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Re: Who Whacked MLK?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:57 am
by BillB
A conspiracy is anytime two or more people work together, to achieve a goal.
Most things that have happened in history were conspiracies.
The word has morphed into meaning something nutty. It does not mean that, at all. It's the usual way things are done.

Re: Who Whacked MLK?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:09 am
by GFB
BillB wrote:A conspiracy is anytime two or more people work together, to achieve a goal.
Most things that have happened in history were conspiracies.
The word has morphed into meaning something nutty. It does not mean that, at all. It's the usual way things are done.

No, this use of the word refers to the making up from whole cloth, stories for which there is no evidence..that's why they are for kooks..people for which, no matter HOW much evidence there is to support something..they'll believe that for which there is NO evidence.

Re: Who Whacked MLK?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:22 am
by BillB
GFB wrote:
BillB wrote:A conspiracy is anytime two or more people work together, to achieve a goal.
Most things that have happened in history were conspiracies.
The word has morphed into meaning something nutty. It does not mean that, at all. It's the usual way things are done.

No, this use of the word refers to the making up from whole cloth, stories for which there is no evidence..that's why they are for kooks..people for which, no matter HOW much evidence there is to support something..they'll believe that for which there is NO evidence.

I have to disagree with your definition.
9/11 was a conspiracy, if anything ever was. Nineteen hijackers plus several al Qaeda heads colluded on it.
Yet, anyone who labels it a conspiracy is branded a nut case.

Conspiracy- any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

Re: Who Whacked MLK?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:26 am
by GFB
BillB wrote:
GFB wrote:
BillB wrote:A conspiracy is anytime two or more people work together, to achieve a goal.
Most things that have happened in history were conspiracies.
The word has morphed into meaning something nutty. It does not mean that, at all. It's the usual way things are done.

No, this use of the word refers to the making up from whole cloth, stories for which there is no evidence..that's why they are for kooks..people for which, no matter HOW much evidence there is to support something..they'll believe that for which there is NO evidence.

I have to disagree with your definition.
9/11 was a conspiracy, if anything ever was. Nineteen hijackers plus several al Qaeda heads colluded on it.
Yet, anyone who labels it a conspiracy is branded a nut case.

Conspiracy- any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

I'm not giving you a definition..I'm describing word usage.

If you wish to start a movement to use a different word to describe nut jobs that fabricate scenarios to suit their personal desires..feel free.

Re: Who Whacked MLK?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:30 am
by BillB
GFB wrote:
I'm not giving you a definition..I'm describing word usage.

Do you believe 9/11 was a conspiracy?

Re: Who Whacked MLK?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:42 am
by BillB
GFB wrote:
If you wish to start a movement to use a different word to describe nut jobs that fabricate scenarios to suit their personal desires..feel free.

How about "a nutty unproven theory"?

Here's a good example of one:
9/11 was not a conspiracy.
It was carried out by one man. He hijacked the first plane and bailed out before it hit the building. He went back to the airport and hijacked the next plane etc.
Can you think of anything more absurd? I can't.

Re: Who Whacked MLK?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:46 am
by GFB
BillB wrote:
GFB wrote:
If you wish to start a movement to use a different word to describe nut jobs that fabricate scenarios to suit their personal desires..feel free.

How about "a nutty unproven theory"?

Here's a good example of one:
9/11 was not a conspiracy.
It was carried out by one man. He hijacked the first plane and bailed out before it hit the building. He went back to the airport and hijacked the next plane etc.
Can you think of anything more absurd? I can't.


...when the conversations denigrate to what seems like silly semantics to're on you own.

Re: Who Whacked MLK?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:18 pm
by PlanoSooner
BillB wrote:
GFB wrote:
BillB wrote:A conspiracy is anytime two or more people work together, to achieve a goal.
Most things that have happened in history were conspiracies.
The word has morphed into meaning something nutty. It does not mean that, at all. It's the usual way things are done.

No, this use of the word refers to the making up from whole cloth, stories for which there is no evidence..that's why they are for kooks..people for which, no matter HOW much evidence there is to support something..they'll believe that for which there is NO evidence.

I have to disagree with your definition.
9/11 was a conspiracy, if anything ever was. Nineteen hijackers plus several al Qaeda heads colluded on it.
Yet, anyone who labels it a conspiracy is branded a nut case.

Conspiracy- any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

a lone gunman can still be a conspiracy if another person jumped in to cover some things up.

Re: Who Whacked MLK?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:00 am
by planosteve
Paul Craig Roberts wrote the following on his website this week:

Martin Luther King: An American Hero
Where is his replacement?

Paul Craig Roberts

Today (January 19) is Martin Luther King Day, a national holiday.

King was an American civil rights leader who was assassinated 47 years ago on April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. James Earl Ray was blamed for the murder. Initially, Ray admitted the murder, apparently under advice from his attorney in order to avoid the death penalty, but Ray soon withdrew his confession and unsuccessfully sought a jury trial.

Documents of the official investigation remain secret until the year 2027.

As Wikipedia reports, “The King family does not believe Ray had anything to do with the murder of Martin Luther King. . . . The King family and others believe that the assassination was carried out by a conspiracy involving the U.S. government, and that James Earl Ray was a scapegoat. This conclusion was affirmed by a jury in a 1999 civil trial against Loyd Jowers and unnamed co-conspirators.”

The US Department of Justice concluded that Jowers’ evidence, which swayed the jury in the civil trail, was not credible. On the other hand, there is no satisfactory explanation why documents pertaining to the investigation of Ray were put under lock and key for 59 years.

There are many problems with the official story of King’s assassination, just as there are with the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy. No amount of suspicion or information will change the official stories. Facts don’t count enough to change official stories.

Many Americans will continue to believe that having failed to tar King as a communist and womanizer, the establishment decided to remove an inconvenient rising leader by assassination. Many black Americans will continue to believe that a national holiday was the government’s way of covering up its crime and blaming racism for King’s murder.

Certainly, the government should not have fomented suspicion by settling such a high profile murder with a plea bargain. Ray was an escapee from a state penitentiary and was apprehended at London’s Heathrow Airport on his way to disappear in Africa. It seems farfetched that he would imperil his escape by taking a racist-motivated shot at King.

We should keep in mind the many loose ends of the Martin Luther King assassination as we are being bombarded by media with what Finian Cunningham correctly terms “high-octane emotional politics that stupefies the public from asking some very necessary hard questions” about the Charlie Hebdo murders, or for that matter the Boston Marathon Bombing case and all other outrages that prove to be so convenient for governments.