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Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:34 am
by GFB
Steve, no one changes thread subjects just happens naturally.

For me, discussing that the bombing of a hospital could be intentional..I'll leave to others.

..and perhaps "others" don't find it worth a discussion either.

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:44 am
by ralph
only one point that I've made quite a few times in this thread Ann . These doctors take a chance on being killed in a war zone and these Volunteer doctors in war zones are not special to me . In fact in many cases they just cause problems for the USA. -------------------------------------------- another Different Example , Its like these dual citizens , so called 'americans' that go to 'iran' or north korea to visit family or be missionaries and they then get thrown in jail for years and years and then people in the USA are supposed to be concerned and bail them out . ----------------------- another example concerning CALLINGS , yeah , everyone has a private calling from teachers , police , firemen until the moment that they decide they aren't making enough money so they then get their union to blackmail the taxpayers . Doesn't sound like much of a 'calling' or 'service to community' to me !!---------------- Anyway , let the doctors work in war zones , ok with me !!

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:51 am
by ralph
changing the Subject , I just did it as I mentioned some 'public employees' as examples and comparable to bombed out doctors [imo] . Course I called attention to me changing the Subject !! I call it that its a morphing of the thread that's not done to change the subject . Course , I've pretty much said all that I can say about bombed out doctors that had a Special Calling Steve .

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 11:10 am
by GFB
ralph wrote:changing the Subject , I just did it as I mentioned some 'public employees' as examples and comparable to bombed out doctors [imo] . Course I called attention to me changing the Subject !! I call it that its a morphing of the thread that's not done to change the subject . Course , I've pretty much said all that I can say about bombed out doctors that had a Special Calling Steve .

Did you have a calling?

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 11:11 am
by millergrovesue
It's called flow of conversation. Happens in real life and happens on it should. Sometimes it's intentional. Sometimes it's a convenient way to respond to part of previous statements. I never understood, liked, or agreed with the term "hijacking a thread". Why should threads be so dang cut and dried (and boring) that normal conversation flow isn't allowed?

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 11:16 am
by GFB
ralph wrote:changing the Subject , I just did it as I mentioned some 'public employees' as examples and comparable to bombed out doctors [imo] . Course I called attention to me changing the Subject !! I call it that its a morphing of the thread that's not done to change the subject . Course , I've pretty much said all that I can say about bombed out doctors that had a Special Calling Steve .

I don't think I had a calling..I did get a call, though..I picked up the phone and heard someone say..


Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 11:19 am
by planosteve
millergrovesue wrote:It's called flow of conversation. Happens in real life and happens on it should. Sometimes it's intentional. Sometimes it's a convenient way to respond to part of previous statements. I never understood, liked, or agreed with the term "hijacking a thread". Why should threads be so dang cut and dried (and boring) that normal conversation flow isn't allowed?
I disagree. It's context switching and it's intentional. It's a very commonly used fallacy that you need to be on the lookout for and call it when it's used.

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 11:41 am
by ralph
no , no calling for me Greg . I had a job pumping gas at a famous gas station in Marquette and I got wind that a Railroad job was available . I applied , went from a buck and a quarter [about] to $ 3.83 an hour , yowzah , always remember that number 383 as I was suddenly Rich . I worked a lot of Saturdays and Sundays at time and a half and I was crying every minute of the day but I made the money !! Went out and bought a new motorcycle and after that purchase I started to feed the wife and kid and heat the house !! So , no calling for me , I just got lucky or have been blessed all my life !!

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:07 pm
by millergrovesue
planosteve wrote: I disagree. It's context switching and it's intentional. It's a very commonly used fallacy that you need to be on the lookout for and call it when it's used.

Fallacy? Fallacy - a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.

In this case Fitzroy used it, in my opinion - he'd have to clarify his own reasoning, to point out all the pointless quibbling and political topics ad nauseum that are the center of this board and that many don't enjoy. My post was to second Fitzroy's post. So, call it whatever you wish. To my thinking it was a vast improvement on a topic that had been abused, swallowed, vomited up and swallowed again, and used up completely. Golly, the world doesn't always have to be about fighting and disagreeing.

