A question for Republicans

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A question for Republicans

Postby rusty » Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:02 pm

Okay, I'm open. I only have one question for my Republican/Trump supporter friends. I truly want to know what you think, and I promise not to respond with my usual witty and profound, retorts.

What will Donald Trump do to improve quality of life for all Americans?

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby planosteve » Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:21 pm

Nothing. But, he might slow the decline a bit.
I don't think the end is near anymore. :D I think it's HERE! :o

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby BigTex » Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:51 pm

rusty wrote:
What will Donald Trump do to improve quality of life for all Americans?

Rhetorical question. What does any president do that improves the quality of life for all Americans?

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby Red Oak » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:17 pm

Put America first.

I am a never Hillaryite!


Re: A question for Republicans

Postby Cowman52 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:27 pm

When you stop seeing business and the working class as an ATM for every social "injustice" such as birth control, trans johns, same sex marriage, free sex change, immigrants running all over and getting the same benefits as the people who have been here working. Just the thought of things being "right" will do more for the country than anything congress can think of.

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby GFB » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:40 pm

Cowman52 wrote:When you stop seeing business and the working class as an ATM for every social "injustice" such as birth control, trans johns, same sex marriage, free sex change, immigrants running all over and getting the same benefits as the people who have been here working. Just the thought of things being "right" will do more for the country than anything congress can think of.

Very good..I'll add..restore a Ronald Reagan type upbeat view of this nation..a "can do" attitude..simply because we are Americans. I think this is already happening.

The Obama years..like the Jimmy Carter years, have been endless doom and gloom.

Also, I am confident he will be able to grow the economy more than the paltry one percent per year we have suffered under Obama..and that does help everyone.
If you’re “woke”..you’re a loser.

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby ralph » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:52 pm

Red Oak wrote:Put America first.

----------------------------------------------- ditto .

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby ralph » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:52 pm

GFB wrote:
Cowman52 wrote:When you stop seeing business and the working class as an ATM for every social "injustice" such as birth control, trans johns, same sex marriage, free sex change, immigrants running all over and getting the same benefits as the people who have been here working. Just the thought of things being "right" will do more for the country than anything congress can think of.

Very good..I'll add..restore a Ronald Reagan type upbeat view of this nation..a "can do" attitude..simply because we are Americans. I think this is already happening.

The Obama years..like the Jimmy Carter years, have been endless doom and gloom.

Also, I am confident he will be able to grow the economy more than the paltry one percent per year we have suffered under Obama..and that does help everyone.

-------------------------------------------- and ditto !!

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby ralph » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:57 pm

Cowman52 wrote:When you stop seeing business and the working class as an ATM for every social "injustice" such as birth control, trans johns, same sex marriage, free sex change, immigrants running all over and getting the same benefits as the people who have been here working. Just the thought of things being "right" will do more for the country than anything congress can think of.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and as Cowman says , just the thought of things being 'right' is a big long step in fixing this country !!


Re: A question for Republicans

Postby Cowman52 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:06 pm

You can feel it now, a working guy at carrier doesn't worry about a Christmas with out a job, a ford employee the same. Americans want to WORK, earn a living, and be part of the fixing. Things like Kerry and an air conditioner, Isis the jv, real people know this is horse caca, yet Pelosi and co swear there ain't nothing wrong. Then the pocohantis group gritch and moan that you're getting screwed, well no s*** Sherlock. If people are convinced that government will save their butt in an emergency great,but needing a sex change don't qualify.

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby rusty » Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:11 pm

Cowman52 wrote:When you stop seeing business and the working class as an ATM for every social "injustice" such as birth control, trans johns, same sex marriage, free sex change, immigrants running all over and getting the same benefits as the people who have been here working. Just the thought of things being "right" will do more for the country than anything congress can think of.

Cowman, can you tell me how it costs business and the working class money on trans johns and same sex marriage? I haven't heard about free sex change, but I wouldn't agree with that if its a fact.
Granted, tax-payer funded birth control carries a cost but is it a cost that's offset by not having as many unwanted and/or underprivileged kids in the system?

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby Sangersteve » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:19 pm

Taxpayer funded.

WASHINGTON -— Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning has been assured she will receive gender reassignment surgery while in prison, her lawyer said late Tuesday.

Manning, convicted in the massive leak of national security secrets that propelled WikiLeaks to prominence, is serving a 35-year sentence at the Army's prison at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. She is eligible for parole in about six years.

Manning ended a hunger strike begun last week after receiving assurances that the government would provide the surgery, said Chase Strangio, her lawyer and an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union. Manning's doctors recommended in April that she have the male-to-female surgery, Strangio said.
It's a joke son,I say a joke

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby Sangersteve » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:25 pm

Can you tell me how it costs business and the working class money on trans johns and same sex marriage?

When the first lawsuit by filed by a trans for discrimination against a business that does not want him in the bathroom with a bunch of pre-teen girls.Consumers not using the business because a trans can use the wrong bathroom.

