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Open Borders question

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:12 am
by LibraryLady2
I hear the term "open borders" and read where the US is supposed to have open borders now that Biden is POTUS.

However, a short google search says:
How many immigrants have been returned in 2023?
In coordination with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, since May 2023, DHS has repatriated over 250,000 individuals, including more than 36,000 individual family members. DHS has removed or returned more individual family members in the last four months than in any previous full fiscal year.Sep 22, 2023

So, how is it an open border if we are sending them back in droves?
If the border is open, why are smugglers needed/still in operation?

(Inquiring minds, you know)

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:29 am
by Mark
If you really believe the border is secure, then there isn't a thing in the world I can say that will help you understand.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:34 am
by LibraryLady2
If the border is open, why are smugglers still in business?

Why are people swimming the Rio Grande?

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 12:47 pm
by Sangersteve
More than 2.8 million migrants have had encounters with authorities so far this fiscal year, compared to more than 2.7 million migrants in 2022, according to the latest Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics.

10 million since Biden took office.

So doing the math DHS has deported 2.5 percent of the total, not counting gotaways.

The ones deported are not recent arrivals, they could have been here for years. Or just unlucky they got caught committing crimes or having overstayed their visa.

If the border is under control why are the sanctuary cities crying they can't take anymore?

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 12:56 pm
by LibraryLady2
I didn't say it was under control. I just question how it can be said to be open if we are deporting as many as we catch.

People have been swimming across the Rio Grande all my life. We/the US has been trying to stop it all my life.
No one has figured out a way to do that 100%.

My point is that if we/the US is catching as many illegals as we can and sending them back,then don't call that an open border.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:06 pm
by Mark
LibraryLady2 wrote:If the border is open, why are smugglers still in business?

Why are people swimming the Rio Grande?

Smugglers are still in business because they are succeeding.

People are swimming the Rio Grande because they know that nobody will currently stop them.

These are both symptoms of a wide open border.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:18 pm
by Sangersteve
LibraryLady2 wrote:I didn't say it was under control. I just question how it can be said to be open if we are deporting as many as we catch.

People have been swimming across the Rio Grande all my life. We/the US has been trying to stop it all my life.
No one has figured out a way to do that 100%.

My point is that if we/the US is catching as many illegals as we can and sending them back,then don't call that an open border.

If 2.8 million came in this year and we deported 250,000 how is that the same amount?

Are the one's the sanctuary cities don't want being sent back?

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:19 pm
by GFB
LibraryLady2 wrote:I didn't say it was under control. I just question how it can be said to be open if we are deporting as many as we catch.

People have been swimming across the Rio Grande all my life. We/the US has been trying to stop it all my life.
No one has figured out a way to do that 100%.

My point is that if we/the US is catching as many illegals as we can and sending them back,then don't call that an open border.

Point is..Trump turned it into a trickle.

Biden turned it into a flood.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:23 pm
by GFB
LibraryLady2 wrote:I didn't say it was under control. I just question how it can be said to be open if we are deporting as many as we catch.

Whoever said that is a liar.

We are hiring more people to work at the border, to siphon more and more illegals faster and faster.

How could someone not be aware of that?

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:09 pm
by planosteve
GFB wrote:
LibraryLady2 wrote:I didn't say it was under control. I just question how it can be said to be open if we are deporting as many as we catch.

Whoever said that is a liar.

We are hiring more people to work at the border, to siphon more and more illegals faster and faster.

How could someone not be aware of that?
Actually, it's not "we" it's the Biden administration.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:16 am
by Mark
The people being hired to work at the border are being hired to make sandwiches for illegal aliens and to process them INTO the United States, not to turn anybody away.

Grab the mayo and mustard folks. Border patrol is making sandwiches.

They are being pulled off of drug trafficking, child trafficking, and every other major crime they are hired to work on to make sandwiches for illegal immigrants crossing the border. That is what one border patrol agent brought to Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley’s attention.

In turn, Hawley brought the misuse of these agents to the attention of U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, who did not deny the claim in a recent hearing.

