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Hope they were able to wipe all the egg off their faces

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 9:59 am
by crocmommy
First, I feel really bad about the family in Houston that lost their daughter to a gunman as they were driving down the road. BUT they said it was a white guy who was the gunman and people got busy playing the race/hate crime card. Well, it WASN'T a white guy after all since a black man was arrested and basically admitted to at least driving the car. Notice how everyone suddenly got so quiet. The news barely mentioned it if at all....

Re: Hope they were able to wipe all the egg off their faces

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:22 am
by grouchy
It was bad.

Re: Hope they were able to wipe all the egg off their faces

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:42 am
by crocmommy
Might be good in the future to wait until they at least have a good case before playing the hate crime race card.

Re: Hope they were able to wipe all the egg off their faces

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:43 pm
by Sangersteve
Oh it's much worse than just getting the facts wrong. They continued to push the carp after knowing the truth.

Shaun King and Harris County, Texas, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez received a tip Sunday that led to the arrest of a suspect in the murder of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes.
Barnes’s killer was initially described as a white male, leading to widespread allegations that she was the victim of a hate crime. But Gonzalez revealed Sunday that a black man has been arrested in the case.
New questions are being raised though, after it was revealed that King and Gonzalez received the tip on Jan. 3. Both pushed the theory of a white suspect even after receiving the tip. ... 6SoREfSY0A

Re: Hope they were able to wipe all the egg off their faces

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:23 am
by Ric
Sangersteve wrote:Oh it's much worse than just getting the facts wrong. They continued to push the carp after knowing the truth.

Shaun King and Harris County, Texas, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez received a tip Sunday that led to the arrest of a suspect in the murder of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes.
Barnes’s killer was initially described as a white male, leading to widespread allegations that she was the victim of a hate crime. But Gonzalez revealed Sunday that a black man has been arrested in the case.
New questions are being raised though, after it was revealed that King and Gonzalez received the tip on Jan. 3. Both pushed the theory of a white suspect even after receiving the tip. ... 6SoREfSY0A

Pretty awful, compounded by simple stupidity, compouded by race baiting...

Re: Hope they were able to wipe all the egg off their faces

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:24 am
by jellowrestling
And Shaun King may be a white guy pretending to be black.

Re: Hope they were able to wipe all the egg off their faces

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:53 pm
by Mark
Race baiters never feel shame, and they never apologize when they're wrong. They only double down on the race baiting.

Re: Hope they were able to wipe all the egg off their faces

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:06 am
by planosteve
Mark wrote:Race baiters never feel shame, and they never apologize when they're wrong. They only double down on the race baiting.

Kind of like Right Wingnuts. :D