Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

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ann jusko
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Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby ann jusko » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:09 am

I am really impressed with Bobby Jindal's take on Trump because it matches my own thoughts about Trump. We already have have and have had for 6 years an egomaniac. Now Trump has gone after Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina. "Just an OK doctor" is Trump's take on Ben Carson. This man is dangerous! He's got an overactive mouth filled with vicious vile. To you Trump backers, do you really think he'd be even a decent president? He's a dirty joke.

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:23 am the rest of them, know that the only way they can get to comment on Trump!

Nobody cares what Jindal says..which is why he's at 1%.
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby ralph » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:40 am

TRUMP SAYS fix the borders , rebuild the military , fix trade imbalance , make mexico and china pay , mexico pays for the wall . That's what matters to me !! Lets see how the polls go .

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby millergrovesue » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:44 am

Once again Ann hits the nail on the head.

I don't give a damn about his rhetoric. Talk about meaningless. What he claims he will do that is good for this country pales compared to the damage and offense done every time he opens his mouth. The slimeball is absolutely NOT the person I want representing my country. I wouldn't vote for him if he were running for the second coming of Obama.
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby ralph » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:47 am

don't vote for him then and your 'emotional' problem is fixed Sue . I'm more interested in his fixing borders , rebuilding military and other practical actions rather than emotion driven issues like a womans looks .
Last edited by ralph on Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby ralph » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:51 am

also like TRUMPS words on teley last night when he said that if he makes President he will not accept 'muslim' invaders in the USA . ------------------------ concerning Carson , it was just 2 weeks ago that Carson was interested in running as VP to TRUMP , probably still is interested .

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:04 am

I guess we can scratch the Trump/Fiorina ticket.
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:56 am

If I was Bobby Jindal..I'd take cover!
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:22 pm

Jindal is a Conservative, with a record of political accomplishment, I like the guy.

I guess he drew the short straw, and the GOPe told him it was his turn to take a swing a Trump :lol:

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ann jusko
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby ann jusko » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:47 pm

Jindal IS conservative and has a record that can be researched if any Neanderthals wish or are smart enough to do it. What is Trump's record on conservatism? Please, please tell us what he's accomplished. Has he done anything significant to help veterans? None that I can find. Never a trip to Brook, never a trip to Bethesda or Walter Reed that I can find. Has he even done one 10th of what Bill O'Reilly has done (and I don't like him either)? Bill O'Reilly has provided hundreds of motorized vehicles for the disabled (wheelchair bound) veterans to get off road for those that love to hunt or have been real outdoorsmen most of their life. Yeah, he's a blowhard, too, but he has been very good to the troops. I cannot find anything that Trump has done. Oh wait, he challenged CNN to give the profits of the debate to veterans but he didn't offer to match it.
Trump will be a disaster if he's elected. God help us all. Oh yeah, his favorite book is the bible? With his runaway mouth?

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:52 pm

That's you're whole criteria?

How many times has he visited a military hospital?

Ok..that's fine..not mine.
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby ralph » Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:00 pm

'jebito' claims to be 'conservative' . 'oreily' claims to be conservative but neither are conservative in my opinion . 'oreily' pushes gun control and limitations on certain firearms for Americans and is an enabler of immigration . jebito is an advocate of lax immigration control same as the rest of his family . If any of those positions is conservative then I am not conservative like jebito or oreilly . ------- seems to me that its time for a TRUMP rebuilder of the military no matter what his label is .

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:39 pm

ann jusko wrote:Jindal IS conservative and has a record that can be researched if any Neanderthals wish or are smart enough to do it. What is Trump's record on conservatism? Please, please tell us what he's accomplished. Has he done anything significant to help veterans? None that I can find. Never a trip to Brook, never a trip to Bethesda or Walter Reed that I can find. Has he even done one 10th of what Bill O'Reilly has done (and I don't like him either)? Bill O'Reilly has provided hundreds of motorized vehicles for the disabled (wheelchair bound) veterans to get off road for those that love to hunt or have been real outdoorsmen most of their life. Yeah, he's a blowhard, too, but he has been very good to the troops. I cannot find anything that Trump has done. Oh wait, he challenged CNN to give the profits of the debate to veterans but he didn't offer to match it.
Trump will be a disaster if he's elected. God help us all. Oh yeah, his favorite book is the bible? With his runaway mouth?

Trump has Torpedoed Jebito, started a national conversation on the invasion of the US by Illegal Aliens, and slapped a few of the anointed class; that is all I can think of.