“Are there HSI special agents who are currently at the border having them pulled away from other cases?” Hawley asked of Mayorkas in a video shared on X. Mayorkas responded by diverting the answer in a wrong direction.

This is wild. Joe Biden's DHS is taking agents off child trafficking cases to make sandwiches for illegal aliens at the southern border. ... r-AA1jdWx2

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:38 am
by rusty
We could prevent every illegal alien from coming into this country from across the border and over the river, and drug smuggling wouldn't be reduced one iota.

Drug smugglers don't come in with their lives on their backs. Smugglers are much too sophisticated for that.

It's not the poor schmuck with their kids in tow, and who only want to make a better life for their families. THe Texas economy depnds on immigrants, and we always have.

You want to reduce drug smuggling? FInd the rich American citizens who are working with the cartels. If it stinks, follow the scent of the money.

Sometimes, common sense evades people with distorted political agendas. But the politics of misinformation and fear are alive and well.

The gullible will always believe what they WANT to belive.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 5:37 pm
by Sangersteve
Yup they only want to work.

It's not the poor schmuck with their kids in tow, and who only want to make a better life for their families

They just don't want to do the paperwork.

Only about 2% of the tens of thousands of migrants(approx. 140,000) who have poured into the Big Apple since the asylum seeker crisis started have actually applied for work authorization permits, the latest data shows.

Roughly 3,200 asylum seekers in New York City have filed the required paperwork needed to start earning a legal paycheck — some 18 months after the relentless migrant influx first began, according to figures provided by City Hall.

1,495 of those work authorization applications have been filed through the city’s Asylum Application Help Center since the facility opened back in June, the figures show.

Meanwhile, another 1,700 work applications were submitted last month when the Biden administration sent Department of Homeland Security staffers to Gotham for a two-week stretch to help speed through the bureaucratic process.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:02 pm
by GFB
The drugs are bad, but the millions of illegal aliens are the real problem..

Abbott is not shipping the drugs to New York or Chicago..he’s shipping the throngs of scummy people.

New Yorkers are not freaking out because piles of drugs are collecting outside their swanky midtown hotels..they’re freaking out about all the scummy people.

Drugs could be easily disposed of.

The sanctuary city virtue signalers are singing a different tune now, all because of the great work by Abbott and Ron DeSantis.

Trump plans a massive deportation.

The harm Biden has done can never be completely undone, but if we get Trump, this will stop, and be partially unraveled.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:50 am
by Mark
GFB wrote:
Trump plans a massive deportation.

The harm Biden has done can never be completely undone, but if we get Trump, this will stop, and be partially unraveled.

Our next legitimate president needs to revive President Eisenhower's "Operation Wetback" on a massive scale.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:01 am
by planosteve
Mark wrote:
GFB wrote:
Trump plans a massive deportation.

The harm Biden has done can never be completely undone, but if we get Trump, this will stop, and be partially unraveled.

Our next legitimate president needs to revive President Eisenhower's "Operation Wetback" on a massive scale.

That was an entirely different thing. It was Mexican, not South American workers.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:15 am
by Mark
planosteve wrote:
Mark wrote:
GFB wrote:
Trump plans a massive deportation.

The harm Biden has done can never be completely undone, but if we get Trump, this will stop, and be partially unraveled.

Our next legitimate president needs to revive President Eisenhower's "Operation Wetback" on a massive scale.

That was an entirely different thing. It was Mexican, not South American workers.

They're all wetbacks that need to be deported...

Therefore, it is an IDENTICAL thing.

And these are not workers. These are welfare rats here to live off the backs of hard-working American taxpayers. Most are illiterate with no marketable job skills. These shithole countries are exporting their useless citizens and criminal citizens to the United States. It all needs to stop.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:22 am
by planosteve
There is no evidence of that. A lot if not most are women and children.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:10 am
by Mark
planosteve wrote:There is no evidence of that. A lot if not most are women and children.

Nope. Most are military aged males.

Re: Open Borders question

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:06 am
by GFB
Mark wrote:
planosteve wrote:There is no evidence of that. A lot if not most are women and children.

Nope. Most are military aged males.

Yes..most of the throngs are men, men and more men.