't trust him. He bragged on the campaign trail that he had previously made donations to Pelosi and Schumer and I viewed him as a wolf in sheep's clothing. I voted third party in 2016, just like I do in most presidential elections.

I was wrong about President Trump. His job performance earned my vote, and my 2020 vote for him in the presidential election was the most enthusiastic vote in my life.

These idiots that write these long articles claiming that they voted for President Trump in 2016, but then couldn't do so again in 2020 are all full of shit. They are lying to us.

If we don't put President Trump back in the White House with this year's election, I fear that it will be the end of America as we know it. The Constitution has already been shredded, and we are barely hanging on by a thread.
The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

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Indeed, "All Leftists lack critical thinking skills."

Indeed, "All Leftist males are pussies."

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Re: Is Trump Good For America?

Postby planosteve » Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:33 am

Donald Trump should be jailed for sending an ominous “signal” to his supporters to target the Maine secretary of state who kicked him off that state’s ballot, a former federal prosecutor said.

Trump last week posted a link to the bio page of top election official Shenna Bellows, the day after she ruled the Constitution’s 14th Amendment disqualified the former president from appearing on the ballot.
And legal expert Glenn Kirschner said it was clearly a “signal to his supporters” to carry out action against her.
Soon after Trump shared the link to Bellows’ page on the official Maine government website, she told CNN she started receiving “threatening communications."

Then, on Friday, her home was the target of “swatting” — a false emergency call that sent a SWAT team to her home.
Speaking on his Justice Matters YouTube channel, Kirschner referenced similar attacks Trump has made to prosecutors, officials and their families — resulting on him being hit with several gag orders.
"How many times are we going to watch this movie?" he said. His comments were also reported by Newsweek. ... fc214&ei=9
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