The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

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Red Oak
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The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby Red Oak » Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:10 pm

From some "People's Report" as in the Commie Peoples Republics of Crapistan; Hunger contributed to violence :roll:

" Among the issues addressed, the commission cites inequalities and "unconscious bias" at schools, and hunger throughout the state, where more than one out of every five children live in homes that have to worry about their next meal, according to the commission's report.
"The effects of hunger can be severe and far-reaching," concludes the commission, announced in November by Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon to take a wide look at all the issues that many believe have contributed to tensions between police and the communities they serve.
Sixteen "diverse volunteer leaders" have now produced what they call "an unflinching report" that offers "specific, practical policy recommendations."

As I recall the Thug Michael Brown was around 6'2" and weighted approximately 300 pounds.

Now he may of had the "Hongries" from being blasted out of his mind on Weed, but I don't think he missed many meals,
and his fambly and the rioters didn't look famished to me.

How do these Commie morons present crap like this with a straight face ?
And what kind of idiot would not laugh in their faces ? ... ge/983631/

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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby ralph » Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:25 pm

yeah and if you have noticed lots of school districts are getting involved in feeding 3 meals a day in school and that includes during summer vacations . Its just designed to make kids , parents more dependent on 'government' programs .

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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby BillB » Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:28 pm

I wonder if the hunger was due to Michelle Obama's lunch program?

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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby millergrovesue » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:40 pm

Instead of guns cops should be carrying PB&J sandwiches. :D
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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby GFB » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:43 pm

I was thinking..fried chicken.
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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby Red Oak » Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:53 pm

I'll take some yardbird, GfB :D

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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby jellowrestling » Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:12 am

BillB wrote:I wonder if the hunger was due to Michelle Obama's lunch program?


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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby Castle Doctrine » Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:05 pm

You might want to look at the effect and contribution that hunger has had in several significant historical events. Start with the French Revolution. You could also look at the Warsaw Uprising, certain Concentration Camp uprising and the surge in the Dutch Resistance in the Winter of '45. Hungry people would seem to be a lot less complacent and understanding than well fed ones...more incline to act if only in desperation.

Any of you soulless Conservatives ever actually been hungry...worried about not just feeding your family but where the NEXT meal will come from (and when)? I haven't but I can try to imagine how that would feel. You people LAUGH at hungry people. It is a big joke to you because it has never happened to you. Or, maybe it has...and you can't bear to reflect on it.

People, I've seen real hunger. I've traded my TRASH from the EDF for additional services from Pilipino dock workers. If there really is a Heaven I would love to watch some of you people trying to explain yourselves at the Gate. You are going to be in the same position as the Islamic Terrorists...very disappointed and somewhat upset. Oh yeah, and in HELL.

Wow, I never do that. I don't even believe in Hell. But, if there really is, anyone that laughs at the suffering of others...the refugee, the hungry, the sick, the scared...they are up for an ALL-ACCESS PASS. And it couldn't happen to more deserving people, IMO.

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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby millergrovesue » Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:14 pm

For me this article isn't about people being hungry or having sympathy or lack thereof for the plight of the hungry. It's about making excuses for illegal behavior and specifically rioting. I don't believe hunger had anything to do with destroying property, burning things, and shooting. I think poor up bringings, low morals, and mob mentality were in play here. Had it been hunger the mobs would have broken into only grocery stores and restaurants and stolen food and nothing else. Or heck, they would have traded their weapons for food.
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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby Castle Doctrine » Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:37 pm

millergrovesue wrote:For me this article isn't about people being hungry or having sympathy or lack thereof for the plight of the hungry. It's about making excuses for illegal behavior and specifically rioting. I don't believe hunger had anything to do with destroying property, burning things, and shooting. I think poor up bringings, low morals, and mob mentality were in play here. Had it been hunger the mobs would have broken into only grocery stores and restaurants and stolen food and nothing else. Or heck, they would have traded their weapons for food.

Yeah, I got a bit off topic. I get frustrated sometimes at the brutality people justify for political or religious reasons. I sort of obscured my point.

