Russia begins bombing ISIS in Syria

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Re: Russia begins bombing ISIS in Syria

Postby planosteve » Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:57 pm

Castle Doctrine wrote:
planosteve wrote:We overthrew the elected govt. of the Ukraine. If you didn't know that I guess you don't get out much.
And I'm not a member of "the Right". I'm a libertarian, small l. Think Ron Paul. I vote Republican when I vote which is not very often. The last time I voted I voted for the Democrat that ran against Cruz. So, don't "you people" me.

Well, I will apologize for the misidentification. You were sounding very mainstream Conservative. How would you like to be addressed?

Yeah, we have a history of overthrowing governments when the mood hits us. We have overthrown a lot of governments. But, we didn't invade Crimea or send "volunteers" into the Ukraine to support insurgents. Shall we discuss some of the others and their unforeseen consequences in Iran. As for voting against Cruz...I would have too.

I'm still waiting for you to stop whining and conducting ad hominem attacks and get back to the hospital issue. If you don't want to do that I'm pretty much through here. You have nothing but uninformed opinion.

M y point is really quite simple. If somebody is shooting at you and you ask them to stop and they don't, they are likely shooting at you on purpose. Clear enough?
Now, I realize there are all kinds of other factors that can be involved here in the communication process, but there is no evidence of that yet. So, if that evidence comes in I may change my mind. I'm fact driven like Janet Yellen claims to be.
I don't think the end is near anymore. :D I think it's HERE! :o

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