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Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:27 am
by Mark
"Reade went on to say that she was wearing a business skirt with no stockings because it was hot at the time. While up against the wall, Reade says Biden’s “hands were on me and underneath my clothes.”

He went down my skirt but then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers,” Reade emotionally continued.

Reade also said Biden was kissing her and saying multiple things to her. She remembered a couple of the comments.

“I remember him saying first, like as he was doing it, ‘Do you want to go somewhere else,’” she said. “And then him saying to me when I pulled away, he got finished doing what he was doing, and I kind of just pulled back and he said, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’ "

More: ... romoterPro

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:53 am
by Sangersteve
You would think the MSM would find this newsworthy.

I guess their too busy twisting what Trump says.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:50 pm
by jellowrestling

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:13 pm
by grouchy
The article speculated that the Democrat party might be looking for a way the drop VP Biden. Possibly replace him with Gov Coumo?

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:47 pm
by rusty
It may or may not be true. And I'm sure most of y'all will believe Reade the same way you believed all of Trump's accusers. ;)

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:31 pm
by jellowrestling
rusty wrote:It may or may not be true. And I'm sure most of y'all will believe Reade the same way you believed all of Trump's accusers. ;)

Without some sort of independent verification, it's meaningless. For starters, she's a member of Bernie Sanders's staff.

I say it's "interesting", because there are (at least) a few possibilities:

A: It really happened. If so, then there's the whole problem of verification.
B: She's a disgruntled ex-staffer who got fired, and she's bitter about it
C: She's a bat-sh*t crazy Bernie supporter who will do absolutely anything to help him win, and she sees this as a last-ditch chance to pull his campaign out of the toilet.

There are some elements of the story that smack of BS, to me. Just my take.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:01 pm
by Twiggler
grouchy wrote:The article speculated that the Democrat party might be looking for a way the drop VP Biden. Possibly replace him with Gov Coumo?

That's not a bad choice

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:09 pm
by Sangersteve
rusty wrote:It may or may not be true. And I'm sure most of y'all will believe Reade the same way you believed all of Trump's accusers. ;)

I seem to remember that during the Kavanaugh hearings,

The democrats started really pushing a believe all women theme,

Are we supposed to rethink that, now that the shoe has changed feet?

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:40 pm
by GFB
True or untrue..this is the Democrat party trying to force Biden out.

He’s not going quietly. He may be severely hobbled mentally, but he will not let the Dem Establishment take this from him...he’s winning it fair and square.

..not sure why he is..but he is.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:00 pm
by rusty
Sangersteve wrote:
rusty wrote:It may or may not be true. And I'm sure most of y'all will believe Reade the same way you believed all of Trump's accusers. ;)

I seem to remember that during the Kavanaugh hearings,

The democrats started really pushing a believe all women theme,

Are we supposed to rethink that, now that the shoe has changed feet?

No. And some Democrats may have pushed that. The politician types.
But in most cases it's likely true. There are only a small handful of reasons a woman would want to put herself through the scrutiny that an accusation of this nature is bound to get.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:02 pm
by rusty
Truthfully, I think both candidates this year need to have cognitive assessments. Let the least demented man win. :D

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:57 pm
by planosteve
Biden is what they used to call a "Don Juan"

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:02 am
by jellowrestling
rusty wrote:
Sangersteve wrote:
rusty wrote:It may or may not be true. And I'm sure most of y'all will believe Reade the same way you believed all of Trump's accusers. ;)

I seem to remember that during the Kavanaugh hearings,

The democrats started really pushing a believe all women theme,

Are we supposed to rethink that, now that the shoe has changed feet?

No. And some Democrats may have pushed that. The politician types.
But in most cases it's likely true. There are only a small handful of reasons a woman would want to put herself through the scrutiny that an accusation of this nature is bound to get.

One of the things that I have observed is that when it comes to television and politics, a lot of the normal rules and assumptions can be thrown out the window. Look at "reality TV": who would want TV cameras following them around, documenting their every move? A lot of people, apparently.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:13 am
by Mark
Tara Reade's mother called the Larry King Show in August, 1993, the same month Reade left Biden's staff, to complain about Biden's sexual assault of her daughter...