No, the rioting and looting were not directly caused by hunger...or any other one element. Maybe the riots flowed from the protests and maybe they didn't. But, they weren't the same thing. So, what pushes a community to turn out and destroy their own neighborhood? I don't think we can ever understand that. Of course, anger is really the driving force but you have to admit it is justified anger in the main. Not just police abuses or rights violations...unemployment, hunger, schools (Ferguson's district, Normandy, has been on probation for 14 years and last years scored a 10 out of 140 on their State violation), lack of things like grocery stores, retail services...all of these combine to create a time bomb. What ultimately sets these things off seem minor in and of themselves. But, that ignores the run-up and the community pressures. These folks didn't just decide to go on a rampage...something triggered it. It may flow from the protests because they were so totally suppressed and some felt they had no other way to respond. I just am unable to say with certainty. These people live in circumstances I simply know nothing about living in day-in and day-out.

I don't think it is valid to assign causes such as poor upbringing or low morals to this. Desperation and frustration trump a wide range of positive character traits if they become severe enough or persist long enough...particularly when no one will listen to their message. Mob mentality...once it started, absolutely. They are humans, after all.

Have you ever wondered why Ferguson and Brown sparked such a response? Brown was clearly in the wrong. He at least shop lifted and assaulted a police officer. We don't know what he was doing at the end of his life but he didn't have his hands up. Why this case? Why so much passion here? Why not over the young father gunned down in Walmart while on the phone? Why not Tamar Rice...12 years old playing in the park shot within SECONDS of police arrival? I don't know, but I have a theory. I think what made Ferguson an important event was the repressive over-reaction of the City and Police. They conducted themselves as an Army, literally an Army, of occupation. The message this sent was devastating to this community (and many of us elsewhere...I watched thinking of the conduct of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe from the 50s to the 80s. We didn't do that stuff because this is a free country...we are the good guys...we aren't some repressive dictatorial Hellhole) as a rejection of any concern or justice for them by the State. Maybe it was a way to get the attention needed to kick-start change. And I believe change is coming. Body cams are a great start but still more needs to be done.

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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby Sangersteve » Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:29 pm

Have you ever wondered why Ferguson and Brown sparked such a response? Brown was clearly in the wrong. He at least shop lifted and assaulted a police officer. We don't know what he was doing at the end of his life but he didn't have his hands up.

It was easy from the start to see what caused the riots. People telling lies, lies that have been recanted by those same liars. If those liars would have told the truth, starting with the strongarm robbery, Ferguson wouldn't have happened.

BLM still pushes those false accounts. When people refuse to believe the truth, you get what has come out of Ferguson, black people killing cops after believing the lies and not seeking the truth.

I'm glad that you have accepted the fact that Brown was the aggressor. Now for the real test, do you believe the officer shooting was justified?
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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby jellowrestling » Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:54 pm

Red Oak wrote:From some "People's Report" as in the Commie Peoples Republics of Crapistan; Hunger contributed to violence :roll:

" Among the issues addressed, the commission cites inequalities and "unconscious bias" at schools, and hunger throughout the state, where more than one out of every five children live in homes that have to worry about their next meal, according to the commission's report.
"The effects of hunger can be severe and far-reaching," concludes the commission, announced in November by Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon to take a wide look at all the issues that many believe have contributed to tensions between police and the communities they serve.
Sixteen "diverse volunteer leaders" have now produced what they call "an unflinching report" that offers "specific, practical policy recommendations."

As I recall the Thug Michael Brown was around 6'2" and weighted approximately 300 pounds.

Now he may of had the "Hongries" from being blasted out of his mind on Weed, but I don't think he missed many meals,
and his fambly and the rioters didn't look famished to me.

How do these Commie morons present crap like this with a straight face ?
And what kind of idiot would not laugh in their faces ? ... ge/983631/

Michael Brown was 6'4", 292 lbs.

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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby Red Oak » Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:51 pm

I guess he lost a few pounds, from going "hungry".

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Re: The Hongries contributed to Feguson Riots

Postby millergrovesue » Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:30 am

I don't think it is valid to assign causes such as poor upbringing or low morals to this. Desperation and frustration trump a wide range of positive character traits if they become severe enough or persist long enough...particularly when no one will listen to their message. Mob mentality...once it started, absolutely. They are humans, after all.

I do think the assignment is valid. If a group of people choose to beat up another person I wouldn't join in because I was taught not to join in with acts that are wrong. (I've been in a situation like that so know how I would react. I'd choose to defend the oppressed despite the crowd's actions.) Mob mentality only goes just so far. Those who are ruled by a higher standard cannot be sucked into doing evil things just because others choose to do them. Note not everyone was sucked into participating in the rioting. The majority chose higher ground. Guess I have faith in the goodness of most humans.
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