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Enough is enough

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 9:26 am
by Ric
After corrections in actual deaths from C-19, the death rate is minimal at .00004% We’ve been lied to for to long. Enough is enough!

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 9:35 am
by rusty
Ric wrote:After corrections in actual deaths from C-19, the death rate is minimal at .00004% We’ve been lied to for to long. Enough is enough!

So you're saying that out of a million cases so far, less than 1/2 of 1 person has died from it?

.00004% of 1 million is .4

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 11:05 am
by Sangersteve
Most would agree that we have no idea what the true mortality rate is.

This is due to a very liberal count rate, no Rusty not liberal as in left wing.

We know for a fact that covid may have been present, but not the cause of death.

Yet it is counted as a covid death.

That's just wrong.

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 11:10 am
by rusty
Sangersteve wrote:Most would agree that we have no idea what the true mortality rate is.

This is due to a very liberal count rate, no Rusty not liberal as in left wing.

We know for a fact that covid may have been present, but not the cause of death.

Yet it is counted as a covid death.

That's just wrong.

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure more than half a person has died from it. Regardless of how liberal the count may be.

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 11:28 am
by GFB
Ric wrote:After corrections in actual deaths from C-19, the death rate is minimal at .00004% We’ve been lied to for to long. Enough is enough!


This is just silliness now.

Silliness that Democrat governors are using to bully people into submission.

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 1:55 pm
by Kiamichi
Sangersteve wrote:Most would agree that we have no idea what the true mortality rate is.

This is due to a very liberal count rate, no Rusty not liberal as in left wing.

We know for a fact that covid may have been present, but not the cause of death.

Yet it is counted as a covid death.

That's just wrong.

We do have a very solid and well-founded idea of the total number of deaths from all causes in each state since the pandemic arrived, and that is the best indication of the extent of it. The CDC says its numbers for the last full week can't be considered 100% complete yet, but in the past such numbers have not changed much with time. Texas' total deaths from Feb. 1 through April 25 are 93% of the average for the same time over the previous two years', Oklahoma's are 84%. For New York City the rate is 219%.

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 6:42 pm
by rusty
But, but, but.....a half a person? Only a half a person has died from this?

I think yall are missing the big picture, and deflecting attention away from the President.

I mean,, Trump is having all of these pressers when only a half of a person has died? What next?

Is Trump, dare I say it, purporting "fake news"?

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 10:10 pm
by planosteve
rusty wrote:But, but, but.....a half a person? Only a half a person has died from this?

I think yall are missing the big picture, and deflecting attention away from the President.

I mean,, Trump is having all of these pressers when only a half of a person has died? What next?

Is Trump, dare I say it, purporting "fake news"?

Or maybe it was one person who was just half dead. :D

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 6:18 pm
by rusty
I'm still waiting for someone to explain this 1/2 a person who has died from Covid 19.

This is intriguing.

Could it be, dare I say it, fake news?

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:57 pm
by jellowrestling
rusty wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to explain this 1/2 a person who has died from Covid 19.

This is intriguing.

Could it be, dare I say it, fake news?

I'm not Ric, and I don't play him on TV, but I think he meant .004% (or .00004), not .00004%, and he's talking about the number of people who have likely already had the Wuhan, not the number who have tested positive for it so far. Even so, I don't think the numbers hold up.

In any case, I think the point is that we were told that 2.2 million people would die from the Wuhan without mitigation. I suspect that fewer and fewer people believe that is true. Surely no other governor is as stupid as Andrew Cuomo, intentionally forcing Wuhan-infected patients into nursing homes to kill off all the old folks.

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 6:05 am
by Mark
jellowrestling wrote:I'm not Ric, and I don't play him on TV, but I think he meant .004% (or .00004), not .00004%, and he's talking about the number of people who have likely already had the Wuhan, not the number who have tested positive for it so far. Even so, I don't think the numbers hold up.

In any case, I think the point is that we were told that 2.2 million people would die from the Wuhan without mitigation. I suspect that fewer and fewer people believe that is true. Surely no other governor is as stupid as Andrew Cuomo, intentionally forcing Wuhan-infected patients into nursing homes to kill off all the old folks.

If we had done nothing, kept kids in schools, left all businesses open, etc., the majority of Americans would have already had it and gotten over it, and our overall number of deaths would be about the same. All of our "mitigation" efforts have mostly made matters worse. We killed off the economy for nothing.

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 6:10 am
by planosteve
Mark wrote:
jellowrestling wrote:I'm not Ric, and I don't play him on TV, but I think he meant .004% (or .00004), not .00004%, and he's talking about the number of people who have likely already had the Wuhan, not the number who have tested positive for it so far. Even so, I don't think the numbers hold up.

In any case, I think the point is that we were told that 2.2 million people would die from the Wuhan without mitigation. I suspect that fewer and fewer people believe that is true. Surely no other governor is as stupid as Andrew Cuomo, intentionally forcing Wuhan-infected patients into nursing homes to kill off all the old folks.

If we had done nothing, kept kids in schools, left all businesses open, etc., the majority of Americans would have already had it and gotten over it, and our overall number of deaths would be about the same. All of our "mitigation" efforts have mostly made matters worse. We killed off the economy for nothing.


Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 7:09 am
by rusty
jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to explain this 1/2 a person who has died from Covid 19.

This is intriguing.

Could it be, dare I say it, fake news?

I'm not Ric, and I don't play him on TV, but I think he meant .004% (or .00004), not .00004%, and he's talking about the number of people who have likely already had the Wuhan, not the number who have tested positive for it so far. Even so, I don't think the numbers hold up.

In any case, I think the point is that we were told that 2.2 million people would die from the Wuhan without mitigation. I suspect that fewer and fewer people believe that is true. Surely no other governor is as stupid as Andrew Cuomo, intentionally forcing Wuhan-infected patients into nursing homes to kill off all the old folks.

Yes, of course I was being facetious. Of course he did say death rate. Even at .4% the number would only be 4000. Even if people are being included that shouldn't be included in the death toll this number is probably drastically low.

And....since we did mitigate, we'll never really know how many people didn't (haven't yet) contracted it or how many lives have been saved.

Re: Enough is enough

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:39 am
by Ric
rusty wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to explain this 1/2 a person who has died from Covid 19.

This is intriguing.

Could it be, dare I say it, fake news?

Jesus, Rusty. Point taken