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Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 12:57 pm
by GFB
ralph wrote:and the road rager would have gone to jail for beating up the finger flipper wouldn't he ?? The guy that flipped off the cop , don't know for sure but he is probably a guy working to illustrate , video tape / prove when cops over step their bounds . Cops are supposed to be responsible and a cut above the general public as far as behavior . As far as cops putting their lives in danger , well cops apply for their jobs , its a good paying , good benefits job plus many WANT the authority over their fellows [edit] and those should be weeded out . There are lots of jobs out there that are more dangerous than police work . I think that it is more dangerous to be a fisherman on the high seas bringing fresh fish to the general public . I think that logging is more dangerous than policing .

You're right about fisherman being the most dangerous job.."airline pilot" is way up there, too.

I don't think "cop" is anywhere near the top.

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 1:09 pm
by ralph
yep , think this info bears out what I say --- ... erous-jobs --- and MOST of these dangerous jobs pay quite a bit less then what a cop in a big city makes . Police and firemen aren't mentioned . Checkout 'officer' to see what police die from . You find out that they do die in most of the same ways that their employers , the taxpayer dies !!

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 1:16 pm
by ralph
GFB wrote:
scarlett~nc wrote:David Cruickshank, a Connecticut police officer and CEO of the Law Enforcement Research Group, told "Most get into this line of work for their love of their community.”

Sorry, but I think that's a b.s. Statement on his part.

Cops, teachers, government workers of all types do what they do for the money, like the rest of us.

And in their case, it's also for the "I can't be fired..and I'll be able to quit early in life with a cushy pension that the public can only dream about."

And they may not set out to be bullies, but that's what most of them turn into.

Maybe not in the country, but where most people live and work..yes, I think that's the way it is.

yep , and I know police that retire on taxpayer paid big money after injury or so called PTSD AT AN EARLY AGE [edit] and they go on to another career . Course I agree with most of your post that I just quoted Greg .

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 1:23 pm
by ralph
and , think that the - odmp - page was already posted and shows what I say , police die of anything from heart attacks to car accidents and shootings same as regular tax paying citizens die . And , as I say , people looking for police jobs fill out the application forms of their own free will , same for firemen , fishermen and loggers , yada , yada . He11 , was my Dad a hero because he was a Volunteer fireman where we lived when I was a kid .

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 1:23 pm
by John in Plano
jerk guy lost to jerk cop in round 1

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 1:28 pm
by ralph
agreed , course jerk cop probably lost some taxpayer money to the jerk finger flipper !!

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 2:50 pm
by millergrovesue
scarlett~nc wrote:[quote="GFB"}all you cop haters should go for a ride with them a couple of nights and see the thugs and lowlifes they deal with every single day, maybe your opinion would change or maybe not. I can't tell you the number of friends I have that hate them because they can't speed, break a "little law" ..pitiful !!

You tell 'em, Scarlett. I could not agree more. And you are absolutely right - the money ain't great but the danger is. Most do it because they truly do want to protect and serve.

Try stopping a cop and telling them how much you appreciate them and the work they do. It's a really gratifying experience and a joy to see the looks on their faces.

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 2:59 pm
by GFB
millergrovesue wrote:
scarlett~nc wrote:[quote="GFB"}all you cop haters should go for a ride with them a couple of nights and see the thugs and lowlifes they deal with every single day, maybe your opinion would change or maybe not. I can't tell you the number of friends I have that hate them because they can't speed, break a "little law" ..pitiful !!

You tell 'em, Scarlett. I could not agree more. And you are absolutely right - the money ain't great but the danger is. Most do it because they truly do want to protect and serve.

Try stopping a cop and telling them how much you appreciate them and the work they do. It's a really gratifying experience and a joy to see the looks on their faces.

You may think the money isn't good, but for people that believe their choices are' can be excellent.

..and Ralph just showed you it is FAR from being one of the more dangerous jobs.

That's all in people's minds.

..and for some reason it becomes national news when one gets killed..other far more dangerous professions don't enjoy that consideration.

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:19 pm
by scarlett~nc
sorry that GFB and Ralph got a speeding ticket they felt they didn't deserve

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:24 pm
by scarlett~nc
And, you guys Please don't call the police if you someday have a child and grandchildren that is being
harassed, followed, threatened and harmed by her husband ..

