Deportations by US

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Deportations by US

Postby LibraryLady » Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:30 pm

2013 = 369,000

419,384 Number of immigrants deported by U.S. authorities in fiscal year 2012—a record.
The agency removed 396,906 undocumented immigrants from the United States in the 2011 fiscal year, a slight increase from the previous year's 392,862 removals.
According to ICE, the annual number of deportations has been stable in the last few years: 370,000 in Fiscal Year 2008, 390,000 in FY 2009, 393,000 in FY 2010, and 397,000 in FY 2011.

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Re: Deportations by US

Postby Red Oak » Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:49 pm

Don't believe anything said by the Criminals in the Executive Branch, and only half of what you hear from the other two branches.

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Re: Deportations by US

Postby GFB » Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:51 pm

All not true.

What happened is.. the Obama administration started calling illegals that were caught and returned immediately.."deportations."
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Re: Deportations by US

Postby Kiamichi » Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:52 pm

The administration is deceiving the public. From these figures, it sounds like the immigration authorities are taking into custody and removing larger numbers of aliens from the country than ever before, when the fact is that enforcement operations in the interior of the country have virtually halted. They are counting as "deportations" arrests and removals of people apprehended by the Border Patrol at entry or by tracking them down in the frontier zone. In the past these apprehensions were handled as "voluntary returns", with the alien ordinarily being granted the option of returning to his home country in lieu of prosecution and/or the formal process of deportation. The same was true of aliens apprehended in the interior.

Now a high percentage of such cases are handled as deportations and this number is compared to the number of deportations in past years, classic apples and oranges. Around 2000 the Border Patrol was apprehending well over a million aliens per year along the border. With the enormous increase in manpower and technology since, it is harder to get past the immediate border but once you do you are virtually home free.

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Bob Of Burleson
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Re: Deportations by US

Postby Bob Of Burleson » Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:00 pm

Obama's Deportation Policy
Complicated by Surge of Children

Republicans Appear to be Taking Increasingly Hard Line
on How to Treat Young Illegal Immigrants

By Laura Meckler
The Wall Street Journal

WASHINGTON—The surge of children streaming across the U.S.-Mexico border is complicating President Barack Obama's decision over whether to ratchet back deportations of certain illegal immigrants.

Such a move may be difficult in light of the increase in border crossings, because it could send a message to potential migrants that they wouldn't be deported if they reached the U.S. Already, Republicans say the crisis in being driven by that expectation, while the White House emphasizes that people are fleeing bad conditions at home.

For their part, Republicans appear to be taking an increasingly hard line on how to treat young illegal immigrants. A string of GOP members of Congress has denounced the president's leniency toward those already in the U.S. and said the policy should be rescinded. Some in the party are backtracking from legislation that would give legal status to young people brought to the U.S. illegally as children.

The GOP stance risks alienating a growing bloc of Hispanic voters, whose support will be critical in the 2016 presidential election. But it is likely to please conservatives who form the party's base and oppose what they see as amnesty for those in the U.S. Illegally.


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Re: Deportations by US

Postby Bob Of Burleson » Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:04 pm

Democrats Urge Obama to Cut Deportations

By Drew MacKenzie

House Democrats are pushing President Barack Obama to use his executive power to curb deportations that are tearing families apart.

But Obama is holding off on taking action in the hope that GOP House Speaker John Boehner will finally move ahead with a sweeping immigration package, The Hill reported.

But on Friday, exactly one year after the Senate passed a bipartisan immigration overhaul opening a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented aliens, Democrats believe that Republicans have no intention of passing a similar bill in the lower chamber.

Instead Democrats now want Obama to slash the number of deportations, which have steadily increased under his watch. Officials deported 343,020 people in the United States illegally from Oct. 1, 2012, to Sept. 7, 2013, the most recent Immigration and Customs Enforcement data show.

"We're deporting too many people," Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nader of New York told The Hill. "We're breaking up families, and [the president] ought to do whatever's in his executive power to change what is a bad policy. It’s the right thing to do."

Rep. Filemon Vela of Texas, who is a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus representing a border district, called on Obama to act immediately.

"He needs to be looking at it now," said Vela, while noting that Republicans have no immigration bills in the pipeline "whatsoever."

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Re: Deportations by US

Postby Red Oak » Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:17 pm

Why do we listen to these La Raza Enemies ?

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