Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

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Castle Doctrine
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Castle Doctrine » Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:33 am

John in Plano wrote:
Castle Doctrine wrote:
John in Plano wrote:CD...I didn't quoted to save space and frankly I like to boil down to brass tacks so this particular phrase bothers me, so I ask.

institutional violence

Please give the resources/links that I can peruse that shows this exists with in the law enforcement agencies of this country in 2000 - 2014 ?


Sure, I will be glad to do that. I am about to run up to Denver so it will be later. I'll stay with main stream sources and government reports (DOJ finding from places like Ferguson and Baltimore). There is a lot of anecdotal evidence but I suspect we both know that proves very little.


Ferguson and Baltimore represent a very small cross section of this country, it'll be interesting how the DOJ/gov correlates them with other cities/area.

Sorry I took so long to get back to you. Been a hectic day. Man, the drive to Denver is a pain...but, lovely.

So, you question whether "institutional violence" actually exists. Fair enough. In this case we are talking about direct police violence against individuals or communities. There is almost no literature on the systematic state discrimination that causes the climate of violence by failing to police the police. Another point I want to make is that this is NOT a racial issue. It is a matter of Blue on Civilian violence and focusing on one racial group tends to disguise that fact. We miss the institutional violence against Whites simply because it happens to Whites only about 14% as often as to Blacks and there are a lot more of us than them.

A major part of this problem arises from unintended (or even contemplated) consequences from the late 60's campaign on crime and the beginning of the War on Drugs. And that brings us to our first reference. Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces Paperback by Radley Balko is the book that got me interested in this. You almost have to read it all to understand the way we got here and the effect it has had on the police-community dynamic in our society. It goes into some detail about how we went from reactive "Guardian Cops" to militarized "Warrior Cops". This is important because it is inextricably bound up in the development of the "Us v. Them" mentality that drives so much of the police use of maximum violence as a first option and refusal to even attempt to de-escalate (particularly in minority communities). It also delves into how the erosion of the Fourth Amendment (my personal favorite) was integrally involved in facilitating these developments...the death of the Castle Doctrine from English Common Law.

If you wish to explore the concept of "institutional" or "structural" violence I would recommend Violence and Nonviolence: Pathways to Understanding by Gregg Barak. It isn't in the public domain I don't think so you will have to go to the library.

There are a lot of DOJ investigations to review...Ferguson, Cleveland, I prepared a list of several reports and articles about the investigations. Her that is: ... -21-12.pdf ... ationwide/ ... -violence/ ... 202013.pdf ... etter.html

You have to realize that there is not going to be a heading for institutional violence. You have to read the reports to see what is going on. What you may notice is that cities continue to try to cover up even during the investigations. It is institutional best.

Another source I would recommend is YouTube. There are thousands of videos (many with clear sound) of acts of violence against civilians by police for little or no provocation (male, female, black, white, brown, yellow, sick, mentally ill, PTSD just goes on and on) the vast majority of which are never investigated much less prosecuted even with video documentation. While all of that is "anecdotal" the sheer volume speaks to the issue. Something is terribly wrong when detained civilians are treated like this while in police custody...regardless of how they got there.

Finally, there are the compelling voices from the communities most effected. I would recommend
Between the World and Me Hardcover by Ta-Nehisi Coates as probably the best. I was reluctant to read it but I caught an excerpt from it and had to read it. Very dense, very emotionally exhausting, very is a painful book to read.

Well, that should get you started. Enjoy.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby John in Plano » Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:05 am

DOJ was offered as a source, and not supplied. The 2 gov links are the same Seattle lawsuit. New Orleans PD has been a sewer for years in my experience, Bloomberg link, same goes with Chicago PD, personal experience. I stopped looking, will come back later so thanks.

I guess "voter fraud" = "institutional violence"
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby jellowrestling » Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:39 am

GFB wrote:
Castle Doctrine wrote:
GFB wrote:The only thing close to racism that "institutionalized" the rampant, universally prevalent racism that exists amongst black people towards whites.

I think it is sad that you lie to yourself but it is a symptom of one of the Right's major problems...denial.

I understand that you BELIEVE all the things you have been told and that reflects in your is just that what you believe is not TRUE. But, you cite it as a matter of faith, I suspect.

Tell you what, how about some LEGIT references or links that establish a basis for your belief? Think you could do that? Or would that be too much trouble for dealing with a "lefty loon" ?

I've never been told what I just're the one lying.

I posted what I have witnessed all of my adult life..and it has gotten worse and worse.

I guess he hasn't read your posts where you have said you don't like cops. He's always too busy bloviating.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby jellowrestling » Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:40 am

John in Plano wrote:DOJ was offered as a source, and not supplied. The 2 gov links are the same Seattle lawsuit. New Orleans PD has been a sewer for years in my experience, Bloomberg link, same goes with Chicago PD, personal experience. I stopped looking, will come back later so thanks.

