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Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:36 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:
Zelda wrote:Without doubt we have a different mindset re guns. I prefer our way.

Our 2nd amendment is a primary reason why we are citizens, and you are subjects.

Not really. You can be sentenced to life in prison here for writing 1 hot check.

But you can shoot the people that come to arrest you.

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:42 am
by Red Oak
Don't give Zelda crap, we need her to feel welcome here !

What ever the UK does or doesn't do, is their business, not mine.

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:28 pm
by Zelda
No problem Red Oak, everyone is entitled to their opinions. :)

I would never try to convince anyone here that our way is best.....just as anyone here could not persuade me that your way is.
I am convinced though that if our law re gun ownership was the same as yours, we would have a hell of a lot more shootings, and not always in self defence either.
Unfortunately a nutter with a gun is a lot more dangerous than a sane person with one.

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:29 pm
by Zelda
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:
Our 2nd amendment is a primary reason why we are citizens, and you are subjects.

Not really. You can be sentenced to life in prison here for writing 1 hot check.

But you can shoot the people that come to arrest you.

Yes....I'm sure that would work in your favour. :lol:

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:27 pm
by ralph
I just find English gun laws to be interesting , I do not like them but to me its mostly interest because I don't live in England or where these restrictive gun laws exist . I do think though that if USA politicians get their way we will EVENTUALLY get English style laws . Thank you for the info Zelda !!

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:31 pm
by ralph
and I guess that France and Belgium are pretty restrictive . I always assumed they were but not speaking French , well I can't politely invade French or Belgium message boards .

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:33 pm
by ralph
and , I can't invade Russian speaking boards but I hear rumors that both Christianity and gun ownership are both growing in Russia !!

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:51 pm
by ralph
related news story in Germany where a new interest has developed in buying any kind of self defense weapon that's available . Pepper spray is selling like hotcakes . German government hides the reason but reason for this new interest is because of the flood of muslim refugee invaders hitting Europe and especially Germany --- --- ... iven-crime --- hope that it links !!

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:44 pm
by GFB
Zelda wrote:
But you can shoot the people that come to arrest you.

Yes....I'm sure that would work in your favour. :lol:

It certainly could, if "working in your favor" meant.."assuring things don't go well for anyone here today."

Either way, nice to have options beyond simply waiting to be cannon fodder.

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:08 pm
by mayhem
In the areas where things are 'iffy,' my wife carries a can of Raid (I think). Not illegal to spray someone with roach killer ... and the directions
on the can are simple: just like a camera!

ralph wrote:related news story in Germany where a new interest has developed in buying any kind of self defense weapon that's available . Pepper spray is selling like hotcakes . German government hides the reason but reason for this new interest is because of the flood of muslim refugee invaders hitting Europe and especially Germany --- --- ... iven-crime --- hope that it links !!

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:59 am
by jellowrestling
Zelda wrote:No problem Red Oak, everyone is entitled to their opinions. :)

I would never try to convince anyone here that our way is best.....just as anyone here could not persuade me that your way is.
I am convinced though that if our law re gun ownership was the same as yours, we would have a hell of a lot more shootings, and not always in self defence either.
Unfortunately a nutter with a gun is a lot more dangerous than a sane person with one.

Zelda, a lot of us on this board are gun owners, and I don't recall hearing any incidents of shootings. What is rarely reported is that, statistically-speaking, almost all of the murders occur in the U.S. that have the strictest gun laws. Liberals make the excuse that it's because guns come in from other areas, but the truth is that liberal policies have destroyed many of the inner urban areas where they have destroyed families with counterproductive liberal policies. In the rest of America, gun violence is very infrequent.

I am 57 years old, and in my entire life, I have had one neighbor murdered, and one neighbor assaulted and nearly killed. The former was killed by his sons with a baseball bat, and the latter was stabbed by a man who broke into her house while she was sleeping (fortunately, our next-door neighbor was a registered nurse, and she crawled to her door and rang the bell, and her life was saved). I had another neighbor confront a burglar as the miscreant entered the window. The burglar set his shoes inside the window and started to climb in, but my neighbor racked his shotgun and told him to "Stop right there". The criminal panicked and jumped out of the window and ran. Turns out he had also left his wallet inside the shoes, and he was caught. I'm not suggesting that no one outside the inner cities is killed, but with those removed, America's incident of gun deaths is comparable to pretty much any other country.

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:03 am
by jellowrestling
The other issue, mass shootings, is also the result of misguided liberal policies. Until the mid-1960s, seriously mentally ill people were institutionalized. Liberals opened the doors to the asylums and sent the insane out into the streets. The predictable result has been periodic mass shootings committed by crazy people.

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:13 am
by jellowrestling
I don't have the information handy, but I believe the number of state psychiatric beds in the U.S. is 17 per 100,000 people. The UK has about the same total number of state psychiatric beds as the US, and about 1/5 of the population.

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:56 am
by Zelda
jellowrestling wrote:
Zelda wrote:No problem Red Oak, everyone is entitled to their opinions. :)

I would never try to convince anyone here that our way is best.....just as anyone here could not persuade me that your way is.
I am convinced though that if our law re gun ownership was the same as yours, we would have a hell of a lot more shootings, and not always in self defence either.
Unfortunately a nutter with a gun is a lot more dangerous than a sane person with one.