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:28 pm
by millergrovesue
scarlett~nc wrote:And, you guys Please don't call the police if you someday have a child and grandchildren that is being
harassed, followed, threatened and harmed by her husband ..

Where's the LIKE button when you need it? :)

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:30 pm
by ralph
that's what I mean about police being Special to some people . Its that police are SPECIAL attitude and titles like 'first responders' that is being drummed into peoples head especially after the trade towers . Some people are willing to give up Freedom for a little perceived security . Founders warned us about that attitude !!

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:42 pm
by Red Oak
Not to be a Cop basher, but be very careful about getting LEOs and the Judicial System in your life.

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 4:00 pm
by Sangersteve
What I see is an episode of "When idiots collide".

The guy may have the right to flip the cop off, having the right to do something and it being smart are two different things.

We have the right to burn the American flag, is it smart to do that in the middle of a group of Marines?

Then the guy asks what he is being detained for and is told, he then starts with the it is legal spiel. He provoked the issue, had he complied he would have been fine.

Now I think the cop was a little quick on the trigger at what he presumed was a minor offense.

Bottom line I think the cop was already having a bad day and along comes Mr. it's legal.

Join us tomorrow for another episode of "When idiots collide"

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 4:27 pm
by grouchy
If I see police officers, firemen or any member of our armed forces in a restaurant, I ask my server to bring me their tickets. I gladly pay them and as I am walking out the door I ask the manager to tell them "Thank you for your service".
Yeah, I know that several of you think that I am an idiot. To each his own.

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 5:58 pm
by Twiggler
GFB wrote:
millergrovesue wrote:
scarlett~nc wrote:[quote="GFB"}all you cop haters should go for a ride with them a couple of nights and see the thugs and lowlifes they deal with every single day, maybe your opinion would change or maybe not. I can't tell you the number of friends I have that hate them because they can't speed, break a "little law" ..pitiful !!

You tell 'em, Scarlett. I could not agree more. And you are absolutely right - the money ain't great but the danger is. Most do it because they truly do want to protect and serve.

Try stopping a cop and telling them how much you appreciate them and the work they do. It's a really gratifying experience and a joy to see the looks on their faces.

You may think the money isn't good, but for people that believe their choices are' can be excellent.

..and Ralph just showed you it is FAR from being one of the more dangerous jobs.

That's all in people's minds.

..and for some reason it becomes national news when one gets killed..other far more dangerous professions don't enjoy that consideration.

If your dumb enough to kill a cop then what will stop you ?

All I see in the video is pretty much the same as most......had driver complied we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I have been givin my fair share of breaks and there are bad cops out there, but there is bad in every profession.

When did it become cool to disrespect the police ?

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 6:02 pm
by ralph
cool , don't know about cool but there are lots of people looking for police misconduct , when they find it it costs taxpayers money . Supposedly the drivers actions were 'LEGAL' !!

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 6:05 pm
by ralph
and everybody and his brother , sister , family carries pocket sized electronic equipment . Probably going to be lots more events as time goes by .

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 6:11 pm
by ralph
and to clarify one of my previous posts where I use the word COOL . Anyway , I think that the drivers action of giving the finger is legal , just a clarification !!

Re: cop pepper sprays motorist , flipped cop the finger

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 6:19 pm
by GFB
Twiggler wrote:
GFB wrote:
millergrovesue wrote:all you cop haters should go for a ride with them a couple of nights and see the thugs and lowlifes they deal with every single day, maybe your opinion would change or maybe not. I can't tell you the number of friends I have that hate them because they can't speed, break a "little law" ..pitiful !!

You tell 'em, Scarlett. I could not agree more. And you are absolutely right - the money ain't great but the danger is. Most do it because they truly do want to protect and serve.

Try stopping a cop and telling them how much you appreciate them and the work they do. It's a really gratifying experience and a joy to see the looks on their faces.

When did it become cool to disrespect the police ?

I'm not sure when it became cool to disrespect the police, but when it's ok for a cop to use their weapons on a non violent person that just gave him the finger..we're there.