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Re: EpiPen

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 10:51 am
by ralph
Stossel said that with price rise that its time for a competitor to make something better or different and then compete .

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 4:58 pm
by Red Oak
The CEO of Mylan is a Senator's Daughter - I wonder if that has any bearing on the gouging ?

It is a felony to monopolize, price fix, or eliminate competitors, must be some Guberment Involvment on this deal.

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:14 pm
by planosteve
The CEO of EpiPen is Democrat Senator Joe Manchin's daughter. :o ... ing&wpmm=1
She was paid $19 million last year.

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:54 am
by glenn/dallas
greed has no boundaries with some, so sad :(

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:02 am
by ralph
whats with all the food allergies that life support drugs have to be carried in the pocket or purse . -------------------- Same question goes for all these other maladies that youngsters seem to be suffering but thats off topic ??

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:11 am
by ralph
anyway , i can still recall . I was 5 or 6 , we got pizza and i got sick and broke out in hives . Musta been in 1955 or 56 . My parents thought that it was the 'eyetalian' pizza sauce or pepperoni as they put me to bed . Maybe they called the Doctor but maybe not as they put me to bed . Anyway , i just got over the episode , hives went away and i have been eating pizza once in a while these last 60 years . ------------------------------------------------- i can see in a few years people feeling abused because they can't afford a high tech pocket ' heart starting' gadget or defibrillator or instant brain surgery kits for their kids or significant others .

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:20 am
by GFB
We all need to come to the realization that people work hard to invent things, or invest their money to develop they can eventually make a profit.

Then the loons/entitlement fascists come out of the woodwork to proclaim everyone deserves one of what that person worked so hard to develop.

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:22 am
by GFB
ralph wrote: i can see in a few years people feeling abused because they can't afford a high tech pocket ' heart starting' gadget or defibrillator or instant brain surgery kits for their kids or significant others .

Being poor needs to hurt..a lot.

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:11 am
by grouchy
glenn/dallas wrote:greed has no boundaries with some, so sad :(

I am surprised that you don't know that capitalism and greed are mutually exclusive! :D

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 4:00 pm
by Red Oak
There is probably a reason that a competitor injector does not exsist -'and that reason is probably the FDA.

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 7:31 pm
by planosteve
GFB wrote:We all need to come to the realization that people work hard to invent things, or invest their money to develop they can eventually make a profit.

Then the loons/entitlement fascists come out of the woodwork to proclaim everyone deserves one of what that person worked so hard to develop.
What did Joe Manchin's daughter ever invent or invest her money to develop to justify a 19 million dollar a year job?

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 7:36 pm
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:We all need to come to the realization that people work hard to invent things, or invest their money to develop they can eventually make a profit.

Then the loons/entitlement fascists come out of the woodwork to proclaim everyone deserves one of what that person worked so hard to develop.
What did Joe Manchin's daughter ever invent or invest her money to develop to justify a 19 million dollar a year job?

Perhaps nothing.

SHE is the investment.

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:13 pm
by Red Oak
She is the connection to the Guberment.

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:19 pm
by planosteve
And a donor to the Clinton Foundation since 2009. Ain't crony capitalism great! ... d-partner/

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:17 pm
by Cowman52
I picked up a bottle at the vet today, enough for 20 people twice, 12 bucks. Just what is the deal?

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:13 am
by ralph
Cowman52 wrote:I picked up a bottle at the vet today, enough for 20 people twice, 12 bucks. Just what is the deal?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- looks like it is 'democrats' Cowman . --- ... ing&wpmm=1 ---

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:30 am
by ann jusko
I have no words strong enough to decry this company. I'd like to smack that smile off the CEO's face though. This is a life-savor for many people. Maybe Ralph hasn't see a severe reaction but I'm pretty sure some of us have. Many people aren't on Obama care (and I don't know if any of their insurers cover it). I don't know if ours covers it. I'm allergic to red wasps. My physician suggested the epipen. However, until yesterday, I hadn't seen one around here. I just gave it a wide berth. My daughter does have one because of having a citrus allergy (my er, uh, gift to her). She had orange juice all her life and one Sunday morning it reared it's ugly head. Fortunately, her husband is a police officer and realized exactly what was happening. Her throat swelled so fast, no time for an ambulance...Central Tx hospital was just a mile or two away.

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:49 am
by ralph
ralph wrote:anyway , i can still recall . I was 5 or 6 , we got pizza and i got sick and broke out in hives . Musta been in 1955 or 56 . My parents thought that it was the 'eyetalian' pizza sauce or pepperoni as they put me to bed . Maybe they called the Doctor but maybe not as they put me to bed . Anyway , i just got over the episode , hives went away and i have been eating pizza once in a while these last 60 years . ------------------------------------------------- i can see in a few years people feeling abused because they can't afford a high tech pocket ' heart starting' gadget or defibrillator or instant brain surgery kits for their kids or significant others .

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ here is my experience Ann .

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:51 am
by ralph
and if i read correctly, the deal has been brought about by 'democrat sen. joe mancions daughter that runs the company Ann. ------------------------------------ --- ... ing&wpmm=1 ---

Re: EpiPen

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:02 am
by grouchy
ralph wrote:and if i read correctly, the deal has been brought about by 'democrat sen. joe mancions daughter that runs the company Ann. ------------------------------------ --- ... ing&wpmm=1 ---

Capitalism is a wonderful thing.