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"The Last Ship" on TNT

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:58 am
by BigTex
Got hooked on this one right out of the box. It's TV drama, so it's a little hokey at times, but I think the depiction of shipboard operations is pretty accurate. This is being made with the full cooperation of the Navy, which is letting them use a couple of destroyers to shoot on. My biggest criticism is that it's a little too politically correct (example: a crewmember mentions that she misses her girlfriend - a totally gratuitous line that had nothing to do with the story) but what do you expect from Hollywood?

I give it higher marks than "The Last Resort" which was saved only by the presence of Andre Braugher.

Re: "The Last Ship" on TNT

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:09 am
by FlashM
We're enjoying it. As a female Sci-Fi fan, we're fans of both Capt. McSteamy and first officer the Man Called Jayne. (Grey's Anatomy & Firefly/Serenity). We're saving it on the PVR for Moose, who's attached to the Navy, for when he gets back from abroad and visits.

Don't you think sailors could have rigged a still to make seawater potable?

Don't they have sophisticated filters on board ship for drinking water emergencies?

Shouldn't they be able to make contact with one of those long term-mission nuclear subs by now?

Re: "The Last Ship" on TNT

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:12 am
by tx3653
I watched the first 2 episodes and have 2 on DVR to watch. Thought the first episode was pretty good but the second one almost had me removing it from the DVR schedule. Will see how the others have gone.

Re: "The Last Ship" on TNT

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:26 am
by BigTex
I haven't read the novel the show is based on, so I don't know (yet) how they explain what the subs are doing.

My knowledge of naval engineering plants is a little dated, but I don't think they've come up with a better way to desalinate sea water. So if they have a major generator failure and can't run the desalination equipment, they can't make fresh water.

Re: "The Last Ship" on TNT

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:43 am
by bodine
Adam Baldwin was a hoot in "Firefly."