The Pope and politics

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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:40 pm

Sue, if you're refering to the Pope..I do not think he or any of them are anything close to deified.

If you're a Catholic that really lives the Catholic life..(I only know one like that..I knew hundreds 50 years ago)..yes, you tend to go by the letter of what the Pope says..but Gigi is right..all that "infallible" stuff refers to Religious teaching and morality..not politics.

This Pope is going rogue, and in days of old, probably would have been one of those woke up dead from poisoning or some such thing.
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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:54 pm

millergrovesue wrote:
Life is so much easier for we Baptists. No one but God can tell us what to believe or how to practice our beliefs.

Deifying a human being has always been mystifying to my thinking.

Well, that is fine for you Baptists. But, you are dictated to by the Church hierarchy just in a different way.

My remarks were strictly directed to the self-identified Catholics who seem to be willing to place their mortal souls at risk to advance their political agenda. You didn't sign up for the program but they surely did. Now politics trumps faith. I suffered through Benedict and I hated every minute of it. But not once did I deny his right to lead the Church as the Lord directed him. But, I am mighty glad he is gone.

You know, we don't really "deify" the Pope. We simply see him as God's chosen representative on Earth. If you really look at Catholic doctrine, he is inspired directly by God in his actions and words. Even when he doesn't speak in such a way as to invoke his infallibility he must be taken very seriously and, as Catholics, when he seeks to enlighten and guide us as to God's will we MUST heed his words...whether we like them or not for whatever reason. Any Catholic who disagrees should find one of the nice, politically correct Reform Catholic religions (like Baptists) to move to...there are fewer restrictions on hating there anyway.

The Right cannot applaud Kim Davis and condemn the Pope or meddling in politics. They cannot advance the CMP lies as fact and criticize the Pope for pointing to the reality of climate change and the danger it poses to each of us. To a true person of faith the question of political correctness should never arise...right is right...whether it cramps someone's hatreds or not. You Reform Catholics are free to attack the man as you wish. We Catholics are not at liberty to do so. And, I am tired of them doing this with that phony air of piety they effect. If they don't like the deal they should go elsewhere. No loss, they aren't faithful Catholics anyway...just hypocrites in faithful clothing.

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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:21 pm

F off Troll.

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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:24 pm

Red Oak wrote:F off Troll.

Very funny..our resident far lefty suddenly finds religion as a Catholic when we get a complete kookburger for a Pope.
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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:26 pm

Red Oak wrote:F off Troll.

And may God bless you abundantly with happiness, good cheer and love in your heart for all mankind.

Have a really nice day...I am, no reason you shouldn't too.

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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:27 pm

In Certified D!ckheads case, F off is a generic response that fits whatever crap he spews, IMO.

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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:36 pm

GFB wrote:
Red Oak wrote:F off Troll.

Very funny..our resident far lefty suddenly finds religion as a Catholic when we get a complete kookburger for a Pope.

No, I've been Catholic for about 35 years. My kids were all raised Catholic. I have served as a Eucharistic Lay Minister. I was raised Baptist but it didn't take. Those last 15 min of every service scared the Hell out of me...until I learned to ask questions I thought the World was ending every time it thundered and there was no cloud cover. I chose the Catholic Church for many is the original Christian Church, there is an astounding amount of humanity in even their most ridiculous beliefs and they have burned that ugly evangelical streak out of their system...most of which I don't care to discuss. Let's just say the whole "social justice " thing appeals to be at a personal level. I remember my statement of faith before I was baptized...I meant ever word of it.

Your calling the Pope names is rich. You know, I thought of Benedict as "that obscene old Nazi in the Vatican" but I never had the poor taste (or gall) to say it out loud to anyone...I respected the Office if not the Officeholder. You don't appear to respect either.

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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:39 pm

Red Oak wrote:In Certified D!ckheads case, F off is a generic response that fits whatever crap he spews, IMO.

And it is so thoughtful of you to think of me. I enjoy the thought that I have brought a bit of light into your World. Feel free to hate and denigrate me to your little hearts content.

Again, have a great afternoon and a better evening.

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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:54 pm

You thought the last Pope was an "obscene Nazi" but you wouldn't say it aloud.

I think that makes you the hypocrite.

And I'm being decent to this Pope ..simply identifying where and how far he is stepping beyond that which is his "area."

You like him for the same reason you like crooked judges.

Benedict was a problem for the left because he did what he was supposed to do..and left anti American comments to the Barack Obamas of the world.

