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What would you do?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:46 pm
by Sangersteve
If you were president today, what would you do to confront the issues at hand?

Here is where I would start

On the ISIS threat: I would make a conference call to all of our allies and demand their help to confront these barbarians. " Look guys we can't ignore this any more, get on board with us or risk loosing favorable deals with the USA and foreign aid" "Pack up your troops and meet me in Bagdad by Monday next week"

Our southern border: "We will be dispatching the national guard to repel all that attempt to cross" "We will begin building a fence on Thursday"

On domestic issues:" I have instructed the attorney general to begin prosecution of the IRS management who sought to target a political foe" "Any person who receives any type of federal aid will be means tested and I have instructed the states governors to do the same testing for state aid if you fail means testing get ready to set some fence poles on the border" "The corporate tax rate will be cut to 17% and a personal flat tax will replace the current tax system"

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:47 pm
by bodine
I'll vote for you....

Can I be Secretary of Education?

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:17 pm
by Jay Weaver
The real deal here is that ANY of us would have a bigger clue as to what to do then our Commander and Idiot! The question is not "what would you do?" The question is: What will the American voting populous do when it's time to vote in November? I hope enough of the voting populous knows what do!

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:14 am
by grouchy
That is a,good start.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:45 am
by dublusk
You're gonna leave Obama care intact??

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:09 am
by ann jusko
Sanger for president! But please, may your first action be restoring our military to it's former numbers and reinstate their budget to levels they can do their job. No cutting rations, no pink slips to those on the front lines and don't give promotions to the "YES" military leaders who are just advancing their own careers.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:16 am
by BigTex
If it were me, I would go play some golf.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:26 am
by planosteve
Just one thing. End the FED. All of the other problems will take care of themselves once the govt. can no longer create money out of thin air.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:48 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:Just one thing. End the FED. All of the other problems will take care of themselves once the govt. can no longer create money out of thin air.

Oh yes..things will improve greatly when Congress controls monetary policy, and monetary policy simply becomes a political football..(and you wanna see money out of thin air?)

..and the President can't end the Fed anyhow..not.even this one.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:59 am
by planosteve
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:Just one thing. End the FED. All of the other problems will take care of themselves once the govt. can no longer create money out of thin air.

Oh yes..things will improve greatly when Congress controls monetary policy, and monetary policy simply becomes a political football..(and you wanna see money out of thin air?)

..and the President can't end the Fed anyhow..not.even this one.

I should have added "and return to the only constitutional money, silver and gold." I figured that was implied when I referred to not creating money out of thin air.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:43 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:Just one thing. End the FED. All of the other problems will take care of themselves once the govt. can no longer create money out of thin air.

Oh yes..things will improve greatly when Congress controls monetary policy, and monetary policy simply becomes a political football..(and you wanna see money out of thin air?)

..and the President can't end the Fed anyhow..not.even this one.

I should have added "and return to the only constitutional money, silver and gold." I figured that was implied when I referred to not creating money out of thin air.

That could never happen..and never will..I thought I cured you of this disease..maybe you've just been in remission.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:52 am
by planosteve
That could never happen..and never will..I thought I cured you of this disease..maybe you've just been in remission.
You must think China and Russia are really stupid for dumping US bonds and buying up all the gold they can lay their hands on.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:03 pm
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
That could never happen..and never will..I thought I cured you of this disease..maybe you've just been in remission.
You must think China and Russia are really stupid for dumping US bonds and buying up all the gold they can lay their hands on.

Yes, I do tend to believe Communists..are really stupid.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:13 pm
by planosteve
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:
That could never happen..and never will..I thought I cured you of this disease..maybe you've just been in remission.
You must think China and Russia are really stupid for dumping US bonds and buying up all the gold they can lay their hands on.

Yes, I do tend to believe Communists..are really stupid.
If they are Communist, thank God for Communism. There would be nothing for us to buy at Wal Mart. :lol:

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:16 pm
by GFB
Communists, Capitalists and everything in between...

..if they're buying's only because they can eventually turn it into MONEY..(they hope)

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:44 pm
by planosteve
GFB wrote:Communists, Capitalists and everything in between...

..if they're buying's only because they can eventually turn it into MONEY..(they hope)

Gold is money. Paper is not. Check the constitution. A federal reserve "note" is a debt, not an asset.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:49 pm
by bodine
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:Communists, Capitalists and everything in between...

..if they're buying's only because they can eventually turn it into MONEY..(they hope)

Gold is money. Paper is not. Check the constitution. A federal reserve "note" is a debt, not an asset.

Except that a federal reserve note is used as a medium of exchange. Walk into Kroger with an ounce of gold and tell me what you can buy with it. Nothing. Nada. Zip. A C-note will buy food to feed you for a week; or if my son is home, a couple of days...

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:58 pm
by GFB
bodine wrote:
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:Communists, Capitalists and everything in between...

..if they're buying's only because they can eventually turn it into MONEY..(they hope)

Gold is money. Paper is not. Check the constitution. A federal reserve "note" is a debt, not an asset.

Except that a federal reserve note is used as a medium of exchange. Walk into Kroger with an ounce of gold and tell me what you can buy with it. Nothing. Nada. Zip. A C-note will buy food to feed you for a week; or if my son is home, a couple of days...

He knows that..he just loves acting dumb.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:08 pm
by planosteve
bodine wrote:
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:Communists, Capitalists and everything in between...

..if they're buying's only because they can eventually turn it into MONEY..(they hope)

Gold is money. Paper is not. Check the constitution. A federal reserve "note" is a debt, not an asset.

Except that a federal reserve note is used as a medium of exchange. Walk into Kroger with an ounce of gold and tell me what you can buy with it. Nothing. Nada. Zip. A C-note will buy food to feed you for a week; or if my son is home, a couple of days...
The reason is that a merchant is required by law to accept Federal Reserve Notes as a media of exchange. I'm sure they would prefer gold or sliver. Which would you rather have, a dollar bill or 10 silver dimes?

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:20 pm
by Sangersteve
I would much rather have 10 silver dimes, so I could load them up and drive them to Dallas where I could sell them for about 6 dollars. Never mind that it would cost me two hours of my time and about 12 dollars worth of fuel.

If the merchant happens to receive those same 10 dimes in an exchange, you will get a dollars worth of merchandise, and if he were lucky enough to notice those 10 dimes he too would get that 6 bucks worth of value, however if he missed them he gets a dollar when they are deposited.