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Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:25 am
by ralph

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:29 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:Bob Dylan being an exception. He's 75, has over 50 albums and is still going. Gordon Lightfoot is another. Still touring every year at 78. My two faves. :D

Exceptions to what?
Famous musicians and song writers who didn't die of an overdose.

The ones that die of an overdose are the exception.

You just hear about the loons that do..and not those that don't.

When was the last time anyone here gave a thought towards Prince.

Now he's a hot item again..this time because he's dead.

He is (was) a full fledged has been.

And no that does not mean washed up.

That means his successful mass appeal type recording career is behind him.

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:38 am
by Red Oak
I have never had a problem shutting down the creative side of my brain, that is for certain.

I am also "Tone Deaf".

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:48 am
by ralph
When was the last time anyone here gave a thought towards Prince.

Now he's a hot item again..this time because he's dead.

He is (was) a full fledged has been.

And no that does not mean washed up.

That means his successful mass appeal type recording career is behind him.[/quote]
------------------------------ and now he is a hot item again . Good post , the only thing I remember about this guy is the song 'party like its 1999' and the only reason I remember that is because I think it came out in the early 80s and I remember thinking , heck , that's a long time from now when the song came out . Also remember that he didn't even have the good taste to ride a PROPER motorcycle in one of his music videos . ---------------- that being said , RIP !!

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:50 am
by ralph
and annoying as all heck but the so called NEWS can't get enough of reporting on this blip of a guy !!

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:03 am
by mayhem
Why do so many of us believe we have a right to know cause of death?

How is it anyone's business?

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:05 am
by crocmommy
Just because many of you haven't thought or heard of him doesn't mean he is a complete has been. Many of these performers who had their hits many years ago still have a good sized fan base who go to their concerts and keep them touring at major venues. Probably most of you know I like Barry Manilow. He hasn't had a "hit" in years. But he still tours for his large fan base who wants to see him. He didn't sell out AA Center last month, but he must be making enough money to make it worth going there. I'm just hoping I don't ever find out that Manilow is hopped up on drugs. I've never heard of it or seen him anywhere acting like it.

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:12 am
by GFB
crocmommy wrote:Many of these performers who had their hits many years ago still have a good sized fan base who go to their concerts and keep them touring at major venues.

You have just defined a has been.

The way I use the term should not be viewed as a slight or insult.

And as I've said before, they often make far more money as a has been than they ever did as a recording artist.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if Barry Manilow is one of those.

And I like Barry Manilow, too.

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:13 am
by Red Oak
The thing I admire about Prince, besides his tremendous talent, is that he did things his own way, and that is coming from someone who does not own one piece of his music, and probably never will

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:15 am
by GFB
The great ones stick around and continue to be able to draw large crowds as "has beens."

It is much more common for recording artists of the past to just..disappear.

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:32 am
by kent
Hey GFB, did you ever work with Prince? Just curious.

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:35 am
by GFB
kent wrote:Hey GFB, did you ever work with Prince? Just curious.

No, never met him.

The closest I got was to work in his club in Minneapolis.

I have worked closely with Sheila of his protégés.

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:07 pm
by crocmommy
GFB wrote:
crocmommy wrote:Many of these performers who had their hits many years ago still have a good sized fan base who go to their concerts and keep them touring at major venues.

You have just defined a has been.

The way I use the term should not be viewed as a slight or insult.

And as I've said before, they often make far more money as a has been than they ever did as a recording artist.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if Barry Manilow is one of those.

And I like Barry Manilow, too.

Then good thing about following someone as a fan who is no longer the mega star is that they are more accessible and seem to appreciate the fans they still have.

Another one I'll mention is James Taylor. I heard he hung around after his recent concert at Winstar to meet fans and sign autographs for an hour or so. Wish I'd been there now.

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:28 pm
by GFB
crocmommy wrote:
GFB wrote:
crocmommy wrote:Many of these performers who had their hits many years ago still have a good sized fan base who go to their concerts and keep them touring at major venues.

You have just defined a has been.

The way I use the term should not be viewed as a slight or insult.

