Count the red flags in this story (borderline SFW)

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Count the red flags in this story (borderline SFW)

Postby BigTex » Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:45 pm

The Smoking Gun:

JUNE 3--A female high school student pleaded guilty this afternoon to striking a younger pupil who “began to laugh and chuckle” when she “expelled wind from the vulva” while having sex in the back of a Pennsylvania school bus.

The bizarre January incident resulted in police citing the 18-year-old for harassing the victim, a 13-year-old boy who was allegedly elbowed in the testicles by the older student. The confrontation occurred as a school bus traveled in an Armstrong County township about 50 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.

The incident was described in a graphic, yet succinct, Pennsylvania State Police report authored by Trooper Brad Jordan: “Both the victim and the accused were riding school bus. The accused expelled wind from the vulva during coitus while at the back of the bus.”

The victim, Jordan noted, “began to laugh and chuckled at the accused for her actions.” At that point, “the accused approached the victim and elbowed him in the testicles.”

As previously reported, it seems that Jordan relied on the Urban Dictionary for a definition of “queef.” In a January interview, the trooper said that, on second thought, his report was too explicit in terms of “terminology and language.” In fact, State Police brass were so embarrassed by the report’s content, they subsequently issued a sanitized version of the document and asked local media outlets to “please disregard” the original report.

During a Magisterial District Court hearing today, the student pleaded guilty to the harassment count, according to records that indicate that a judge waived fines imposed when she copped to the charge. The young woman and her partner were not charged in connection with the reported bus sex.

The student will not be identified by name in these pages. Because nobody needs to be linked to the nickname “Teen LaQueefa,” which was coined by one Facebook wag.

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Re: Count the red flags in this story (borderline SFW)

Postby Sangersteve » Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:52 pm

I lost count,started over, lost count again.
It's a joke son,I say a joke

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Re: Count the red flags in this story (borderline SFW)

Postby GRANDPA » Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:36 pm

Sure not like any school bus ride I was ever on.
I feel like I'm parked diagonally in a parallel universe.

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