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anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:25 pm
by ralph
ol 'El Rushbo' was talking about a few minutes ago . Heck , i haven't ever watched a State of the Union in my life but i will watch this one . Think its on January 30, 2018 .

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:39 pm
by ralph
some dems are boycotting the State of the UNION . --- ... n-n2434715 --- Course its only the usual type suspects .

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:48 pm
by rusty
I wouldn't miss it for the world...seriously.

There hasn't been a real good comedy on TV since Seinfeld went off the air.

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 1:46 pm
by kent
I'm sure it will be the most glorious, fabulous SOTU address ever. I haven't watched one, in total, since Reagan. I got sick of the lies and division of Clinton... couldn't turn it off fast enough with Obama.

All I know is... corporate tax rates are lower and companies are moving back, and reinvesting in America. Dems call that a bad thing. So... I don't really care WHAT they think. I wish those who boycott would never step foot in DC again... they are idiots anyway.

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:03 pm
by ralph
don't know for sure but i heard a blurb on FOX this morning , something about Chrysler leaving 'mexico' and moving back to the USA .

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:17 pm
by mayhem
yeah, rusty, i concur.

if it would be either you or me; we'd be too embarrassed to show up after the recent misadventures in lunatic land.

but we know the LICK (liar in charge k) will bull his way through and i can't wait to hear the latest entries into the LICK canon.

it absolutely must be as good as:

i am the least racist person you know,
i have the best words,
i have a bigger button,
i am very smart,
nobody builds better walls than me,
i'd look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I’d say ‘Rosie, you’re fired.’”
one of they key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace.
good people don’t go into government
the beauty of me is that I’m very rich,
my fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body
the point is, you can never be too greedy
i have a very high iq
and the latest (as of last week) in presidential scatology: shithole countries!

litterally incorrigible ... i'd postpone heart surgery to hear that state of disunion disgrace

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:41 pm
by GFB



Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:00 am
by planosteve
Better catch it now. It will be his last one.

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:01 am
by grouchy
planosteve wrote:Better catch it now. It will be his last one.

From your lips.....

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:47 am
by Mark
The dumbass lefties are all really freaked out, so I know Trump is doing a GREAT job.

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:49 am
by Mark
planosteve wrote:Better catch it now. It will be his last one.

Since Russia was a big nothing burger and the whole world now knows it, you're predicting 25th amendment?

Want to make a small wager?

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:38 am
by planosteve
Mark wrote:
planosteve wrote:Better catch it now. It will be his last one.

Since Russia was a big nothing burger and the whole world now knows it, you're predicting 25th amendment?

Want to make a small wager?
Naw, I just hope he doesn't resign and we get to watch him frogmarched out of the oval office. Maybe he'll give the traditional old victory wave from the chpper. :lol:

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:08 am
by ralph
Mark wrote:
planosteve wrote:Better catch it now. It will be his last one.

Since Russia was a big nothing burger and the whole world now knows it, you're predicting 25th amendment?

Want to make a small wager?

------------------------------------------------------------ I 'predict' nothing as i have watched President Trump mess with the media and 'dems' these last 12 - 13 months or so .

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:49 am
by mayhem
Mark wrote:The dumbass lefties are all really freaked out, so I know Trump is doing a GREAT job.

They are not all lefties, they aren't freaked out, it's not so much what he's doing (there is a lot of that ... 63%?), no, the question is what he is ...

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:58 am
by Mark
mayhem wrote:
Mark wrote:The dumbass lefties are all really freaked out, so I know Trump is doing a GREAT job.

They are not all lefties, they aren't freaked out, it's not so much what he's doing (there is a lot of that ... 63%?), no, the question is what he is ...

He's a patriotic American, trying his best to do right by this country, unlike the last three or four inhabitants of that office, who have all tried to "fundamentally transform" this nation into a third world shithole.

And you're a dumbass.

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:13 am
by mayhem
Mark wrote:
planosteve wrote:Better catch it now. It will be his last one.

Since Russia was a big nothing burger and the whole world now knows it, you're predicting 25th amendment?

Want to make a small wager?

Don 't know when your brain pan went off the rails, but 'the whole world now knows it' is laughable.

Most of the whole world, it seems to me, detests the LICK more than most of us do. By far the most of
us don't trust the kookinchief exactly bec we understandably know that there's got to be something
under all those lies.

Start with obama's wire taping him. Obviously, had that even nearly been the case,
the Lick would alerted about such shocking criminal and treasonous behavior. Why would he make such
a charge and then fail to prosecute it. Why do we keep on letting him throw out any old crap and not
make him accountable for it? Every charge of 'fake' news should be followed up with a 'how come'?

There's no answer to all that other than it was a poorly placed lie from the beginning and that is what
the whole world probably does know. Or maybe I owe cheeto an apology? Discuss.

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:38 am
by mayhem
Mark wrote:
mayhem wrote:
Mark wrote:The dumbass lefties are all really freaked out, so I know Trump is doing a GREAT job.

They are not all lefties, they aren't freaked out, it's not so much what he's doing (there is a lot of that ... 63%?), no, the question is what he is ...

He's a patriotic American, trying his best to do right by this country, unlike the last three or four inhabitants of that office, who have all tried to "fundamentally transform" this nation into a third world shithole.

And you're a dumbass.

Why would a patriotic American make a specious and spurious claim, that could only be understood as a direct attack upon the US government, and then let it go?

I have a deeply seated concern about our country striving to be a third world nation. But you are looking, with malice aforethought for despair and bitterness. (Get a hobby. Now.)

And the LICK? Patriotic American? Looney tunes. Is this the same guy who lambasted Obama for playing golf? And he's been golfing approximately 100 days since inaugurated at a taxpayer cost of 49 plus million bucks

*Visits to golf clubs since inauguration, with evidence of playing golf on at least 44 visits. See our FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions and our complete data table for a list of Trump's outings. You can also view our breakdown of the total costs.

Trump Golf Count Cost Breakdown:
AF1 flights to Mar-a-Lago: $22,873,000
AF1 flights to Bedminster: $8,481,000
Costs to Bedminster, Palm Beach*: $6,312,263
Cost to guard coast off Mar-a-Lago: $11,800,000
Total Cost: $49,466,263

* Security costs to local governments in Florida and New Jersey, budgeted at $6.4 million per year, are reimbursed by the Federal government, and are included in the Trump Golf Count total on a prorated basis. See our FAQ page for more information and sources.

* Security costs to local governments in Florida and New Jersey, budgeted at $6.4 million per year, are reimbursed by the Federal government, and are included in the Trump Golf Count total on a prorated basis. See our FAQ page for more information and sources.

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:43 am
by mayhem
And ... that new saw ...

Patriotic Americans do what?

"I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf." --Donald J. Trump, August, 2016

Our President made a promise to the American people. Here we track his fulfillment of that promise. You can view our full list of Trump's golf outings here, and see this explanation for more information.

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:51 am
by GFB

Re: anyone looking forward to The TRUMPS State of the Union address

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:43 pm
by mayhem
GFB wrote:Desperate

We'll see.