Pop quiz for mayhem

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Pop quiz for mayhem

Postby Sangersteve » Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:46 am

Since you seem to be obsessed with idea that the Donald has asked the Russian's to hack a server that doesn't exist, lets see if you can guess which side the Russian's are really on.


Which secretary of state paved the way for Russia to obtain 20% of the rights to mine US uranium? If you need a hint to help you guess, try this. For the first time in history Russia paid that secretary's spouse $500,000.00 for a speech.

Still stumped for the answer,mayhem?

Check this article from the most liberal news organization in America.

The dummies guide to Hillary
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Re: Pop quiz for mayhem

Postby mayhem » Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:42 am

Geez. My work is cut out for me!

First, the NYT is hardly the 'most liberal news organization' in America. It barely pushes the needle past left of moderate. But I take your point. (I prefer Mother Jones mostly.)

Second, all that matters little to me, and I was certain I made this clear, what matters to me most is DDT's shameless public entreating *ViPer's help in an American election cycle.

Third, TXDIGEST is obsessed with DDT. Not I.

Fourth, compared with every thing else: I will answer your pop quiz question within hours of DDT's making public his tax returns. Might be a little more problematic than 500K?

Fifth, DDT isn't a conservative. He's pretty much a creature of the church of 'what's happening now.' If it weren't for whom he's running against, he would have ticked off most conservatives by now.

Sixth, if and when HRC is convicted of a crime, I'll withdraw my support (and that's a really big deal, you know) and I'll still not vote for DDT.

Sangersteve wrote:Since you seem to be obsessed with idea that the Donald has asked the Russian's to hack a server that doesn't exist, lets see if you can guess which side the Russian's are really on.


Which secretary of state paved the way for Russia to obtain 20% of the rights to mine US uranium? If you need a hint to help you guess, try this. For the first time in history Russia paid that secretary's spouse $500,000.00 for a speech.

Still stumped for the answer,mayhem?

Check this article from the most liberal news organization in America.

The dummies guide to Hillary
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Re: Pop quiz for mayhem

Postby Ric » Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:49 am

Obsessed with the Donald? Hardly. But, to further illustrate that, take a look at the views count and the replies count.

Hell, the Memphis thread has more views and replies than any shit you have attempted to stir in any thread. Mostly, people just laugh at it.

Then, take a look at the Texas Rangers thread. Now THERE are the views and replies. Lots more folks obsessed with sport, it seems, than the Donald.. though I am sure things will pick up for ya soon...
If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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Re: Pop quiz for mayhem

Postby mayhem » Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:54 pm

Look at the 'views' count and the replies count? What's yer point? I must be missin' something. O, I get it now!

You must think that this (TXDGIDEST) is really and truly important. TXDIGEST is diverting and I genuinely like some of the characters I 'meet' here. Views and Relplies? When GIB (?) tells me I ramble, make no sense and I'm an idiot; you actually believe I'm hurt by anything that dude says?
When Gerbil Dancing says he's put me on ignore you think I'm chagrined? Because Flag Boy says 'f*ck you' you think my day has been soured?

That Memphis has more action than 'any shit' I have attempted makes me hurt or gives me feelings of neglect? You really need to take a breath and reflect over your shit ... your shit which is a helluva lot more stir-able than mine. Besides, I really like Memphis.

And I am obsessed with DDT? Frightened of him? My anxiety about the Donald derives from the terrifying (albeit, minuscule) possibility that he might win. I AM obsessed with the lunatic fringe that actually support him, not him.

Finally, I have no reputation that can be sullied by the likes of youse. I'll never walk of the sidewalks you walk on. I'll never be in a bar or game where you'll see me and point and laugh. Why in heaven's name would I be bothered because all you can do is point to and laugh at me in the comfort of your own rooms?

The real reason you can't shame me tho' is that I know I'm more right than wrong. Have a truly wonderful afternoon.

I am on the TXDIGEST purely for funsies. About the only way you can get to me is to call me a liar. I am not. Why would I need to lie about anything? I don't care what you infer about me. You guys need me a whole lot more than I need you! I should be enabling the thinking process by picking at what you guys actually believe is conservatism ... and that's a gift from me to you. What's in it for me? Well, sir, I get to contend with some of the more laughable extremes that some of you produce. And that ain't no slouch.

Ric wrote:Obsessed with the Donald? Hardly. But, to further illustrate that, take a look at the views count and the replies count.

Hell, the Memphis thread has more views and replies than any shit you have attempted to stir in any thread. Mostly, people just laugh at it.

Then, take a look at the Texas Rangers thread. Now THERE are the views and replies. Lots more folks obsessed with sport, it seems, than the Donald.. though I am sure things will pick up for ya soon...
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Re: Pop quiz for mayhem

Postby mayhem » Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:56 pm

... and I guess it goes with saying ...

and it should ...I don't care what your opinion of my post is ... I do not give a cranking heck whether you even read it or not ... but I said it anyhow!
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Re: Pop quiz for mayhem

Postby Ric » Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:52 pm

You can believe that I certainly don't need you. Rarely even notice you are here, as a matter of fact.
If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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Re: Pop quiz for mayhem

Postby mayhem » Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:08 pm

Yet you need to send us all a note telling me I don't matter? Wow. What a way to shoot your foot.

OK, I'll repeat. I don't give a damn.

Your regard for me is not my problem. Meantime, I'll amuse myself with your banalities.

Ric wrote:You can believe that I certainly don't need you. Rarely even notice you are here, as a matter of fact.
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Re: Pop quiz for mayhem

Postby Ric » Sat Jul 30, 2016 7:16 am

You're like most liberals. You take something that was said, and in your answer, change the entire context.. many times the meaning, just to try and prove your silly assed point.
If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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Re: Pop quiz for mayhem

Postby mayhem » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:03 am

Well ... that's not true. But can we get an answer to my simple question?

Does anyone know what George did that was the best possible choice for him??

Nobody gonna try?

And ... my point is no more silly assed than yours. Except I have a point.

Ric wrote:You're like most liberals. You take something that was said, and in your answer, change the entire context.. many times the meaning, just to try and prove your silly assed point.
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