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Drone technology

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:19 pm
by LibraryLady
Didn’t realize drone technology had advanced this far so quickly. They are using up their obsolete F-16’s. Not a good day for the future of manned aircraft. Seems like the PILOT is on the endangered list. This little 4 minute video is really something. A first for a full size jet airplane. Thousands of planes that were grave yard bound, with costs in the hundreds of millions, can now be used as never before. These F-16’s Boeing aircraft have been in the bone yard at Davis-Monahan for 15 years , and now being used as drones.,AAAAukPAlqE%7E,oAVq1qtdRjwBrIkHYj2MSytJiEK9s5fy&bclid=0&bctid=2684464741001

Re: Drone technology

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:32 pm
by BillB
Under Queen Bee Hillary, there's no telling what the drones will do.

Re: Drone technology

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:12 pm
by Dancer
That should scare the Hell out of any and everyone.

Re: Drone technology

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:17 pm
by BigTex
I think we will always have manned combat aircraft in some form or fashion.

Re: Drone technology

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:31 pm
by zoomzoomklunk
"Didn’t realize drone technology had advanced this far so quickly. They are using up their obsolete F-16’s. Not a good day for the future of manned aircraft. Seems like the PILOT is on the endangered list. This little 4 minute video is really something. A first for a full size jet airplane. Thousands of planes that were grave yard bound, with costs in the hundreds of millions, can now be used as never before. These F-16’s Boeing aircraft have been in the bone yard at Davis-Monahan for 15 years , and now being used as drones."

Back in 1977 we were using/shooting down obsolete F-4s as drones at Holloman AFB, NM. The technology has been out there for some time but far more advanced now.