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Re: Slam Dunk! Most Classified 9/11 Revealed

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:52 pm
by Kiamichi
How does your conspiracy theory explain what happened to the real planes, or the fact that passengers were talking on cell phones with family and friends and describing what was happening right up to the crashes?

Re: Slam Dunk! Most Classified 9/11 Revealed

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:05 pm
by BillB
planosteve wrote:
BillB wrote:I've never understood why the conspiracy theorists think it was necessary to demolish the buildings.
If the government wanted a pretext for war or whatever, the simple fact the hijacked planes crashed into the buildings would have been enough.
Whether the towers had fallen all the way to the ground wouldn't have made any difference.

Probably to assure that virtually all of the evidence would be destroyed. And as much outrage created as possible. In total 7 buildings were supposedly destroyed by 2 planes which is absurd.

The fuel explosions insured any evidence on the planes was destroyed. That didn't need any outside help.
Whether the buildings had been knocked down or not, they would have had to have been torn down anyway.
I think that would have generated plenty of outrage.

I would listen to a story that our government knew about it and let it happen. I won't go any further than that. Even at that, I have never seen any evidence that is true.

Re: Slam Dunk! Most Classified 9/11 Revealed

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:55 pm
by planosteve
Kiamichi wrote:How does your conspiracy theory explain what happened to the real planes, or the fact that passengers were talking on cell phones with family and friends and describing what was happening right up to the crashes?
I can't account for every little detail. But, I do think that what you may think are facts may not be. Only two of the 4 planes that supposedly were hijacked actually flew that day.

Re: Slam Dunk! Most Classified 9/11 Revealed

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:04 pm
by BigTex
What happened to an airplane full of people making calls to their families and businesses is a little detail?

Re: Slam Dunk! Most Classified 9/11 Revealed

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:50 pm
by planosteve
BigTex wrote:What happened to an airplane full of people making calls to their families and businesses is a little detail?

No, it's a whole lot of little deals. But, if you want to examine some you could start here: ... 20496.html

Re: Slam Dunk! Most Classified 9/11 Revealed

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:59 pm
by Dancer
planosteve wrote:
BigTex wrote:What happened to an airplane full of people making calls to their families and businesses is a little detail?

No, it's a whole lot of little deals. But, if you want to examine some you could start here: ... 20496.html

Now I am convinced. You are what a roommate of mine 35 or so years ago would have said. You Are Eat Up With It! Translation is this: Facts are facts, grow a set of balls, and play the hand you are dealt. There are people in the world that want Americans Dead. 9/11 happened. 3000 or more Americans lost their lives because of Muslim Nutcases. No Drones, Nukes, or anything like that. If you believe that, move to whatever Muslim Country you like and see what freedom means to them. Oh, and be sure to take your daughter with you because they will take extremely good care of her.

Re: Slam Dunk! Most Classified 9/11 Revealed

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:01 pm
by planosteve
Dancer wrote:
planosteve wrote:
BigTex wrote:What happened to an airplane full of people making calls to their families and businesses is a little detail?

No, it's a whole lot of little deals. But, if you want to examine some you could start here: ... 20496.html

Now I am convinced. You are what a roommate of mine 35 or so years ago would have said. You Are Eat Up With It! Translation is this: Facts are facts, grow a set of balls, and play the hand you are dealt. There are people in the world that want Americans Dead. 9/11 happened. 3000 or more Americans lost their lives because of Muslim Nutcases. No Drones, Nukes, or anything like that. If you believe that, move to whatever Muslim Country you like and see what freedom means to them. Oh, and be sure to take your daughter with you because they will take extremely good care of her.
Well you are right about one thing. Facts are facts. And if to you the story that a bunch of Muslims hijacked 4 American Airliners with box cutters and flew 3 of them into buildings sounds reasonable go with it. If you believe that 2 airliners brought down 3 steel skyscrapers on the same day in the same place then good for you. You have a lot of company.
By the way. Insults don't bother me. I expect them. I'm only uncomfortable when I don't get any. That's usually a sign I'm on the wrong track.

Re: Slam Dunk! Most Classified 9/11 Revealed

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:42 pm
by BigTex
"Only a box cutter" is what you say when you've never been attacked by a man with only a box cutter.

Re: Slam Dunk! Most Classified 9/11 Revealed

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:45 pm
by planosteve
The missing 28 pages concerning 9/11 that they don't want us to see.