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Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 6:03 am
by planosteve
Ben Gvir, Israeli national security minister, says ending the war means the end of the government. This isn't a threat but the plain truth. This government will, in all likelihood, collapse when the war is over, which is a key reason why they want to keep the war going.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:43 pm
by jellowrestling
It's not a war: it's a pest extermination process.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:28 pm
by planosteve
jellowrestling wrote:It's not a war: it's a pest extermination process.

Genocide-the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group:

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 10:26 pm
planosteve wrote:
jellowrestling wrote:It's not a war: it's a pest extermination process.

Genocide-the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group:

PSteve, it's odd that you recently denied that Nazi Germany did this to the Jews, Gypsies, mental defectives & others.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:04 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
jellowrestling wrote:It's not a war: it's a pest extermination process.

Genocide-the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group:

Right..October 7th.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:45 am
by planosteve
GRANDPA wrote:
planosteve wrote:
jellowrestling wrote:It's not a war: it's a pest extermination process.

Genocide-the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group:

PSteve, it's odd that you recently denied that Nazi Germany did this to the Jews, Gypsies, mental defectives & others.

Jews yes. I don't recall mentioning gypsies & mental defectives.
As I believe I mentioned before, I didn't keep source notes. But, there were 3 seperate books written based on examination of the evidence in the camps. All 3 agreed that the official narrative was bogus. But, what really happened will probably never come out since it puts the US in a very bad light. And I can find no trace of these books anymore. They have gone down the memory hole.
Since a lot of Hollywood is run by those of the Jewish persuasion, there are lots and lots of fictional "Holocaust" propaganda movies out there. Here's 50 of them.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:02 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
GRANDPA wrote:
planosteve wrote:Genocide-the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group:

PSteve, it's odd that you recently denied that Nazi Germany did this to the Jews, Gypsies, mental defectives & others.

Jews yes. I don't recall mentioning gypsies & mental defectives.
As I believe I mentioned before, I didn't keep source notes. But, there were 3 seperate books written based on examination of the evidence in the camps. All 3 agreed that the official narrative was bogus. But, what really happened will probably never come out since it puts the US in a very bad light. And I can find no trace of these books anymore. They have gone down the memory hole.
Since a lot of Hollywood is run by those of the Jewish persuasion, there are lots and lots of fictional "Holocaust" propaganda movies out there. Here's 50 of them.

It has nothing to do with Hollywood..or books written years later.

Thousands of Americans got to see with their own eyes..and take pictures of what happened.

Thankfully, my father was in the 5th army infantry fighting elsewhere and never saw that.

Most of the Concentration camps are still can visit the Warsaw Ghetto area like I did..and see the train tracks that are still there that carried people to their death.

Give it up, dipshit.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:30 am
by planosteve
You saw train tracks? Oh wow! And your daddy was in WWII. That makes you an expert I guess.
I spent 4 years in Germany. How long were you there?
And have you seen this movie? It explains it all! ... ter_02.jpg

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:38 am
by Mark
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:
GRANDPA wrote:PSteve, it's odd that you recently denied that Nazi Germany did this to the Jews, Gypsies, mental defectives & others.

Jews yes. I don't recall mentioning gypsies & mental defectives.
As I believe I mentioned before, I didn't keep source notes. But, there were 3 seperate books written based on examination of the evidence in the camps. All 3 agreed that the official narrative was bogus. But, what really happened will probably never come out since it puts the US in a very bad light. And I can find no trace of these books anymore. They have gone down the memory hole.
Since a lot of Hollywood is run by those of the Jewish persuasion, there are lots and lots of fictional "Holocaust" propaganda movies out there. Here's 50 of them.

It has nothing to do with Hollywood..or books written years later.

Thousands of Americans got to see with their own eyes..and take pictures of what happened.

Thankfully, my father was in the 5th army infantry fighting elsewhere and never saw that.

Most of the Concentration camps are still can visit the Warsaw Ghetto area like I did..and see the train tracks that are still there that carried people to their death.

Give it up, dipshit.

