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Postby Ric » Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:38 pm

Ric wrote:
Mark wrote:
Ric wrote:

I am related to far too many liberals to make that sort of a blanket statement. Quite the opposite. First, none if them (Aunts Uncles, Cousins) are 'evil'. None of them are particularly stupid, either, most being more educated, school, wise, than I.
My observation, having watched them during family gatherings and family 'discussions' is that they are smart. Sneaky smart. Ther strategy seems to be to piss everyone off with their views and statements, leaving those around them to lose their minds waiting for them to stop speaking so they might go on the attack. Since most stopped listening halfway through, they tend to be the ones that lose the unwinnable discussions..

Seriously, though.. I know your audience is pretty much hard core Conservative. But it's foolish to call an entire group of people stupid and evil.

Ric, I learned a long time ago that going to school or getting an education doesn't make anybody "smart." There are plenty of really smart people out there that never finished high school, and there are plenty of idiots holding PhDs.

Having said that, history tells us that Marxism/Socialsim/Communism/Leftism results in the destruction of a society. It's failed everywhere it's ever been tried. It doesn't take a very "smart" person to understand that. Knowing that, there are only two conclusions we can reach regarding the people that advocate these positions. Either they want to see the demise of America (those are the evil), or they lack the brainpower to understand the most fundamental concepts of world history (those are the stupid). In some cases, individuals fall into both categories.

We are at a critical crossroad in this nation. I've grown tired of playing nice. I no longer care if I offend the people that advocate the demise of America, whether that is their stated intent or not.

Friends or not, I guess. Are you seriously saying that ALL liberals are stupid people?

Look, the country survived LBJ. I served this great country with Jimmy Carter as my Commander in Chief. Until now, he was the worst POTUS to date. We survived William Jefferson Clinton. We are a resilient people, and as such, I don't worry nearly as much as you do. I really believe it's gonna be ok.
If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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