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Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:03 am
by John in Plano

Trump also bragged about kissing woman.

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:15 am
by Sangersteve
And Elizabeth Warren said she was a native American.

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:23 am
by jellowrestling
rusty wrote:
John in Plano wrote:
Mark wrote:

Read the transcript again. That's not what he said.

"Grab em by the pussy you can do anything"

Yep he said it .

Yep. How did he know he could do it if he hadn't done it?
Or was he just talking out of his ass as usual?

rusty, has it been your personal experience that what he said is true? That some women will let powerful men grab their private parts?

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:37 am
by GFB
John in Plano wrote:
Mark wrote:
John in Plano wrote:
He grabbed pussy per the tape and his accuser.

Read the transcript again. That's not what he said.

"Grab em by the pussy you can do anything"

Yep he said it .

Nice cherry picking of words that changes what he said completely.

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:41 am
by GFB
"When you're a big star you can grab 'em by the pussy."

Which not only describes that it would NOT be sexual also defines it as a wanted advance.

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:50 am
by rusty
jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:
John in Plano wrote:"Grab em by the pussy you can do anything"

Yep he said it .

Yep. How did he know he could do it if he hadn't done it?
Or was he just talking out of his ass as usual?

rusty, has it been your personal experience that what he said is true? That some women will let powerful men grab their private parts?

How would I know? I'm not powerful.....or rich! LOL!

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:51 am
by rusty
GFB wrote:"When you're a big star you can grab 'em by the pussy."

Which not only describes that it would NOT be sexual also defines it as a wanted advance.

What kind of convoluted logic is that?

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:08 am
by GFB
rusty wrote:
GFB wrote:"When you're a big star you can grab 'em by the pussy."

Which not only describes that it would NOT be sexual also defines it as a wanted advance.

What kind of convoluted logic is that?

His opinion is..or was at the time, that..The women let you do this..that makes it not sexual harassment. If you find it at all inappropriate, you might start by questioning these slutty women.

Not being a person that believed he ever did any of those things, I have no such questions, because I don't believe the women exist.

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:12 pm
by John in Plano
GFB wrote:
John in Plano wrote:
Mark wrote:

Read the transcript again. That's not what he said.

"Grab em by the pussy you can do anything"

Yep he said it .

Nice cherry picking of words that changes what he said completely.


You keep saying it wasn't said, now when his words are again posted, it's cherry picking.

I left out the f word on the same tape.

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:45 pm
by John in Plano
Sangersteve wrote:And Elizabeth Warren said she was a native American.

DNA tests are available to prove heritage.

Women have come forward saying Trump kissed and grabbed them.

And that pesky tape does exist.

If it was a democrat on tape bragging about grabbing , we know who would be screaming about.

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:36 pm
by Sangersteve
John in Plano wrote:
Sangersteve wrote:And Elizabeth Warren said she was a native American.

DNA tests are available to prove heritage.

Women have come forward saying Trump kissed and grabbed them.

And that pesky tape does exist.

If it was a democrat on tape bragging about grabbing , we know who would be screaming about.

DNA tests? Boy you got me there, has Warren taken one? No, would be the correct response.

Women come forward everyday saying things that are not true, I've related one story that I was personally involved in. Mattress girl and Duke Lacrosse are two recent events.

Oh that tape! The operative word is "can" Trump didn't say he did, he said you can. Now most men brag about stuff like that when among friends. Since Trump is rich and has been in a position of power during his professional career, I would suspect some women have presented themselves to him in a way that would suggest that an intimate encounter might be possible if he could help further their climb up the ladder. I relayed a personal story about that as well. Maybe, just maybe, some women have relayed their encounter with Trump in a slightly different light than when it occurred.

If anyone democrat, republican, or martian is tried in the court of popular opinion, personally I want to give them the benefit of being innocent until proven guilty. When you disregard one side of a story to further your point you do a disservice to all involved.

Did Ted Kennedy allow a woman to drown? I don't know, maybe he was just trying to save his own life. Did Bill Clinton take advantage of Monica, no, she was willing, did he lie to protect himself,yes. Are Bill's other accusers telling the truth? Who know's, but close friends say they told them the same story. Did Hillary attack the accusers? Yes she did.

