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For the Burleson folks: City taxes going up

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 1:46 pm
by Bob Of Burleson
Burleson tax rate could rise 5 cents

Burleson Star

For the first time in his career, Burleson City Manager Dale Cheatham announced at a budget workshop Wednesday a plan to raise city taxes by 5 cents.

"This is a first for me, I think," he told city staff and Council members. "In my career as a city manager, there have been a few times that I have recommended that the tax rate remain the same as I did here the last several years. There have been several times that I recommended that there be a reduction in the tax rate, but I think this is the first time that I recommend there be an increase in the tax rate."

Cheatham said the plan was to keep the city's general fund tax rate – which funds day-to-day maintenance and operations – the same, at 52.78 cents per $100 of property valuation. The city's debt service fund, which can only be used to pay down debts, would increase from 16.22 cents to 21.22 cents per $100.

The reasons behind the jump are many, Cheatham said, including anticipated growth and development, future capital needs and assessments, as well as looking at some areas he believes the city has fallen short in services.

Taxpayers during the November election approved more than $19 million in bonds to fund the new Burleson Police Department and street and public mobility improvements. Cheatham said residents were told to "expect an increase in the tax rate."


Re: For the Burleson folks: City taxes going up

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:27 pm
by Red Oak
Is that five cents across all the taxpayers ? Or is it five cents a piece.