Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:56 pm

Red Oak wrote:To quote our esteemed member Mark - "blah blah blah blah blah" - f'ing Troll.

The problem with a jerk like him is..there's so much crap in his one wants to take the time to take apart nonsense like that sentence by sentence..he/she isn't worth the all you can do is skip the whole thing.

If he could find a way to be anything that didn't ramble all over..I might answer him sometimes..but he can't do it.
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby millergrovesue » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:05 pm

No, the biggest problem is Red Oak's jerky behavior towards some of us. Threatening someone online??????????? Really??????????????? Talk about an immature schoolyard bully. If y'all would be civil with each other this kind of post thread wouldn't happen. CD makes some good and not so good points. Wouldn't it be decent and reasonable to address the points without attacking the person? Perhaps this is why some of you perceive Trump as a reasonable candidate. Perhaps it's because you don't understand what reasonable is.
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:06 pm

He is a F'ing Troll GfB, nothing more.

I wasn't logged in and I saw his trolling bullshit telling us how we are a bunch of idiots and what not and how superior his horseshit is, and I couldn't resist. I am logged in now, and he is back on ignore alog with his two other jack ass buddies.

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:28 pm

millergrovesue wrote:No, the biggest problem is Red Oak's jerky behavior towards some of us. Threatening someone online??????????? Really??????????????? Talk about an immature schoolyard bully. If y'all would be civil with each other this kind of post thread wouldn't happen. CD makes some good and not so good points. Wouldn't it be decent and reasonable to address the points without attacking the person? Perhaps this is why some of you perceive Trump as a reasonable candidate. Perhaps it's because you don't understand what reasonable is.

He may be reasonable..but his posting style of minimum 5 paragraphs..doesn't lend itself to back and forth conversation.

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:40 pm

Oh Hell GfB you quoted another one of them ! :evil:

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:51 pm

I don't suppose that anyone noticed that RO has violated at least three elements of the TOS in this thread alone. Not making a big deal about it but since I was recently counseled publicly about something or other (it was never clear) I had the TOS on my mind.

The truth is that they are really observed more in the breach anyway but just saying...

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby millergrovesue » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:52 pm

GFB wrote:
millergrovesue wrote:No, the biggest problem is Red Oak's jerky behavior towards some of us. Threatening someone online??????????? Really??????????????? Talk about an immature schoolyard bully. If y'all would be civil with each other this kind of post thread wouldn't happen. CD makes some good and not so good points. Wouldn't it be decent and reasonable to address the points without attacking the person? Perhaps this is why some of you perceive Trump as a reasonable candidate. Perhaps it's because you don't understand what reasonable is.

He may be reasonable..but his posting style of minimum 5 paragraphs..doesn't lend itself to back and forth conversation.

Succinctness is a know how to be succinct.

People have different writing styles. Wordiness doesn't bother me.............but that's me. If I don't have time to read the whole thing I skim.
I gotta say being married to an engineer has given me a greater tolerance for wordiness. My vast engineer experience has taught me that anything an engineer could say in 10 words will be said in at least 30 words. And if said engineer is from Oklahoma it will all be said s-l-o-w-l-y. :P There is an old engineer saying which I really love that goes something like this - eventually you have to just shoot the engineer and get on with the project. :lol:
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby millergrovesue » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:55 pm

Castle Doctrine wrote:I don't suppose that anyone noticed that RO has violated at least three elements of the TOS in this thread alone. Not making a big deal about it but since I was recently counseled publicly about something or other (it was never clear) I had the TOS on my mind.

The truth is that they are really observed more in the breach anyway but just saying...

Okay, it's late in the day and my mind is just about gone........................what's TOS?
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:57 pm

Red Oak wrote:Oh Hell GfB you quoted another one of them ! :evil:

I thought it was just the two!
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:59 pm

Nope there are three...

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:06 pm

Sue, I was just explaining why I don't respond to him.

I'd have to spend my day cutting each post down to size, to zero in on whatever one or two sentences I'd like to respond to.

Then I'd get 5 more paragraphs to cut down to size, to find a concise thought that was an answer to what I said..yes, he can post however he wants..I skip then.
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:10 pm

millergrovesue wrote:

Okay, it's late in the day and my mind is just about gone........................what's TOS?

It is Terms of Service...the basic rules everyone agreed to follow when they registered. You can find them by logging out then selecting the Register link at top right. They are very broad and general but specific about threatening posts. Abusive posts are the first item mentioned.

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby RaisinCain » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:47 pm

Castle Doctrine wrote:I fail to see some of the issues here.

Agreed; it seems to be your norm.

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:56 pm

During an interview with CBS News, Jindal said that Trump shouldn't be saying things about Fiorina when.."it looks like he’s got a squirrel sitting on his head."

I think that's a perfectly fine comment.

If you're completely full of'll laugh at this comment while being horrified at Trump's comment about Carly's face.

Don't be full of shit.
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:19 pm

Poor Bobby got left behind the door when looks were passed out, bless his heart.

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby ann jusko » Fri Sep 11, 2015 7:55 am

What I'm asking for (from all you trumpers) is a clear list of all the conservative things that Trump has accomplished regarding our nation. Yes, he's built himself an empire. I stress an empire for him! He's done nothing except donate to political people because "I have to get along with them." I heard him say that. But what has he done to strengthen our country? Has he donated (from his said billions) to homes for injured warriors. I've not seen his name on anything (and you know he'd plaster his name on one or two homes if he'd been involved). When he closed down his casino, did he set up a jobs seminar or any type of help for those people who go laid off? Most companies do.
What I'm asking is to please show me his alleged conservative activities. He's in it for Trump! He talks a good game but exactly how is he going to accomplish all that he spouts off about? I assure you, if he wins, he'll be setting up a dynasty for TRUMP!
Show me where he's helped the American people before and how? Employment? Well, yeah, till the project is over or bankrupt. SHOW ME WHY HE WOULD BE A GOOD PRESIDENT! He says a lot, but I see no concrete plans.

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby planosteve » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:07 am

Trump is famous because he is rich. Otherwise, you would have never heard of him. Why is he rich? Because of the bubble in real estate assets. Especially in New York. When the bubble is deflated he will loose a lot of his money if not all of it. The bubble will be deflated like it always has been. Only
question is when.
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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby ralph » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:25 am

morning Ann . I just compare Trump to any of the rino's that are in the running and what have any of them done . I mean , here I am thinking in my head about each and every one of them and what have any of them done that is conservative ?? Trump says that he will rebuild the military , secure the borders , bring back the jobs , renegotiate foreign contracts and that sounds pretty conservative to me . All the rinos do is walk on eggshells and pander to the rest of the world so as not to offend anyone .

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby ralph » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:28 am

and as I've said in other threads , if amnesty bush , amnesty Rubio or Obama hugging Christy or 'kasich' looking to import more Syrian invaders are conservative then I am no conservative .

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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Postby millergrovesue » Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:14 am

Here's Trump blowing it out his a$$ usual. Has he shut down factories in Bejing? Nope!
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