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Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:26 pm
by rusty
So far the sexual predator score is 25 to 7 in favor of Trump.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:51 am
by Mark
The corroborations now number 5. Drip, drip, drip.

How long will the MSM continue to pretend that this doesn't exist? ... e-sanchez/

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:24 am
by John in Plano
I read this morning on line a ABC news story about Biden's recent carefully staged town hall meeting. It includes the sexual assault allegation information.

It was posted this morning.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:54 am
by Mark
The dam has finally broken on the credible sexual assault allegation against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, and, according to a new report by Politico, the claims by his former Senate staffer Tara Reade is “rattling” his vice presidential candidate search. Advisers to multiple potential VP picks told the outlet that, because of the candidates’ hardline stances on Brett Kavanaugh and the Democrats’ “believe all women” mantra, they now find themselves in an increasingly difficult situation.

Attempting to defend Biden against sexual assault accusations “without looking hypocritical,” Politico‘s Marc Caputo reported Thursday, is “a particularly vexing problem for Biden’s potential picks, many of whom played lead roles in opposing the Senate confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.” ... =mattwalsh

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:20 am
by Mark
The DC swamp police is circling the wagons for Biden...

The Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department changed the status of a complaint against 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden from active to inactive.

One America News Network’s Richard Pollock reported Wednesday afternoon that the D.C. police department appears to have closed its investigation into Tara Reade’s allegations of sexual assault against Biden.

“The D.C. Metropolitan Police Department has suddenly, without explanation, killed its active investigation into sex abuse charges against presumptive presidential candidate Joe Biden,” Pollack said. ... -inactive/

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:54 am
by Mark

Stretch Pelosi says she doesn't believe Tara Reade, so I guess that settles that...

Indeed, "Every Leftist position begins with hypocrisy." ... lt-claims/

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:00 am
by planosteve
Mark wrote:Well...

Stretch Pelosi says she doesn't believe Tara Reade, so I guess that settles that...

Indeed, "Every Leftist position begins with hypocrisy." ... lt-claims/

25 years ago. Nobody cares.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:05 am
by Mark
planosteve wrote:
Mark wrote:Well...

Stretch Pelosi says she doesn't believe Tara Reade, so I guess that settles that...

Indeed, "Every Leftist position begins with hypocrisy." ... lt-claims/

25 years ago. Nobody cares.

If "nobody" cares about 25 years ago with plenty of corroboration, then why did they care so much about 35 years ago with absolutely no corroboration whatsoever?

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:24 am
by planosteve
Mark wrote:
planosteve wrote:
Mark wrote:Well...

Stretch Pelosi says she doesn't believe Tara Reade, so I guess that settles that...

Indeed, "Every Leftist position begins with hypocrisy." ... lt-claims/

25 years ago. Nobody cares.

If "nobody" cares about 25 years ago with plenty of corroboration, then why did they care so much about 35 years ago with absolutely no corroboration whatsoever?

I don't know. I can't even remember back that far.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:31 am
by Mark
planosteve wrote:
Mark wrote:
planosteve wrote:Mark,
25 years ago. Nobody cares.

If "nobody" cares about 25 years ago with plenty of corroboration, then why did they care so much about 35 years ago with absolutely no corroboration whatsoever?

I don't know. I can't even remember back that far.

Do I need to show you again where you wanted to crucify Brett Kavanaugh?

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 12:41 pm
by BigTex
95536796_10221696078534129_3669679229466836992_n.jpg (46.91 KiB) Viewed 2940 times

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:12 pm
by planosteve
Mark wrote:
planosteve wrote:
Mark wrote:
If "nobody" cares about 25 years ago with plenty of corroboration, then why did they care so much about 35 years ago with absolutely no corroboration whatsoever?

I don't know. I can't even remember back that far.

Do I need to show you again where you wanted to crucify Brett Kavanaugh?
Actually, I kind of liked him. We both like beer. I just didn't want him to be on the Supreme Court.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:38 pm
by Sangersteve
Biden will be on Morning Joe tomorrow, I'll bet there will be some probing hard ball questions.

And with this question, Trump has been asked more times about Biden than Biden has.

Then Trump's answer made the press paint themselves into a corner

Trump on Biden allegations: "I think he should respond. You know, it could be false accusations. I know all about false accusations. I've been falsely charged numerous times and there is such a thing."

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:06 pm
by rusty
So let me get this straight. Biden as a sexual predator is bad, but Trump as a sexual predator is just fine? Just locker room talk? No problem paying off his "conquests"?

Some of you guys are so hypocritical its not even funny. There's no logical way you can justify Biden bashing on this particular point. Your guy is the king....maybe even more than JFK.

If I only have two choices I'm forced to I go with Biden the Lesser. Not that I like it, I don't, but at least its not Trump.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Conservatives have no critical thinking skills.

(I put that last sentence in there for Mark's benefit. Not that he'll see it, he's blocked me. Which is the earmark of a pussy).

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:53 pm
by planosteve
An ugly old woman nobody. I wonder how much she was paid?

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:18 pm
by Sangersteve
planosteve wrote:An ugly old woman nobody. I wonder how much she was paid?

Tara in her younger days.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:22 pm
by Sangersteve
rusty wrote:So let me get this straight. Biden as a sexual predator is bad, but Trump as a sexual predator is just fine? Just locker room talk? No problem paying off his "conquests"?

Some of you guys are so hypocritical its not even funny. There's no logical way you can justify Biden bashing on this particular point. Your guy is the king....maybe even more than JFK.

If I only have two choices I'm forced to I go with Biden the Lesser. Not that I like it, I don't, but at least its not Trump.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Conservatives have no critical thinking skills.

(I put that last sentence in there for Mark's benefit. Not that he'll see it, he's blocked me. Which is the earmark of a pussy).

Just one tiny little issue.

Biden was her boss and an elected official.

Trump was a private citizen.

See the difference?

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:29 pm
by planosteve
At this time, in these circumstances, I cannot think of a more trivial, more senseless topic than this one. :roll:

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:03 pm
by Sangersteve
planosteve wrote:At this time, in these circumstances, I cannot think of a more trivial, more senseless topic than this one. :roll:

Well yeah that's what democraps are hoping for.

Covid-19 should be more important

Than a lawmaker assaulting an employee.

So should we dismiss Comey and Clapper and Brennan and Obama and Biden

Conspired to frame General Flynn


Kung Flu is more special

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:29 pm
by BigTex
MSNBC host Chris Hayes sparked backlash from the left when he became the first prime-time host on the network to cover a former aide's sexual assault allegations against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, with the hashtag "FireChrisHayes" trending on Twitter. ... llegations