And as I've said before, they often make far more money as a has been than they ever did as a recording artist.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if Barry Manilow is one of those.

And I like Barry Manilow, too.

Then good thing about following someone as a fan who is no longer the mega star is that they are more accessible and seem to appreciate the fans they still have.

Another one I'll mention is James Taylor. I heard he hung around after his recent concert at Winstar to meet fans and sign autographs for an hour or so. Wish I'd been there now.

I can believe that..I met him at Montauk about 10 years ago.

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 3:26 pm
by mayhem
I need to fix this 'has been' thing.

In the fame firmament there are is-nows, once-was-is, will-bees, has-beens, always -will bees, and
forevers (at least).

Michael Jackson is a forever as are Elvis, Sinatra, Cher, Streisand and so on. I never was a Jackson fan, but so what?

Once-was would be Milli Vanilli and Tiny Tim (you do not have to be much to be a 'once-was'; and other one hit wonders).

Of course most of us do not know the will-bees. They are not here yet.

Have beens are only those who once were and then lost their talent, their muse or their way (drugs e.g.) Cannot think of a good example of this. Oh, how about Billy Ray Cyrus? I do not care much for that C&W killer of music with the Stetson? You know -- the guy who takes the heart and soul from Porter, Tammy, Loretta and makes thin gruel of their talent.

PS I never liked Barry Manilow better than the night he guest starred on SNL!!!

There is nothing like 'has been' about Prince. His stuff will survive the test of time and he certainly is a towing force now. His level of accomplishment will always be at the same
height as Babe Ruth, William Faulkner and, you guessed it: William Shakespeare.

Just because Shakespeare croaked makes him no kind of 'has been'. He is/was no Shakespeare, but what he was is enough for now.

ralph wrote:When was the last time anyone here gave a thought towards Prince.

Now he's a hot item again..this time because he's dead.

He is (was) a full fledged has been.

And no that does not mean washed up.

That means his successful mass appeal type recording career is behind him.

------------------------------ and now he is a hot item again . Good post , the only thing I remember about this guy is the song 'party like its 1999' and the only reason I remember that is because I think it came out in the early 80s and I remember thinking , heck , that's a long time from now when the song came out . Also remember that he didn't even have the good taste to ride a PROPER motorcycle in one of his music videos . ---------------- that being said , RIP !![/quote]

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 3:59 pm
by GFB
I have very bad news for you.

People like Elvis that have been dead 40 years are way beyond has beens.

For much of the country, they effectively never existed, and in 20 years the name will have thoroughly left the lexicon..probably sooner.

For much of the country, it's already "just some guy that really old and dead people listened to."

It's a tough racket..nobody lives forever.

Your great grandma thought Rudy Vallee would.

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 4:41 pm
by ralph
and the only thing I remember about elvis is that he died sitting on his 'terlit' . I do remember some of his songs when I hear them but they are nothing I ever cared about . And this most recent death , probably drug related death by a Druggie .

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:06 pm
by Red Oak
"People like Elvis that have been dead 40 years are way beyond has beens"

Yea, sure.

People like Elvis, Buddy Holley, Hank Williams, Django Reinhardt, Patsy Cline, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Louis Armstrong, Jimmy Rodgers, Otis Redding who ever heard of them ? :roll:

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:09 pm
by John In Austin
From the stories I've heard today Prince lived in Minneapolis because he wasn't enamored with being a star in New York or LA. He did things on his own such as shopping and just living a relatively normal life. He was very adamant about being anti drug for most of his life but had to turn to prescription medications for pain. He was working till the end. From the stories today he was eccentric but down to earth.

Re: RIP Prince

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 6:08 pm
by GFB
Red Oak wrote:"People like Elvis that have been dead 40 years are way beyond has beens"

Yea, sure.

People like Elvis, Buddy Holley, Hank Williams, Django Reinhardt, Patsy Cline, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Louis Armstrong, Jimmy Rodgers, Otis Redding who ever heard of them ? :roll:

Really old people, people in the music business like me, and a rapidly shrinking group of aficionados.