I guess "voter fraud" = "institutional violence"

As long as there are Democrats, there will be corrupt cities.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Mark » Sun Sep 13, 2015 7:34 am

BLM is a racist hate group.
The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby jellowrestling » Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:11 am

Mark wrote:BLM is a racist hate group.


Castle Doctrine
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Castle Doctrine » Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:16 pm

Red Oak wrote:BLM is a Commie organization using ignorant Black street thugs as stooges.

I would like to see you present some evidence to support that assertion...but, I doubt you will be able to do that. Nor any of the rest of you people.

Castle Doctrine
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Castle Doctrine » Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:18 pm

Red Oak wrote:Nine Bikers were shot dead in Waco, and to my knowledge not one store was looted or one LEO killed in retaliation.
177 were arrested.

And the Bikers involved were some mean MoFos.

Contrast this with the BLM riots and murders.

Not a situation related in any way to the BLM movement. And no LEOs have been killed by members of BLM in retaliation. There is nothing to support your claim.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby ralph » Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:18 pm

:lol: !!

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Mark » Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:20 pm

Castle Doctrine wrote:Blah, blah, blah

The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

By popular request:

Indeed, "All Leftists lack critical thinking skills."

Indeed, "All Leftist males are pussies."

Castle Doctrine
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Castle Doctrine » Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:25 pm

GFB wrote:
Castle Doctrine wrote:
GFB wrote:The only thing close to racism that "institutionalized" the rampant, universally prevalent racism that exists amongst black people towards whites.

I think it is sad that you lie to yourself but it is a symptom of one of the Right's major problems...denial.

I understand that you BELIEVE all the things you have been told and that reflects in your is just that what you believe is not TRUE. But, you cite it as a matter of faith, I suspect.

Tell you what, how about some LEGIT references or links that establish a basis for your belief? Think you could do that? Or would that be too much trouble for dealing with a "lefty loon" ?

I've never been told what I just're the one lying.

I posted what I have witnessed all of my adult life..and it has gotten worse and worse.

GFB, that statement would be a lot more credible if you weren't talking about one of the key Conservative claims used to deflect claims of discrimination. You pulling an "Al Gore" claiming you invented the dodge? Be serious, the Conservative communications establishment pushes the idea that the "real" racists are the minorities any time the subject comes up. Perhaps they are just so skilled and subtle that you don't notice they are manipulating you...or you just didn't mind, maybe.

I doubt you really believe that statement but if you do...well, that is really sad, sadder than if you are just being a PC Conservative spewing approved party bile.

And, since I firmly believe what I have said to be the truth I am not lying, either.

Castle Doctrine
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Castle Doctrine » Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:27 pm

Mark wrote:
Castle Doctrine wrote:Blah, blah, blah


Defend your statement, Mark. At least prove you can write a coherent sentence.

You won't because you can' really don't seem to know why you believe what you believe!

Castle Doctrine
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Castle Doctrine » Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:29 pm

Mark wrote:BLM is a racist hate group.

Again, saying it doesn't make it so. How about some facts or reasoning...oh, I forgot, this is Mark. That sort of thing is not in his range of abilities.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby GFB » Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:54 pm

Blacks are more racist than whites..and it's not close.
If you’re “woke”’re a loser.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Red Oak » Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:08 pm


I am a never Hillaryite!

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Mark » Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:33 pm

Castle Doctrine wrote:Blah, blah, blah

The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

By popular request:

Indeed, "All Leftists lack critical thinking skills."

Indeed, "All Leftist males are pussies."

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Sangersteve » Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:50 pm

What is truly sad is that CD has blinders on, in refusing to accept that BLM is inciting racial bias toward the police.

If he fails to believe that chants of wanting dead cops does not embolden radicals to carry out that chant by attacking police, he is beyond reasoning with.

He also can not produce that BLM has any motive other than condeming police for doing their jobs, he will not even consider that when a suspect acts in an aggressive matter toward police that police have to be able to defend themselves and any innocent people in the area.

Again BLM does not protest the amount of blacks killed by other blacks. CD ignores that as well.

As an aside BLM had a meeting on tactics, that excluded police and media, leading one to believe they might be more than "grass roots" local movement.

CD remember you're "whitey" and should you have to call police while being attacked by a group of young black men, you'll be denounced by BLM as a hater and a racist, or if you trully believe in "Castle Doctrine" and you kill a black man while he is robbing you or burglarizing your castle, you'll have a murderer tag hung around your neck by BLM.

But keep those blinders in place, you wouldn't want to see the real BLM.
It's a joke son,I say a joke

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby jellowrestling » Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:29 am

Mark wrote:
Castle Doctrine wrote:Blah, blah, blah


That's why I have him on ignoration. Somehow, I don't think I have missed anything worth reading.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Mark » Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:40 am

jellowrestling wrote:
Mark wrote:
Castle Doctrine wrote:Blah, blah, blah


That's why I have him on ignoration. Somehow, I don't think I have missed anything worth reading.

You haven't. I don't read it. I just skip over it.
The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

By popular request:

Indeed, "All Leftists lack critical thinking skills."

Indeed, "All Leftist males are pussies."

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