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Re: The Jailed in Kentucky

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:54 pm
by Sangersteve
First of all, you're so cute with that reply, pretending that just because none of the mentioned relate directly to the Kentucky case makes them irrelevant. Not to mention your disguised attempt at being courteous.Well one of them does, California Prop 8, where the law was ignored and no one was jailed.

If you want the courts to bring down the full weight of law on a clerk, why don't you want the same conclusion on other breakers of the law? Is it because jailing a democrat lawbreaker like Obama or the City of San Francisco just doesn't fit your agenda or are you so woefully distant from reality that you think if you disagree with a law it's OK to break it?

I have said if she gets cellmates that won't enforce the law she needs to be in jail. You can only retort that none of the other things are the same as her case. Yet they are, Colorado will not enforce federal law, and neither will sanctuary cities, are you prepared to apply the same justice to them?

No offense intended, Sir, but none of the instances cited have any relationship with the Davis case. It would be possible, if one REALLY were bothered by any of them, to seek judicial remedies. However, that didn't happen in any of those other cases so they are totally irrelevant to the present discussion. Now so we are clear, no officials in any of the other cites in any way refused to comply with a lawfully issued court order but Davis most certainly did so.

So what is the point of your selected quote (and where did it come from), Sir? Could you perhaps put it in plain language, your own words, that I might more clearly comprehend your real meaning? That would be very nice, Sir.

Re: The Jailed in Kentucky

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:49 pm
by Castle Doctrine
Sangersteve wrote:
Red Oak wrote:Because the Left does not care about the Law, unless it advances their cause, when it is no longer useful to the cause is is abandoned.

DOMA is a fine example.

Yup just pointing out to Castle that he don't have an argument.

Um, what exactly is it I don't have an argument about, Sir?

As far as what RO has to say...well, he is wildly inaccurate in this as in most of his characterizations. And yes, DOMA is a fine example of how to deal with a bad that was never needed and that society has moved far beyond. Marriage as an institution is quite capable of defending itself. I would think you people would be offended by the Feds sticking their nose into something so private.

Whatever you were doing, Sir, it was not responding to ANY of the points I raised. Could it be that you, Sir, are the one absent any meaningful argument? One might easily reach that conclusion.

Re: The Jailed in Kentucky

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:53 pm
by mayhem
Red Oak wrote:Because the Left does not care about the Law, unless it advances their cause, when it is no longer useful to the cause is is abandoned.

DOMA is a fine example.

Completely without verification.

Re: The Jailed in Kentucky

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:59 pm
by Sangersteve
Marriage as an institution is quite capable of defending itself. I would think you people would be offended by the Feds sticking their nose into something so private.

The fed did stick its nose in by granting gay marriage, and you applaud that. Just can't see the irony can you.

Re: The Jailed in Kentucky

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:04 pm
by Sangersteve
mayhem wrote:
Red Oak wrote:Because the Left does not care about the Law, unless it advances their cause, when it is no longer useful to the cause is is abandoned.

DOMA is a fine example.

Completely without verification.

Perfectly verified, those on the left saw no reason to question why the president was for it before he was against it. If Obama thought he would get more votes by defending DOMA he would have done so, and the left can only say Baaaaaa we are sheep, it matters not it gets more votes.

Re: The Jailed in Kentucky

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:11 am
by Mark
Exactly where in the Constitution is the federal government granted dominion over marriage of any kind?

Answer: It doesn't exist.

The Supreme Court had zero standing to make the ruling they made, and their only proper response should have been to refuse to hear the case. Constitutionally, marriage is clearly an issue for the states to deal with, period.

Re: The Jailed in Kentucky

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:08 am
by ann jusko
Yep, Cornyn needs to GO. He's made his millions. Now he's proposing new gun laws. Texans better wake up. He's establishment through and through. He is so arrogant that he didn't think he needed to have town hall meetings with his constituents. We propped up a big cardboard cutout of him and an empty chair when he refused to do townhall meetings. Sessions didn't either. We had a great candidate to oppose him but people didn't pay attention and Katrina lost. Texans lost, too. We'll lose a lot more if Texans keep ignoring what's going on in the Texas house and senate.