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Castle Doctrine
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:47 pm

I fail to see some of the issues here. While Jindal is clearly an idiot with a record that reflects that fact, so what? As for all the stuff that Ralph wants fixed...the border is fine, never been more secure regardless of what the fear mongers say. Rebuild our military to what? It is already the most powerful in the World by several orders of magnitude...what, you people can't control your Military-Industrial Complex?

Net immigration from Mexico has been zero for the last few years due to OUR economy and its problems. Pretty sad when MEXICANS don't want to come because of the economy. Of course, they have their own oligarchy in Mexico so why trade one for the other. Maybe building a wall on the order of the Great Wall would be a great public works project but Mexico will not pay for it. Mexico has never paid its debts or for much of anything else, either. And they get away with it. Oh, we are a big bad military power! Won't be the first time they told a major first world power to kiss it and I doubt it will be the last...and they make it stick, remarkable!

What are you going to DO about the trade imbalance, Trumpies? I don't think he can do much about that (except to benefit his "blind" trust ala Cheney). What does he propose to make China PAY FOR? I thought we owed them?! Doesn't sound like we are in any position to "make China pay"...unless we want to pull a Mexico, of course.

Now, I didn't really mean to upset you people with reality. However, it is hard to avoid at times. Discussing anything with most of you is a bit frustrating because I want to discuss reality and fact while you folks rattle on about a fabricated narrative loosely based on real world events but set in an alternate reality where you innocents have no idea how the judicial system works or the role of the Supreme Court or the least respect for the Founders or their beliefs or intent. Very strange.

You can't win elections with wishful thinking, Kiddos. The independents that will decide the next election can't help but watch you folks and conclude none of your candidates are viable...none are in touch with reality or understand the system they wish to gain control of...none of them can even claim to be decent human beings (mostly because they are embroiled in the current hate fest that is the GOP primary process)...none of them could lead water down hill...

I could go on but I'm sure you take my point. But, really, this thread is such a hoot. I like it better than all those "Hillary is done" threads that are really just a bunch of frightened old people whistling past the graveyard. And why are you frightened? Because you have been told you should be by people who benefit from your misunderstandings and fears...and no questions are allowed on the Right.

Well, folks, have a nice day...and remember, IT IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD!

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:57 pm

Go F&^%$ yourself, troll.

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Castle Doctrine
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:20 pm

Red Oak wrote:Go F&^%$ yourself, troll.

RO, thank you for your kind input. You can be assured it will be given the serious consideration it deserves.

Do you EVER post anything of substance or any meaningful comments? I would discuss anything with you if you could be serious and civil. I don't even mind you calling me is harmless and can be a lot of fun. Hell, you might even be fun to trash talk with if we could stay grounded in reality.

How about it...want to get over yourself a bit and be decent? I'll even give you a clean pasted history. And you have said some very not nice things to me. I don't like troll because I don't fit any of the definitions I could find. But, as long as you know that then it is just name calling again.

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:27 pm

Maybe I can tell you that to your face some day, who knows ?

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby millergrovesue » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:43 pm

Castle Doctrine wrote:RO, thank you for your kind input. You can be assured it will be given the serious consideration it deserves.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Good rejoinder, CD.
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Castle Doctrine
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:51 pm

Red Oak wrote:Maybe I can tell you that to your face some day, who knows ?

Well, I wouldn't like it any better in person but it would still just be more name calling. But, I have no interest whatsoever in meeting you in person. I don't get the impression that you are a very nice person nor that I am missing ANYTHING by not knowing you real time.

That said, I believe you just attempted to intimidate me with some sort of veiled threat (who knows). Are you suggesting that you might hunt me down and confront me...over a disagreement on the Internet? Are you listening to yourself. Maybe you are just fantasizing about how you would confront me. I can understand it myself sometimes. But, let me add a bit to your fantasy...the part where you go to jail. Should do ever confront me I will ignore your existence as soon as I am aware of it. The moment you touch me I call 911 and you go to jail and I press charges. Please add that to your storyline because whether you are serious or not, I absolutely am SERIOUS.

And that said, I renew my offer to reset and treat each other decently with no hard feelings. The Internet is an interesting toy and a somewhat safe place to engage in discussion...but that is it. Any effort to project this into RT is dangerous and foolish. And making threats, even veiled ones, is bad form in the well as an admission of impotence.

One more question. If you could tell that to my face would you be willing to explain WHY you believe that to be a fair and accurate characterization of me? Are you even able to articulate that? Oh well, probably best if you just continue to troll me. Who knows, you might say something that was correct or meaningful and I would have to recognize it. I would HATE that!

Have a nice day, RO.

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:48 pm

To quote our esteemed member Mark - "blah blah blah blah blah" - f'ing Troll.

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