Christmas trees...real or fake?

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ann jusko
Posts: 1814
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Re: Christmas trees...real or fake?

Postby ann jusko » Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:10 am

We have a smaller tree this year and behind it is a huge ficus tree. I put lights on the ficus and some garland so it looks pretty funny. The tree comes to a point and the ficus is fat.

I love your hibiscus and was startled when I realised you have the same drapes we have here in the computer room. Since our large living room has windows almost floor to ceiling on two walls, we have vertical blinds. Even though the drapes were lined the ones on the west side faded so we had to do something else.

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Re: Christmas trees...real or fake?

Postby Zelda » Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:25 am

Some lovely replies here thank you, and the picture of the hibiscus with the baubles on looks beautiful, and artistic too.

I mentioned before that we put ours up on the 15th....I do the inside of the house my OH lights up a huge tree outside, he risks life and limb every year to reach the top...the tree ( a fir) soars past the bedroom windows now, but the end result is always festive.

Red Oak
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Re: Christmas trees...real or fake?

Postby Red Oak » Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:06 am

I have invited my Scot (by the way of South Africa) over for Christmas this year, he gets a kick out of our customs and Holiday food.

My Christmas chore yesterday was to wash all the windows outside and inside.

I am a never Hillaryite!

ann jusko
Posts: 1814
Joined: Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:25 am

Re: Christmas trees...real or fake?

Postby ann jusko » Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:58 am

I'm not going to wash windows but I did dust the table legs, chairs and light fixures. I need to start baking! I'm going to try "Christmas Crack" this year. Sounds easy.

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