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Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:39 pm
by BillB
ralph wrote:COMPASSIONATE Conservative is a bad thing in a president because it is he that defines what the word compassion means plus he almost has the power of a 'king' . GWB tries an amnesty , well that's just the compassionate conservative thing to do but that's in his opinion , certainly wasn't my opinon . Different with a private person as their actions can't hurt the USA or ME Ann . Anyway , that's my reasoning . And 'jebito' is worse , he views illegal aliens as doing an act of LOVE and he calls himself a conservative . He is crazy and certainly not a Conservative !!

Any kind of modifier used with Conservative is a red flag.
Bush's Compassionate Conservative meant Medicare D, amnesty and huge farm subsidies.
Palin's Common-sense Conservatism meant support for TARP and Obama's stimulus money and endorsements for McCain running for Senate.

If a person is a conservative, the word stands alone.

Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:37 pm
by ralph
BillB wrote:
ralph wrote:COMPASSIONATE Conservative is a bad thing in a president because it is he that defines what the word compassion means plus he almost has the power of a 'king' . GWB tries an amnesty , well that's just the compassionate conservative thing to do but that's in his opinion , certainly wasn't my opinon . Different with a private person as their actions can't hurt the USA or ME Ann . Anyway , that's my reasoning . And 'jebito' is worse , he views illegal aliens as doing an act of LOVE and he calls himself a conservative . He is crazy and certainly not a Conservative !!

Any kind of modifier used with Conservative is a red flag.
Bush's Compassionate Conservative meant Medicare D, amnesty and huge farm subsidies.
Palin's Common-sense Conservatism meant support for TARP and Obama's stimulus money and endorsements for McCain running for Senate.

If a person is a conservative, the word stands alone.
right on Bill !!

Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:31 am
by Mark
planosteve wrote:Most of what Trump says he intends to do would require that he be a dictator. So, unless he intends to seize power and kick the congress out of DC, he is just blowing smoke.

But haven't we adopted a dictatorial form of government in the past 7 years?

Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:35 am
by Mark
GFB wrote:
ann jusko wrote:GFB, I've been a conservative since I was taught at the family table. if I can do something to help someone, I will. My parents taught me that. Both were volunteers whether it was brownies, girl scouts, school board, mayor (unpaid of course). Being kind isn't being liberal expecially when you're using your own money. I'd much rather have faith-based charities than government handouts. To be a real conservative, it's not "I'm in it for me!", it's finding a way to help people without using other people's money. I know many really wonderful conservatives that also follow that philosophy. I never asked anyone for money to help the wounded warriors. All I had to do was ask for information and one man took it upon himself to order computers and the software needed for those wounded to use computers. From that start, I watched a groundswell. Over 3 million dollars was donated by a group we belong to. No intermediary "charity" involved. Straight to where it was used. Not one red cent of government money was used. So you can call me a compassionate conservative. There are compassionate conservatives it's just that you've never even tried to be involved. It's now a derogatory term. How sad that it's come to that.
What are you doing on earth if you haven't given someone a hand? I know what I'd call it.....

I think we're off the track of "Conservatism."

Conservatism is a political philosophy.

Yes, giving is good..helping is good..just not a defining characteristic of Conservatism.

You asked for Trump's Conservative credentials and seemed to define them as.."how much money has he donated to this cause or that one."

I'm sure he's donated large sums..if for no other reason than for tax benefits..wealthy people on the left and the right do that..but they tend to give to different organizations.

Trump creates and provides jobs for thousands upon thousands of Americans. Giving a man the ability to provide for himself is the ultimate helping hand.

Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:55 am
by ralph
Mark wrote:
planosteve wrote:Most of what Trump says he intends to do would require that he be a dictator. So, unless he intends to seize power and kick the congress out of DC, he is just blowing smoke.

But haven't we adopted a dictatorial form of government in the past 7 years?

sure seems to be Dictatorial these last 7 years and the 'rinos' that were elected in a landslide haven't fought a bit of it .

Re: Bobby Jindal NAILS IT!

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 7:57 am
by ann jusko
Not in my book, Red Oak. It has been bastardized though, for sure. I hate it when the .gov decides to "help". Before you know it, there's a monster .gov agency that uses 90% of the money on employees salaries.
IF my daughter and her husband put her on Medicaid, they had to accept every bit of help for her. That included a ramp, the PT, an aide in the house for her, and I can't remember what all. They only considered it because PT was $75 a pop. But she didn't need a ramp or an aide. It was all or nothing. They decided against it. My daughter said "She doesn't need a ramp or an aide. I'm here. Save the money for a ramp and aide for someone who needs it." She was told in no uncertain terms that it was all or what the government required. They chose nothing and would somehow afford the physical therapy themselves.