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Re: Skip Bayless und Fox News?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:22 am
by GFB
ralph wrote:the powerful may just be firming things up around at FOX , FOX already has left leaning 'oreily' leading FOX . Then there is lefty 'shep smith' so this lefty sports guy that i never heard of will fit right in with lefty 'juan williams' and the FOX crew . FOX just gave 'greta' the boot and i haven't seen that dark haired girl ' angela tantoros ' for the last couple of months . So it might just be that FOX is getting rid the kinda conservative hosts and is replacing them with lefties .

He's not going to Fox News.

Re: Skip Bayless und Fox News?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:24 am
by rusty
GFB wrote:
rusty wrote:
GFB wrote:
It's ok to have a sense of humor.

But it is also noteworthy that two liberal people chimed in with favorable comments..and every Conservative very much dislikes him.

I don't watch sports shows, but my friends that do continually tell me how politically far left their hosts before we even get to Skip..sports divide us politically just like everything else.

That's because conservatives generally have anger issues. 8-)

That being said, I don't like him either.

Funny you should mention that.

I have noticed all my life how Conservatives tend to be happier people.

I've never known a happy liberal..they're too busy wringing their hands about all that's wrong with the world..and of the evils of America.

I didn't say they were sad, I said they were angry. Big difference. One can be happy as a clam while still being pissed off at everything and everybody.

Re: Skip Bayless und Fox News?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:29 am
by jellowrestling
ralph wrote:the powerful may just be firming things up around at FOX , FOX already has left leaning 'oreily' leading FOX . Then there is lefty 'shep smith' so this lefty sports guy that i never heard of will fit right in with lefty 'juan williams' and the FOX crew . FOX just gave 'greta' the boot and i haven't seen that dark haired girl ' angela tantoros ' for the last couple of months . So it might just be that FOX is getting rid the kinda conservative hosts and is replacing them with lefties .

FOX didn't "give Greta the boot". She exercised an escape clause and bailed. As GfB has already mentioned, it is FOX sports, not FOX news, which hired him.

Re: Skip Bayless und Fox News?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:34 am
by jellowrestling
rusty wrote:I didn't say they were sad, I said they were angry. Big difference. One can be happy as a clam while still being pissed off at everything and everybody.

Rusty, you are one of the few liberals I know who can have a discussion about politics without getting angry and start calling names or just say, "I don't want to talk about it."