Liberalism is truly ugly.
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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:57 pm

He is a troll Greggo - he will argue anything, from any position, just to irritate and annoy.

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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:05 pm

Red Oak wrote:He is a troll Greggo - he will argue anything, from any position, just to irritate and annoy.

I'm not irritated by someone like that. I mostly ignore him, but when he has a concise thought, I occasionally respond.

But he mostly prefers to pontificate endlessly..and then he's talking to himself.
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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby millergrovesue » Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:08 pm

Castle Doctrine wrote:
millergrovesue wrote:
Life is so much easier for we Baptists. No one but God can tell us what to believe or how to practice our beliefs.

Deifying a human being has always been mystifying to my thinking.

Well, that is fine for you Baptists. But, you are dictated to by the Church hierarchy just in a different way.

Actually we Baptists aren't dictated to by anyone but the Holy Trinity. Priesthood of the Believer is, to me, one of the most beautiful and meaningful aspects of being a Baptist. The Southen Baptist Convention has poo poohed Priesthood but they are, in my opinion, an evil political organization and most certainly do not speak for Baptists of my ilk................and there are legions of us.

"Deifying" was probably not the proper word but I don't accept that anyone on this Earth is God's personal representative.............s'one of the many reasons I'm not Catholic. What Catholics want to believe and do is fine with me. I just don't believe as y'all do. And that's fine too.

It's my understanding that Catholics are to believe that the Pope is infallible and that his word is direct from God. It's clear that many otherwise good and faithful Catholics don't buy that aspect (and a number of other aspects) of their religion. This is true of all people of all faiths. I have no problem with that either. It's not my job or my right to determine who is truly faithful and who isn't. That knowledge rests only with God.

I've mentioned before that one of the religious programs I faithfully listen to every Sunday morning is a Catholic homilie. The priest on that program, Msgr. Don Fischer, does not discuss politics or any aspects of Catholicism but the love God has for all his children and His desire to be in close companionship with us.
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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:30 pm

Sue, most Catholics in the U.S. are Catholics because that is how they were baptized and raised.

I didn't choose anything, although as an adult I could certainly choose to leave.
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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby millergrovesue » Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:28 am

GFB wrote:Sue, most Catholics in the U.S. are Catholics because that is how they were baptized and raised.

I didn't choose anything, although as an adult I could certainly choose to leave.

That's pretty much my understanding too, Greg. I think many people were raised in X faith, don't practice it, but identify themselves as X faith. I don't attend church up here but still consider myself Baptist.
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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby GFB » Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:02 am

Figures CD is a convert to Catholocism..converts all seem to be goofy.
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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby GFB » Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:06 am

"Pope Francis is wrong in appealing for aid to sea of refugees; this is actually a Muslim invasion of Europe, says Hungarian bishop"

..borrowed from a link posted by Ralph.
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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby millergrovesue » Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:49 am

GFB wrote:Figures CD is a convert to Catholocism..converts all seem to be goofy.

Lame and untrue statement.
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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby Castle Doctrine » Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:03 am

GFB wrote:Figures CD is a convert to Catholocism..converts all seem to be goofy.

I'm not a convert. I was nothing before I was Catholic. I had never been baptized into any other church. Yes, I was raised by Baptists but I was never a member of that church.

Let me see, if I recall, the term for my status was Catechumen. I went right from being unaffiliated to being a member of the Church. The whole experience was pretty impressive and spiritually moving. Hey, listen, tell you what. If you want to insult me please do so. But this thing of insulting large groups is out of line. You know not all converts are goofy. They tend to be among the most committed and active in their first years. Why smear a bunch of people of good faith just to get at me by inclusion. And missed at that as I am definitely NOT a convert...but, hey, you really couldn't have know that so I won't hold it against you.

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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby Castle Doctrine » Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:14 am

GFB wrote:"Pope Francis is wrong in appealing for aid to sea of refugees; this is actually a Muslim invasion of Europe, says Hungarian bishop"

..borrowed from a link posted by Ralph.

Let me see, a Pope is several pay grades senior to a Bishop, right? This is like a Lt Col correcting 5 star General...simply a meaningless statement.

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Re: The Pope and politics

Postby Fitzroy » Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:24 am

Castle Doctrine wrote:
GFB wrote: But this thing of insulting large groups is out of line. .................Why smear a bunch of people of good faith just to get at me by inclusion.

Oh come now. That's exactly what you've been doing here with all of your "You people" statements.

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