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Postby rusty » Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:14 pm

I've been saying for months that I will be just as fair to Trump as the Rs have been to Obama for the past 8 years. I've changed my mind. For 8 years I've seen people I thought I knew well calling Michelle Obama a gorilla, saying that Pres. Obama was a Muslim and wasn't even born in the U.S., saying he was going to declare martial law (or as one poster seriously said, "marshall law"), that he was going to confiscate guns, and on and on and on.

From now on I will not stoop to that level. No name calling, no insulting memes, no juvenile comments. I will leave that to the haters. That does not mean I won't comment when I think he's making bad policy, just as I commented when I thought Obama made bad policy. He's the President and for the that reason alone he will have my respect as that office holder. Gaining my respect as a man will take more work and may never happen, but he is not my mentor or my spiritual leader so I will leave that as it is.

I sincerely hope that he proves me wrong and tempers some of the rhetoric that he spouted on the campaign trail, and will make intelligent and thoughtful decisions that will benefit all Americans. I must say I have my doubts, but time will tell.


Re: Trump

Postby Cowman52 » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:54 pm

For my part, I hope he treats congress, the beauocrats, the press just like any other employee. When congress send a bloated budget for his signature, I'm hoping he sends it back with a reply to fix this pile of crap and don't go home till you do. When the VA screws the pooch, I hope heads roll. I know the civil service rules might make firing next to impossible, making an employee so uncomfortable in his cushioned seat ain't that hard.
The Washington swamp has needed some tough love for a long time.

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Re: Trump

Postby kent » Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:24 pm

rusty wrote:I've been saying for months that I will be just as fair to Trump as the Rs have been to Obama for the past 8 years. I've changed my mind. For 8 years I've seen people I thought I knew well calling Michelle Obama a gorilla, saying that Pres. Obama was a Muslim and wasn't even born in the U.S., saying he was going to declare martial law (or as one poster seriously said, "marshall law"), that he was going to confiscate guns, and on and on and on.

From now on I will not stoop to that level. No name calling, no insulting memes, no juvenile comments. I will leave that to the haters. That does not mean I won't comment when I think he's making bad policy, just as I commented when I thought Obama made bad policy. He's the President and for the that reason alone he will have my respect as that office holder. Gaining my respect as a man will take more work and may never happen, but he is not my mentor or my spiritual leader so I will leave that as it is.

I sincerely hope that he proves me wrong and tempers some of the rhetoric that he spouted on the campaign trail, and will make intelligent and thoughtful decisions that will benefit all Americans. I must say I have my doubts, but time will tell.

Now you know how I've felt the past 8 years

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Re: Trump

Postby planosteve » Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:12 am

There you go again with the exception proves the rule fallacy. Very few Republicans referred to Michelle as a gorilla or thought Obama was a Muslim. As to where he was born and his family circumstance, he was very circumspect. When there were questions about his BC he released another one. And there is no official defination of "natural born". Plus he would not allow access to any of his education records that might have shed some light on the subject.
I don't think the end is near anymore. :D I think it's HERE! :o

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