How many email accounts do you have?

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Re: How many email accounts do you have?

Postby planosteve » Sat May 31, 2014 7:53 pm

One. It's on It's the first and only one I've ever had. I have some emails achived there since about 2,000!
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Re: How many email accounts do you have?

Postby PlanoSooner » Sat May 31, 2014 9:25 pm

6 or 8 i guess.....

some i forgot about. ha
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Re: How many email accounts do you have?

Postby WonderMonkey » Sun Jun 01, 2014 2:16 pm

I have several. As the years have gone on I had a yahoo, one with whatever internet provider I was using at the time, other ones a gmail and so on. When I went to get a gmail one a few years ago I discovered that I had already signed up for one "way back".

I use two emails now, excepting my work one. I have a gmail account and then one on my personal domain.

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