So what have we accomplished here? Trumps detractors will believe anything they hear that might diminish the man, Trump supporters try to support the man against non proven accounts.

I look at what has been accomplished by this President and wonder why the things that he has done to help our country receive no notice. The main stream media and democrats are staggered by the great strides made in the economy under Trump. The collusion crap is just that, crap. Just look at the special counsel 90 percent Hillary supporters and democrat donors.

So he said you "can" what about everything else he is doing?

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:24 pm
by mayhem
Mark wrote:
John in Plano wrote:
Mark wrote:

Read the transcript again. That's not what he said.

"Grab em by the pussy you can do anything"

Yep he said it .

So in what part of that statement does he say that he actually did that?

Nanu, nanu, Mork. You have your eyes wide shut, doncha ... well, nothing new there.

Whether you or he like it or not, the wanker bragged about the filthy so-called privilege of wealthy men simply because they 'can do it.' I wouldn't allow that craven bastard give my 16 y/o son (if I had one) a historical tour through the
White House.

I wish I could scrub his language out of my grandkids' (if I had some) ears.

I wonder when we'll stop allowing a prez, for god's sakes, saying and doing
things/stuff that we would have been ashamed of back in the fifties. So, Mork,
you keep playing games with saying, being, and doing. That's your speed.

I hear they still have digs available at Elba.

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:35 pm
by mayhem
No, Steve. Nothing doing here.

You miss it.

We must have defined decency down to the nub.

It's not whether he did it so to speak. It's that he casually suggested that pussy grabbing was a fun thing to do ... beyond that he behaves deplorably. Once upon a time a kid could like up to the presidency. The creep behaves however he wishes.

He lies, "Obama taped me."
He brags (when have you heard a prez brag?) Those inauguration crowds were yuge.
He threatens (too many to sort thru).
He pushes women around both vocally and physically.

Your whiny little piece below is fine for those who blindly put up with this jerk ... but it won't work for those who would like to make America great.

Sangersteve wrote:
John in Plano wrote:
Sangersteve wrote:And Elizabeth Warren said she was a native American.

DNA tests are available to prove heritage.

Women have come forward saying Trump kissed and grabbed them.

And that pesky tape does exist.

If it was a democrat on tape bragging about grabbing , we know who would be screaming about.

DNA tests? Boy you got me there, has Warren taken one? No, would be the correct response.

Women come forward everyday saying things that are not true, I've related one story that I was personally involved in. Mattress girl and Duke Lacrosse are two recent events.

Oh that tape! The operative word is "can" Trump didn't say he did, he said you can. Now most men brag about stuff like that when among friends. Since Trump is rich and has been in a position of power during his professional career, I would suspect some women have presented themselves to him in a way that would suggest that an intimate encounter might be possible if he could help further their climb up the ladder. I relayed a personal story about that as well. Maybe, just maybe, some women have relayed their encounter with Trump in a slightly different light than when it occurred.

If anyone democrat, republican, or martian is tried in the court of popular opinion, personally I want to give them the benefit of being innocent until proven guilty. When you disregard one side of a story to further your point you do a disservice to all involved.

Did Ted Kennedy allow a woman to drown? I don't know, maybe he was just trying to save his own life. Did Bill Clinton take advantage of Monica, no, she was willing, did he lie to protect himself,yes. Are Bill's other accusers telling the truth? Who know's, but close friends say they told them the same story. Did Hillary attack the accusers? Yes she did.

So what have we accomplished here? Trumps detractors will believe anything they hear that might diminish the man, Trump supporters try to support the man against non proven accounts.

I look at what has been accomplished by this President and wonder why the things that he has done to help our country receive no notice. The main stream media and democrats are staggered by the great strides made in the economy under Trump. The collusion crap is just that, crap. Just look at the special counsel 90 percent Hillary supporters and democrat donors.

So he said you "can" what about everything else he is doing?

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:36 pm
by GFB
He can't find it either, Mark.

Re: I'll just leave this here

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:35 am
by Mark
WTF is waterhead babbling about this time?