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Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:29 pm
by knotlazy
Waiting to join the Grandparents Club.....Should be soon.....within a week or 3.

I've been so busy lately....Mom's not doing well, MIL had dental surgery and it took a few days for her to really recover (THATS a crazy story!) and I've had a bout of upper resp. virus.

We've showered the new to be parents with gifts, the nursery at their house is ready and totally adorable! It honors my DIL's deceased father who served in the Navy..All Anchors Away there! They've gone to Parent classes...the other grandma and I went to Grandma 101 class at the hospital (there really are new things to learn...I was surprised..)

I think we are all ready....just waiting on the precious boy to make his appearance!

You can be sure...I WILL be posting pics of him as soon as I can get some....I've been admiring all the grandkids on the boards for so long....finally I get one of my own! I'm hoping it's just the first of a pack o grandkids for us...

Please keep our Sarah in your thoughts and prayers as she gets to the finish line in her pregnancy...she is a small but mighty young woman carrying a big ole boy....

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:38 pm
by bodine
knot, you are going to make a fabulous grandmother...

Can't wait to hear about your adventures...

Positive thoughts your way for all concerned...

Meanwhile, in College Station, the countdown is less than 48 hours til we are officially empty nesters...
Will probably be the quickest 48 hours of my life...

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:44 pm
by knotlazy
Ahh, bodine! Those hours will pass so quickly.'s not over yet! I talked to my college student more than ever when she was in college....true empty nest hit here when she got a real job and was not calling me between classes and such...Your kiddos have a great foundation to draw from...I know your daughter will do well!

Thanks for the compliment. I will be my grandson's daycare provider when his mom goes back to work this fall...can't wait..can't wait! It will be a challenge for both me and his father (my son) as we will meet every morning and every afternoon to cut the commute (they live in N Garland....he works in Oak Cliff...I live in Cedar Hill....gonna make it work!) I am looking forward to playing with him all day!

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:53 pm
by Jami
I'm excited for you, Knot! You're about to embark on the wonderful journey of Grandparenthood!

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:18 pm
by knotlazy
Ah, Jami! I am so excited! When my own kids were little...I was a home daycare provider so I had other people's kids here all day (at least 12 hrs/day) and felt like I had to maintain a crowd...I didn't get to do little things like tea parties with my daughter as there were boys here who wanted to build kids have wonderful memories of those times as they had playmates all the time...but I felt like I was just herding the crowd. This time...I will just have little Mason to play with....I've been on pinterest finding good educational activities for us to do and make a memory or two at the same time. I'm hoping to be able to keep him till he is old enough for preschool....then maybe a couple of days a week....we will see how it all works out. Sure wish we could move closer to my son and DIL...but I'll take what time I can get..

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:22 pm
by grouchy
Having children is/was a wonderful thing. Having grandkids is even better.

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:38 pm
by LibraryLady
The time has passed quickly, it seems. It feels like just yesterday you were announcing the good news.

Good times ahead!
Wow, that location problem for baby care--I guess you and SIL can meet at a midway point and exchange baby each AM.

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:47 pm
by knotlazy
LibraryLady wrote:The time has passed quickly, it seems. It feels like just yesterday you were announcing the good news.

Good times ahead!
Wow, that location problem for baby care--I guess you and SIL can meet at a midway point and exchange baby each AM. son works in Oak Cliff...comes down 75 every morning from N Garland. I live in Cedar Hill...will meet him at the office at 7:30 am every morning then at 5:00 every I'll be driving in traffic for the first time in many many years. But it will be worth it. We will see how long it will last. My DIL has a great job with great benefits so she won't quit...she does have 3 mons paid maternity leave....I hope it works till Mason is ready for preschool a couple of days a week....then I will make the trip to OC a couple of days a then I hope to have another grandbaby or two to take care daughter is hoping to start a family in a couple of years and I expect Mason will not be an only child...God willing....

Whatever it takes to help my kids and be a part of my grand kids lives....that's what I'll do....

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:19 pm
by FlashM
I think you and Mason are very fortunate! Hope he's healthy and happy!

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:25 pm
by knotlazy
Thanks, Flash!

I feel so blessed! I have the opportunity to take care of my Mom....and see after my MIL when she needs it (which is not often).....and Little Longhorn will be able to fill in when I need to take Mom to her dr. appts....and she is an RN...pediatric certified! This child could not have better care takers....just wish we all lived closer together.

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:12 pm
Grandkiddies are so much fun! You will have a ball with them. Toesies, ticklebones & hoochy knuckles. You'll have such interesting conversations with them. I get bummed when I'm home & they're not.

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:37 pm
by crackertoes
We'll be excited to be "introduced" to your grandson!

Re: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting...

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:04 pm
by grace
Knot, so happy for you. I'm not there yet, but will be so happy to be a grandmother. To have the perspective of seeing your own children grow up (and in your case you have much to be proud of) and then see it all happen again with a grandchild has to be the greatest joy one can experience. And being able to care for him is such a gift!

Please keep us posted on all that happens. Can't wait to see a photo!