I'm sure CNN, MSNBC, and all of the alphabet soup networks will get right on this story. ... 0&ito=1490

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:34 am
by rusty
Democrats grapple with questions about Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden ... index.html ... t-n1182296

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:59 am
by jellowrestling
rusty wrote:Democrats grapple with questions about Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden ... index.html ... t-n1182296

I searched for the word "believe", and found three instances. None of them had anything to do with "believe the woman".

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 9:35 am
by Sangersteve
Video of the call. ... e-biden%2F

Guy Benson

Replying to @asymmetricinfo
even without this piece, there is already more evidence against Biden than Kavanaugh. Reade told 3 people at the time. Ford told no one, her top witness/friend has said she doesn’t believe her, and we don’t even have evidence Ford & Kavanaugh ever *met.* Reade worked for Biden.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:00 am
by Mark
Tucked away among hundreds of thousands of hours of old archive footage was the long-forgotten clip which came to light Friday.

But rather than CNN's team of investigative reporters, it was the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters, a conservative group that seeks to expose liberal bias, who exhumed the footage from its own vault.

“It's truly despicable that this footage existed and yet CNN failed to do its own due diligence within its own archives,” NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck told Fox News.

CNN didn’t even mention the tape’s newfound attention during its Friday night primetime lineup. CNN’s “Reliable Sources” newsletter didn’t think it was worth including, either.

CNN has largely ignored Reade’s claims, drawing criticism from media watchdogs that often contrast it with how the liberal network handled allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with hundreds of stories and countless segments. CNN finally published its first story on Reade’s claims on April 17, weeks after they were made, when correspondent MJ Lee framed the story as Democratic leaders and allies of Biden being “asked to respond to an allegation” against the 2020 Democratic frontrunner.

“Perhaps they thought doing the bare minimum with help from the horribly biased MJ Lee would have done the trick and made the concerns about their on-air silence go away,” Houck said. “Now they've poured gasoline on the fire. Once again, we see a case of how the worst kind of media bias is the bias that you don't see, or bias by omission.”

The resurfaced CNN clip from 1993 appeared to show Reade’s mother alluding to “problems” her daughter faced while working as a staffer for the then-Delaware senator. Reade later told Fox News it was indeed the voice of her mother on the clip. Biden's presidential campaign has adamantly denied Reade's allegations but the video could be cited as evidence supporting Reade’s allegation – even though her late mother, in the clip, does not specifically refer to a sexual assault claim.

CNN did not immediately respond to a series of questions, including whether the network knew the footage existed.

“Larry King may have had the biggest scoop of his CNN career this evening ... And it’s an open question whether his former employer will say a word about it,” New York Post reporter Jon Levine tweeted. ... larry-king

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:37 am
by planosteve
Mark wrote:"Reade went on to say that she was wearing a business skirt with no stockings because it was hot at the time. While up against the wall, Reade says Biden’s “hands were on me and underneath my clothes.”

He went down my skirt but then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers,” Reade emotionally continued.

Reade also said Biden was kissing her and saying multiple things to her. She remembered a couple of the comments.

“I remember him saying first, like as he was doing it, ‘Do you want to go somewhere else,’” she said. “And then him saying to me when I pulled away, he got finished doing what he was doing, and I kind of just pulled back and he said, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’ "

More: ... romoterPro

What's your point? JFK would make Biden look like an eunuch.

Re: Joe Biden, sexual predator

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:48 am
by Mark
planosteve wrote:
Mark wrote:"Reade went on to say that she was wearing a business skirt with no stockings because it was hot at the time. While up against the wall, Reade says Biden’s “hands were on me and underneath my clothes.”

He went down my skirt but then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers,” Reade emotionally continued.

Reade also said Biden was kissing her and saying multiple things to her. She remembered a couple of the comments.

“I remember him saying first, like as he was doing it, ‘Do you want to go somewhere else,’” she said. “And then him saying to me when I pulled away, he got finished doing what he was doing, and I kind of just pulled back and he said, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’ "

More: ... romoterPro

What's your point? JFK would make Biden look like an eunuch.

Why did you want to crucify Brett Kavanaugh when there was absolutely ZERO corroboration of any of the bullshit stories?
