That man who "open carried" at the protest

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That man who "open carried" at the protest

Postby LibraryLady2 » Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:09 pm

..and then was briefly thought to be a suspect in the Dallas shooting.....Police tweeted his photo and then tweeted a retraction.

Remember him?

IMO--He seems to want to cling to his 15 minutes of fame.
He gave interviews proclaiming his innocence, and he was innocent. Police acknowledged he had no connection.
Then, he made public statements of "I am getting death threats, so I am going into hiding."

Yesterday he, and his attorney, met with media to say he was still staying in a motel, had shut down all his social media but was still getting death threats.

I wonder, if he is in hiding, how are people finding him to make the threats? If he has no active social media accounts, how is threat delivered?
I someone so obsessed with him that the person would bother to do the investigation to be able to track him down?

Today's news is that he is demanding/requesting to meet with Chief Brown one-on-one.
I wonder why? Chief made a reasonable connection on the night of the event. When Chief learned it was wrong connection, a retraction was sent out. (apology? IDK) What can the Chief do about nut cases sending messages? What is purposed of meeting?

I think he wants money or his fame.
I think he is a dumb a$$ for open carrying a long arm at a protest rally.
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Re: That man who "open carried" at the protest

Postby ralph » Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:12 pm

:D that being said --- I agree , probably looking for some money .

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Re: That man who "open carried" at the protest

Postby grouchy » Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:16 pm

LibraryLady2 wrote:..and then was briefly thought to be a suspect in the Dallas shooting.....Police tweeted his photo and then tweeted a retraction.

Remember him?

IMO--He seems to want to cling to his 15 minutes of fame.
He gave interviews proclaiming his innocence, and he was innocent. Police acknowledged he had no connection.
Then, he made public statements of "I am getting death threats, so I am going into hiding."

Yesterday he, and his attorney, met with media to say he was still staying in a motel, had shut down all his social media but was still getting death threats.

I wonder, if he is in hiding, how are people finding him to make the threats? If he has no active social media accounts, how is threat delivered?
I someone so obsessed with him that the person would bother to do the investigation to be able to track him down?

Today's news is that he is demanding/requesting to meet with Chief Brown one-on-one.
I wonder why? Chief made a reasonable connection on the night of the event. When Chief learned it was wrong connection, a retraction was sent out. (apology? IDK) What can the Chief do about nut cases sending messages? What is purposed of meeting?

I think he wants money or his fame.
I think he is a dumb a$$ for open carrying a long arm at a protest rally.

I agree

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