And there is still human evidence walking around with those tattoos on their arms.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:03 am
by planosteve
And there is still human evidence walking around with those tattoos on their arms.
Evidence of what?
You know if all you were going to do was get rid of the Jews, why would you spend all of this money to build "concentration camps" if you were just going to kill them. You would just dig trenches and take them off the train and shoot them.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:34 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
And there is still human evidence walking around with those tattoos on their arms.
Evidence of what?
You know if all you were going to do was get rid of the Jews, why would you spend all of this money to build "concentration camps" if you were just going to kill them. You would just dig trenches and take them off the train and shoot them.

They did that for a while, until the Nazis realized they needed more bullets that they could ever manufacture.

They tried other ways, too..the gas chambers and ovens were their only choice.

You need to learn the history..and stop reading nonsense.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:56 am
by planosteve
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:
And there is still human evidence walking around with those tattoos on their arms.
Evidence of what?
You know if all you were going to do was get rid of the Jews, why would you spend all of this money to build "concentration camps" if you were just going to kill them. You would just dig trenches and take them off the train and shoot them.

They did that for a while, until the Nazis realized they needed more bullets that they could ever manufacture.

They tried other ways, too..the gas chambers and ovens were their only choice.

You need to learn the history..and stop reading nonsense.

Actually, the ovens were the big giveaway. They couldn't have disposed of the numbers of bodies that was claimed. They tried to explain it away by saying they cremated 2 or 3 at once. But, that's impossible since there wouldn't be enough oxygen which you need for fire. You should stop reading the mainstream news BS propaganda. As Fox Moulder told us. "The truth out there" The govt doesn't want you to know it. It's up to you to find it.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:27 pm
by Mark
All Holocaust denialism is rooted in hatred of Jews.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:41 pm
planosteve wrote:
And there is still human evidence walking around with those tattoos on their arms.
Evidence of what?
You know if all you were going to do was get rid of the Jews, why would you spend all of this money to build "concentration camps" if you were just going to kill them. You would just dig trenches and take them off the train and shoot them.

PSteve, I thought even you knew better than that. I guess not. The Germans might have gotten away with that if there were only few thousand or even a few hundred thousand, but when there were MILLIONS, that calls for a different solution. Are you denying the camps existed? Not knowing is one thing, willful ignorance is another. The ever-efficient Germans knew that just mowing them down wholesale by machine guns wasn't going to work on the scale they needed, not to mention the psychological effects on the shooters themselves. Himmler himself was sickened the one time he witnessed a mass shooting of Jews. Why bother transporting the victims at all? Because simply shooting that many Jews, Gypsies, mental defectives & other "Untermensch", was wasteful of ammunition, time consuming, left too many survivors & witnesses and too much evidence. I'm surprised, but not really, you refuse to comprehend that. And, yes, I mentioned Gypies, et al, even though you didn't, because the Germans tried to exterminate them too. I bet you can't wait until the time all the eyewitnesses & survivors are dead, it'll make it so much easier for you & your ilk to deny it ever happened.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:04 pm
by planosteve
Me and my ilk have a simple point. You don't build huge camps to house people when you are just going to kill them. Why would that make sense?
We are told that people were brought to the camps where they were told to strip and shower to be deloused but were instead gassed and killed. Then we are shown pictures of piles of naked bodies. But, those bodies were emaciated and obviously suffering starvation when they died. Actually, life at Auschwitz wasn't that bad until the food ran out. They even had a symphony orchestra to entertain the inmates.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:10 pm
If it wasn't so bad, as you claim, would you have volunteered to take someone's place there? Did anyone else volunteer to go to Auschwitz or any other concentration camp?

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:23 pm
by planosteve
GRANDPA wrote:If it wasn't so bad, as you claim, would you have volunteered to take someone's place there? Did anyone else volunteer to go to Auschwitz or any other concentration camp?

Since I was about 5 years old, probably not. Anyone else? I don't know. But, there are some very important things about the camps that Americans have never been told.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:44 pm
I'm sure you can find what you agree with & a lot more you disagree with and don't want to know about on the internet.

Re: Say "Goodnight" Nut Job!

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:59 pm
by planosteve
GRANDPA wrote:I'm sure you can find what you agree with & a lot more you disagree with and don't want to know about on the internet.

The first thing you have to do is to find out who the truth tellers are. A lot of times they are people you have never heard of. You don't want to believe everything you read.