One of the things I've noticed, about the non political topics of this past week, is that more people who rarely post have contributed. It my thinking it proves there are plenty of folks out there who would post more often it the vast majority of posts weren't so danged political and pissy. I think Fitzroy was pointing that out also. Cheers!

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:29 pm
by GFB
If I was the person that started this forum, I would be very proud of myself.

The number of posts each day appears to have risen steadily..especially recently.

How's that other DD spinoff place doing?

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:16 pm
by GFB
I guess nobody knows..or nobody's sayin.'

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:16 pm
by ralph
political and pizzy , I figure that people respond to what they find interesting . I know that a 'Whats for Supper' question post thread doesn't stop me from posting my thoughts on 'a Greatness of Rush Limbaugh' thread .

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:09 pm
by GFB
ralph wrote:political and pizzy , I figure that people respond to what they find interesting . I know that a 'Whats for Supper' question post thread doesn't stop me from posting my thoughts on 'a Greatness of Rush Limbaugh' thread .

Have you figured out which one of you and me is "political" and which one is "pissy?"

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 6:28 am
by millergrovesue
GFB wrote:Have you figured out which one of you and me is "political" and which one is "pissy?"

It's like Click and Clack. You'll never know which is which. :D

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:49 am
by grouchy
Or flip and flop. That is not meant as a criticism. Just a feeling.

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:17 pm
by ralph

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:29 am
by bodine
ann jusko wrote:I'm appalled at the attitude of some posters here. Doctors without Borders is a very fine organization. Why do you think they became doctors and nurses? Because they are "helping" human beings! Just because YOU aren't doesn't mean we don't desparately need care takers. Selfish and uncaring about people...... Most medical staff volunteers for 6 months at a time and then back to their practices in the U.S. So many volunteer to go to teach native doctors new procedures in surgery, infectious diseases. My son's girlfriend goes to Honduras once a year. One of his best friend's wife, a doctor, volunteers to go and teach new surgical techniques to doctors in foreign lands. I admire both of them so much and am a little jealous that I can't do it.
I really can't stand the ones who, while not contributing much to society have the arrogance to condemn or belittle the ones who do have a calling to help their fellow humans. Sorry you're so bankrupt morally.

Thanks, Ann. My sister in law volunteers with a similar organization; she specializing in fixing cleft palates, which is a huge problem in developing countries. She spends a month a year doing this, and has done so for over 25 years. She has been arrested, detained, had all of her medical equipment stolen; and yet she keeps going back. Because it is all about the children, giving them hope, dignity, and a better life.

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:38 am
by GFB
As co-leader of the morally bankrupt contingent...I'd just like to say..

..Go Trump!!

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:39 am
by ralph
from the link I posted just above your post it looks like the doctors would've been alright if they had followed procedure and had identified themselves properly Bodine .

Re: Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:03 am
by millergrovesue
bodine wrote:
ann jusko wrote:I'm appalled at the attitude of some posters here. Doctors without Borders is a very fine organization. Why do you think they became doctors and nurses? Because they are "helping" human beings! Just because YOU aren't doesn't mean we don't desparately need care takers. Selfish and uncaring about people...... Most medical staff volunteers for 6 months at a time and then back to their practices in the U.S. So many volunteer to go to teach native doctors new procedures in surgery, infectious diseases. My son's girlfriend goes to Honduras once a year. One of his best friend's wife, a doctor, volunteers to go and teach new surgical techniques to doctors in foreign lands. I admire both of them so much and am a little jealous that I can't do it.
I really can't stand the ones who, while not contributing much to society have the arrogance to condemn or belittle the ones who do have a calling to help their fellow humans. Sorry you're so bankrupt morally.

Thanks, Ann. My sister in law volunteers with a similar organization; she specializing in fixing cleft palates, which is a huge problem in developing countries. She spends a month a year doing this, and has done so for over 25 years. She has been arrested, detained, had all of her medical equipment stolen; and yet she keeps going back. Because it is all about the children, giving them hope, dignity, and a better life.

My best friend from nursing school is an anesthesiologist in Austin. She too volunteers to go to South America yearly with Austin Smiles. I imagine she volunteers in the Central Texas area too. The last several years she has taken her daughter with her. I have nothing but awe and admiration for the people who take on the work of helping those in need. What a huge difference they make in thousands of lives.