Jeb Bush surges to top of polls

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Re: Jeb Bush surges to top of polls

Postby planosteve » Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:20 pm

GFB wrote:Thanks for the latest kookburger tome..always good to keep up with the nut jobs.

Thanks for calling Peter Dale Scott, an author of about 20 non-fiction books, a "kookburger".
Very perceptive. He is a retired professor from the U of Cal Berkley and former Canadian diplomat.
Kookburgering must be a very lucrative profession.
I don't think the end is near anymore. :D I think it's HERE! :o

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Re: Jeb Bush surges to top of polls

Postby GFB » Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:43 pm

planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:Thanks for the latest kookburger tome..always good to keep up with the nut jobs.

Thanks for calling Peter Dale Scott, an author of about 20 non-fiction books, a "kookburger".
Very perceptive. He is a retired professor from the U of Cal Berkley and former Canadian diplomat.
Kookburgering must be a very lucrative profession.

There are lots of highly educated kookburgers..and they do seem to enjoy writing their kooky books.

Kookburgers have to make a living, too!
If you’re “woke”’re a loser.

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