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Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:02 pm
by Castle Doctrine
BigTex wrote:CD,

I wasn't addressing Ann at all. I was addressing YOU!

Well, how about that. You thought I was saying that when I was only making reference to something your friend said. She did say it. You have to admit you weren't clear. Even Ann thought you were talking to her. Look at her reply clearly intended for you. And, frankly, I thought it was a pretty good reply. I thought about thanking you since she has me on ignore. I was as offended by the statement as you were when you thought I had said it to you...but, she did say it to me.

No one really talks to me around here anyway. People insult me. People talk about me. People talk at me. But talk to me...not so much. I do this for my own reasons...and I expect they are similar to why many other people post here (well, similar).
So what do you purpose I do to get squared away? I don't do agreement by bullying. I am more apt to agree with someone here than someone here is to agree with me but it really isn't that likely. I disagree with much of what is posted here. I get some pleasure from commenting on it. I also get some insight into the "other side". I get to play with words and concepts.

What would you have me do? I ask this seriously. If you really have any thought on this I would appreciate hearing them.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:25 pm
by Red Oak
OK who here believes Ahmed built a Clock ?

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:27 pm
by ralph
I think and thought that this was done just for a larf for him and his suing family . Probably coached by the old man !!

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:38 pm
by Castle Doctrine
Red Oak wrote:OK who here believes Ahmed built a Clock ?

I do...not that you care. And, if you will look around, so does most of the rest of the World...President, Zuckerberg, MIT, NASA and it is pretty much the consensus view on social media.

The only argument you have that it wasn't a clock is based on the fact he is Muslim. That isn't evidence or is screaming paranoid Islamophobia. That is dangerous because it causes you to miss real Trump or Cruz or (shudder) Huckabee.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:48 pm
by Red Oak
Go pound sand Ceritfied D!ckhead.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:10 pm
by GFB


I wasn't aware.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:25 pm
by Mark
Castle Doctrine wrote:
Red Oak wrote:OK who here believes Ahmed built a Clock ?

I do...not that you care. And, if you will look around, so does most of the rest of the World...President, Zuckerberg, MIT, NASA and it is pretty much the consensus view on social media.

The only argument you have that it wasn't a clock is based on the fact he is Muslim. That isn't evidence or is screaming paranoid Islamophobia. That is dangerous because it causes you to miss real Trump or Cruz or (shudder) Huckabee.

You sorry POS, I'll bet you cheered when the twin towers came down.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:48 pm
by Sangersteve
CD, I hear your cry for help. You think you are being left out of the conversation, well buddy you are. I, personally, am sick up to my ears with people like you, you defend the evil in the world, you don't recognize that there are evil people, you want to identify with those evil people. The radical left, you being part of them, think that if you are kind to evil people that they will spare you when they chose to kill, you will find that no matter how much you defend evil, those evil people will use you and your ilk to cover for them.

You whine, no one likes me, you attack me and call me names, and you are correct. You can't look at facts and comprehend them, your world is built on spin.So when folks who deal with reality chose to school you with facts, and your respond with BS and invite ridicule, try and accept that your point of view is based in feelings, not fact. So when your feelings based response is challenged you feel picked on.

I gave you information that suggested, that the little boy only deconstructed a Radio Shack clock then put it into a briefcase, you ignored that info.

I knew you were a hard left wing troll when you didn't even know the voting rules in your state, but stated proudly you couldn't wait to cross party lines to decrease the chances of a GOP candidate.

Now little Ahmed is off to the lawyer to claim his prize for getting away with a dry run to see how far they can go.

So there you go , we've seen your type come and go, you came close to insulting everyone here and I'm pretty sure it won't be long before you cross the redline, since your so much smarter than we rednecks.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:02 pm
by BigTex
If I misread what you posted then I apologize.

In my defense, you make yourself not an easy poster to digest.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:03 am
by jellowrestling
BigTex wrote:CD,
If I misread what you posted then I apologize.

In my defense, you make yourself not an easy poster to digest.

Never apologize to trolls. It just encourages them.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:22 am
by GFB
Mark wrote:

You sorry POS

Well now we're just nit picking.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:48 am
by ann jusko
Has anyone else seen the videos of riotous immigrants instead of what the mainstream media is showing us? They show some families but that's not the whole story, is it? The media's take "They're frustrated." What crap! We can see the violence that's been edited out of media videos because the Hungarian military is also videoing. But I can guarantee you that our country will take many, many of these people.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:28 am
by ralph
sure Ann sure I see it , mostly on videos on the web but a little bit on tv also . From what I've read about 200,000 thousand muslims are coming by the end of 2017 . From videos that I've seen its mostly young men . Families , I don't let images of some families having a hard time influence my thinking .

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:19 pm
by Red Oak
This Turd did this on September 11th ? Really I just read that, is that true ?

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:47 pm
by jellowrestling
Red Oak wrote:This Turd did this on September 11th ? Really I just read that, is that true ?

I'm pretty sure it was Monday, which would be the 14th.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:48 pm
by Red Oak
That is when it hit the news.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:52 pm
by Red Oak
I guess he forgot and left it home on Friday, both sides of this have an axe to grind.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:53 pm
by Castle Doctrine
BigTex wrote:CD,
If I misread what you posted then I apologize.

In my defense, you make yourself not an easy poster to digest.

If? Did you misread it or not? I don't want your conditional apology. I just wanted you to know how some of your friends feel about retired military...I mean really feel.

I admit I get pretty dense in some of my posts. But, I DID quote the comment I was referring to. The funny thing was that she has me on ignore and still felt compelled to bad-mouth me (and some others here). I really didn't want that to escape notice.

On a different note, I really appreciated the honesty in your last two posts. You showed real passion and sincerity. I would still appreciate your thoughts on exactly what I need to do since I can't agree with so much here to get squared away.

Well, have a good night.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:56 pm
by Sangersteve
If it Walks Like an Influence Operation . . .

The more we learn about the facts surrounding the events in Irving, Texas this week, the more it seems we’ve been bamboozled.

The now-universal rendering of the story is that a student named Ahmed Mohamed was wrongly removed from his school in handcuffs for innocently bringing in a homemade “clock.”

The purported injustice of this story – laced with the implication that it all happened because Ahmed is a Muslim – has made him an instant celebrity, winning fawning treatment from MIT to Stephen Colbert to the White House.

The facts, however, suggest this may have been a provocation. For starters, building and bringing to school what sure looked like a trigger for an improvised briefcase bomb would predictably raise an alarm.

It appears, the “clock” Mohamed brought to school this week was not the first of his circuit boards to look ominously like an improvised explosive device trigger. In fact, a photograph of one circulated by the Dallas Morning News was virtually indistinguishable from a circuit board used in a commercially available device used to train law enforcement and military personnel regarding how to identify IEDs.

There is, moreover, now growing evidence that these creations were not even those of the geeky freshman. See Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock and Ourselves on and Thomas Talbot’s YouTube video.

When Ahmed’s miniature briefcase “clock” did precipitate such concerns, he refused to answer questions from school personnel and police about “his intentions and why he had brought the device to school.” Presumably, they were particularly interested in knowing whether he had brought anything else to school – perhaps to include the other part of such a bomb: the explosive component.

Re: The clock heard round the world

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:29 pm
by Red Oak