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NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:45 am
by Bob Of Burleson
NRA chastises open carry protests in Texas

By Anna M. Tinsley

FORT WORTH — The nation’s largest gun-rights group is taking some Texans to task over their headline-generating demonstrations advocating the legal, open carrying of weapons.

Officials with the National Rifle Association say recent rallies at fast-food restaurants and home improvement stores are “downright weird and certainly not a practical way to go normally about your business while being prepared to defend yourself.”

While the group applauds Texas for a “robust gun culture,” leaders of the group in a statement chastise “a small number [who] have recently crossed the line from enthusiasm to downright foolishness.”

This comes as some Republicans heading toward the state GOP convention in Fort Worth later this week plan to carry long guns outside the Fort Worth Convention Center.

The question of whether guns can be carried into the center during the three-day convention has been a concern because the facility holds a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission license.

Republican Party of Texas Chairman Steve Munisteri released a new statement, letting party members know that “anyone carrying an openly exposed weapon will be asked to do so outside of the building.”

Read more here: ... rylink=cpy

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:56 am
by Red Oak
This is looking more and more like a "Manufactored" Crisis, so that Law Makers must "Do Something".

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:00 am
by LibraryLady
You know you have gone too far when the NRA backs off.

RO, I think the open carry ones are guilty of creating whatever is going on.
When a variety of businesses complain, society will respond in some way or another.
Even you will admit these folks are a bit over the top in logic.

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:25 am
by Red Oak
The NRA is full of FUDs, the Open Carry groups or at least some of them are a little over the Top but well within the Law. Let me say that that again the Protestors are well within in the Law.

Many of the so called terrorizing of the public incidents are made up, manufactored.

All of you getting your drawers in a twist over this are being played like a fiddle, by both sides of this issue.

Practice some of that Tolerance you Open Minded folks are preaching.

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:49 am
by John in Plano
Wandering around a parking lot or crossing the street with a Black Rifle/AK/Assault shotgun is the problem. Carry a flintlock or model 700 and people aren't as likley to freak out.

IMO these open carry people are wanting to be "in your face" and a flintlock doesn't give themselves the impression of being a tough guy as much as an AR slung on their back or beer gut

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:58 am
by GFB
I think they're great.

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:21 am
by Red Oak
Hey Greg try it in Burbank, I dare ya ! :)

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:22 am
by Red Oak
It is really much ado about nothing, IMO.

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:27 am
by GFB
Red Oak wrote:Hey Greg try it in Burbank, I dare ya ! :)

That's why they're great..because there are so many places where it would not be "tolerated."

Anywhere that people can..they should.

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:29 am
by GFB
The next level will be..a bunch of guys with rifles walking into police stations..and asking for directions.

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:27 am
by Bob Of Burleson
Red Oak wrote:The NRA is full of FUDs, the Open Carry groups or at least some of them are a little over the Top but well within the Law. Let me say that that again the Protestors are well within in the Law.

It's also "well within the law" for fat ladies to wear shorts in Walmart and for old men to wear bad toupees.

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:13 am
by Red Oak
Yes - and I have to Tolerate their bad taste; just a I Tolerate the Nutty faction of the Open Carry groups.

Also let me get this right out in the open - if I have/had reason or felt a need to Open Carry I would and I would not hesitate to do so; rarely have I had a reason to so I don't do it; except for a very very few rare occasions.

I have the God Given Right to "Keep and Bear Arms", not the right to have them locked up at home.

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:21 am
by Bob Of Burleson
Red Oak wrote:Yes - and I have to Tolerate their bad taste; just a I Tolerate the Nutty faction of the Open Carry groups.

Also let me get this right out in the open - if I have/had reason or felt a need to Open Carry I would and I would not hesitate to do so; rarely have I had a reason to so I don't do it; except for a very very few rare occasions.

I have the God Given Right to "Keep and Bear Arms", not the right to have them locked up at home.

Then we won't see you parading at a Braum's, wearing camouflage clothing and toting an AK-47?


Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:24 am
by GFB
Get photos!!

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:38 am
by RaisinCain
I'm a gun "enthusiast" (as opposed to "nut"), meaning that I own a few guns, most of which were gifted or inherited.

That being said, it seems to me that these guys may mean well but are executing their publicity poorly. Toting their guns around in public is only going to serve to make them look like extremist when perhaps a more low-key approach would more positively impact the community.

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:53 am
by GFB
Things seem extreme that are not commonly done.

If it hapoened everywhere, more "extreme".

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:02 pm
by Red Oak
Bob Of Burleson wrote:
Red Oak wrote:Yes - and I have to Tolerate their bad taste; just a I Tolerate the Nutty faction of the Open Carry groups.

Also let me get this right out in the open - if I have/had reason or felt a need to Open Carry I would and I would not hesitate to do so; rarely have I had a reason to so I don't do it; except for a very very few rare occasions.

I have the God Given Right to "Keep and Bear Arms", not the right to have them locked up at home.

Then we won't see you parading at a Braum's, wearing camouflage clothing and toting an AK-47?


Probably not going to happen; and if I have to do it I will try and hold my gut in ;)

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:31 pm
by Just Me
If the "Open Carry" ever becomes law like these people are pushing for, I think most businesses will just ban guns on their premises, thus rendering the law almost useless for stopping crime.

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:04 pm
by Gopher
GFB wrote:
Red Oak wrote:Hey Greg try it in Burbank, I dare ya ! :)

That's why they're great..because there are so many places where it would not be "tolerated."

Anywhere that people can..they should.

Kinda like Cali huh?

Open carry of UNLOADED handguns was legal a few years ago until a similar group started having open carry rallies to change to law to allow loaded carry. They scared the sheep so badly California banned the open carry of all weapons. Go figure.

OCT has a good message, but a horrible presentation, and now a huge public relations problem. They have become like Paulbots, if you don't like the way we do things you are against us, period.

If they keep up I'm afraid all open carry legslitation planned for next year will never see the light of day from the various committees. :evil:

Re: NRA calls gun rallies “downright weird"

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:09 pm
by Gopher
Just Me wrote:If the "Open Carry" ever becomes law like these people are pushing for, I think most businesses will just ban guns on their premises, thus rendering the law almost useless for stopping crime.

As is their right. However, the economic backlash from that may change their minds. Think maybe Jack in the Box wants a redo on their no gun statement. Three stores robbed now. Sonic too.

Open carry of handguns in legal in the four surrounding states and for 99.9% of the population it is a non event. It will be in Texas if it ever passes.