Discrimination lawsuit based on a Christian who does not want to bake a cake for a wedding or make the wedding announcements.
It's a joke son,I say a joke


Re: A question for Republicans

Postby Cowman52 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:28 pm

Who paid or is paying for Chelesa Mannings "medical" procedures, dang sure ain't the Clinton foundation. Birth control pills are 9 or so bucks at Wally world and condoms are on every shelf, and still we have abortion. Planed parenthood and their organization suck up millions and who pays them after they play let's make a deal on whatever salvage they can sell, deal, dicker and trade so Cecile Richards can ride, fly, and brag about all the good they do. Who's paying for that, ain't the DNC. The only way to insure bathroom security is a whole draft of one holers, you want to write the check for that? I worked in the Texas prison system for a few years. The one way 30 years ago to make sure you received all the "privledges". You wanted was to claim to be a "trans" but that wasn't the word then. Who paid for that?
Maybe on some days if not most, I identify as a cow, does that let me take a dump in the middle of the street, who cleans it up, if anyone, and what about the cost of disease that might be spread? If i kick someone in the leg, does that get me off the hook for assault, dont think so. The thought that all this social engineering has no cost to the taxpayer just don't fly.

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby rusty » Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:12 pm

Cowman52 wrote:Who paid or is paying for Chelesa Mannings "medical" procedures, dang sure ain't the Clinton foundation. Birth control pills are 9 or so bucks at Wally world and condoms are on every shelf, and still we have abortion. Planed parenthood and their organization suck up millions and who pays them after they play let's make a deal on whatever salvage they can sell, deal, dicker and trade so Cecile Richards can ride, fly, and brag about all the good they do. Who's paying for that, ain't the DNC. The only way to insure bathroom security is a whole draft of one holers, you want to write the check for that? I worked in the Texas prison system for a few years. The one way 30 years ago to make sure you received all the "privledges". You wanted was to claim to be a "trans" but that wasn't the word then. Who paid for that?
Maybe on some days if not most, I identify as a cow, does that let me take a dump in the middle of the street, who cleans it up, if anyone, and what about the cost of disease that might be spread? If i kick someone in the leg, does that get me off the hook for assault, dont think so. The thought that all this social engineering has no cost to the taxpayer just don't fly.

It may take me a few days to decipher this, but I respect your opinion.

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby rusty » Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:13 pm

Sangersteve wrote:
Can you tell me how it costs business and the working class money on trans johns and same sex marriage?

When the first lawsuit by filed by a trans for discrimination against a business that does not want him in the bathroom with a bunch of pre-teen girls.Consumers not using the business because a trans can use the wrong bathroom.

Discrimination lawsuit based on a Christian who does not want to bake a cake for a wedding or make the wedding announcements.

Well.....hmmmm. Okay.

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby kent » Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:19 pm

rusty wrote:
Cowman52 wrote:When you stop seeing business and the working class as an ATM for every social "injustice" such as birth control, trans johns, same sex marriage, free sex change, immigrants running all over and getting the same benefits as the people who have been here working. Just the thought of things being "right" will do more for the country than anything congress can think of.

Cowman, can you tell me how it costs business and the working class money on trans johns and same sex marriage? I haven't heard about free sex change, but I wouldn't agree with that if its a fact.
Granted, tax-payer funded birth control carries a cost but is it a cost that's offset by not having as many unwanted and/or underprivileged kids in the system?

Found out today Andrea Bocelli was unwanted/underprivileged and that the doctors recommended abortion. Sure glad his parents didn't take the doctors advice. Why was abortion recommended? He would be born with an eyesight problem.

As far as what Trump will do... Carrier and Ford helped. If we repeal AND REPLACE AHCA, it will help - hopefully he will get rid of the ridiculous 40% penalty if employer offered insurance is "too good" a.k.a. "Cadillac insurance".

I believe we are seeing just how much Obama divided Americans. IMHO, of course.

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby kent » Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:33 pm

My question to you would be - "What was Hillary going to do to make life better for ALL Americans?" :D

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby rusty » Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:54 pm

kent wrote:My question to you would be - "What was Hillary going to do to make life better for ALL Americans?" :D

Well, start your own damn thread!!!! LOL!!! :D

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Re: A question for Republicans

Postby rusty » Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:56 pm

kent wrote:
rusty wrote:
Cowman52 wrote:When you stop seeing business and the working class as an ATM for every social "injustice" such as birth control, trans johns, same sex marriage, free sex change, immigrants running all over and getting the same benefits as the people who have been here working. Just the thought of things being "right" will do more for the country than anything congress can think of.

Cowman, can you tell me how it costs business and the working class money on trans johns and same sex marriage? I haven't heard about free sex change, but I wouldn't agree with that if its a fact.
Granted, tax-payer funded birth control carries a cost but is it a cost that's offset by not having as many unwanted and/or underprivileged kids in the system?

Found out today Andrea Bocelli was unwanted/underprivileged and that the doctors recommended abortion. Sure glad his parents didn't take the doctors advice. Why was abortion recommended? He would be born with an eyesight problem.

As far as what Trump will do... Carrier and Ford helped. If we repeal AND REPLACE AHCA, it will help - hopefully he will get rid of the ridiculous 40% penalty if employer offered insurance is "too good" a.k.a. "Cadillac insurance".

I believe we are seeing just how much Obama divided Americans. IMHO, of course.

Andrea Bocelli was born in Italy.

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