Zelda, a lot of us on this board are gun owners, and I don't recall hearing any incidents of shootings. What is rarely reported is that, statistically-speaking, almost all of the murders occur in the U.S. that have the strictest gun laws. Liberals make the excuse that it's because guns come in from other areas, but the truth is that liberal policies have destroyed many of the inner urban areas where they have destroyed families with counterproductive liberal policies. In the rest of America, gun violence is very infrequent.

I am 57 years old, and in my entire life, I have had one neighbor murdered, and one neighbor assaulted and nearly killed. The former was killed by his sons with a baseball bat, and the latter was stabbed by a man who broke into her house while she was sleeping (fortunately, our next-door neighbor was a registered nurse, and she crawled to her door and rang the bell, and her life was saved). I had another neighbor confront a burglar as the miscreant entered the window. The burglar set his shoes inside the window and started to climb in, but my neighbor racked his shotgun and told him to "Stop right there". The criminal panicked and jumped out of the window and ran. Turns out he had also left his wallet inside the shoes, and he was caught. I'm not suggesting that no one outside the inner cities is killed, but with those removed, America's incident of gun deaths is comparable to pretty much any other country.

So the gun laws have served you well then Jellowrestling.
However the statistics show that there is a lot more gun crime in the states compared to the UK though, I'm sure it depends on the area you live in and the company you keep which dictates how many people you know who have been murdered. ... ates/Crime

I live in Manchester, there are some rough areas as well as some very nice areas, in my 60 plus years I personally know of no one who has been murdered. I know no one who keeps a firearm in their home either.

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:07 am
by Red Oak
One of my favorite old shotguns is a Thomas Newton of Manchester, circa 1895.

Off had I can't think of a family member or friend that doesn't have multiple Firearms in their home, and about half have one on their person :)

Until a few years ago a worked for an international company and we had this twit from Belgium come over to the Dallas Office for training. I can't remember what brought the subject up, but this discussion turned to why he thought Americans being armed was a bad idea. His premise was that firearms introduced into any situation made it too dangerous. We explained to him we were different; and he sniffed that Europeans were more "Evolved". That did it.

So half of the office was carrying that day, and we started pulling out our Gats and showing them off to him, safely of course. He nearly wet his britches. :lol:

And I told him as far as being more "Evolved", if that meant Communism, Fascism, and Socialism; I wanted to remain a primitive ! 8-)

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:51 am
by Zelda
Red Oak wrote:One of my favorite old shotguns is a Thomas Newton of Manchester, circa 1895.

Off had I can't think of a family member or friend that doesn't have multiple Firearms in their home, and about half have one on their person :)

Until a few years ago a worked for an international company and we had this twit from Belgium come over to the Dallas Office for training. I can't remember what brought the subject up, but this discussion turned to why he thought Americans being armed was a bad idea. His premise was that firearms introduced into any situation made it too dangerous. We explained to him we were different; and he sniffed that Europeans were more "Evolved". That did it.

So half of the office was carrying that day, and we started pulling out our Gats and showing them off to him, safely of course. He nearly wet his britches. :lol:

And I told him as far as being more "Evolved", if that meant Communism, Fascism, and Socialism; I wanted to remain a primitive ! 8-)

That's it in a nutshell Red Oak. People, cultures, mindsets are different. The time to conform to someone else's ideas is when you move from the area you have been brought up in to a part of the world that has different views and laws.
Some interloper telling you your way is wrong is as bad as someone coming here and telling us our way is wrong.

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:59 am
by ralph
Manchester also known as GUNchester I think . ------------------------ Guns are also no problem wherever I have lived and the places I prefer are rural and with rural guns are common . 'bill oreily' was taken aback when some Roseburg Ore'gun' spokesman told him on air that owning 15 - 20 guns is common in the area . This was at the time of the recent Roseburg college shooting that was done by an import from a different state .

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:14 pm
by Zelda
ralph wrote:Manchester also known as GUNchester I think . ------------------------ Guns are also no problem wherever I have lived and the places I prefer are rural and with rural guns are common . 'bill oreily' was taken aback when some Roseburg Ore'gun' spokesman told him on air that owning 15 - 20 guns is common in the area . This was at the time of the recent Roseburg college shooting that was done by an import from a different state .

Have you ever been to Manchester Ralph....I doubt it.

It's the UK's second city after the capital, population 2.8 million. In the last 6 years gun crimes have dropped considerably, partly due to police involvement with the local communities in the roughest areas, but at it's peak between 1999 and 2009 there were 35 fatalities...35 deaths by shooting in 10 years, so Gunchester is a bit misleading. :)

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:19 pm
by Red Oak
Birmingham was the Firearm manufacturing centre, traditionally.

I believe the is (or was) a section named the Gun Quarter.

A couple of good friends of mine are British Expats, here in Texas, that were trained at Purdy's in London.

Re: Run , hide , tell in case of terror attack in England

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:28 pm
by ralph
never been to England or anywhere outside the USA except for Canada and about an hour in 'mexico' which was the time it took to get over the border and then turn around and head back to the USA . Talk about poverty and no organization . Huge amount of beggars on the way out selling trinkets made in 'china' . -------------------- Anyway , what I know of GUNchester is reading and communicating with blokes on English message boards . Plus this --- ---