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Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 11:10 am
by rusty
I just watched “50 Years of Peter, Paul, and Mary on PBS. My takeaway? There are a lot of people in my generation that need to watch this and try to get back to their roots. Way too many people, my age, who were considered “hippies” that have abandoned the message. If you really get down to it, it’s all about living a Christian lifestyle, even if we’re not all Christians.

If you are a Trump advocate, you aren't living a Christian lifestyle.

Period, paragraph, end of story.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 12:07 pm
by Ric
rusty wrote:If you are a Trump advocate, you aren't living a Christian lifestyle.

Period, paragraph, end of story.

Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 12:34 pm
by rusty
Ric wrote:
rusty wrote:If you are a Trump advocate, you aren't living a Christian lifestyle.

Period, paragraph, end of story.

Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged.

If I’m going to be judged I will absolutely not be judged by following Trump. If I had to rely on that I might as well go ahead and sell my soul to the devil.

But that brings up another question. How do Trump supporters feel that they’re walking the Christian walk? What part of Trump’s agenda aligns to Christianity?

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 12:46 pm
by Ric
rusty wrote:
Ric wrote:
rusty wrote:If you are a Trump advocate, you aren't living a Christian lifestyle.

Period, paragraph, end of story.

Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged.

If I’m going to be judged I will absolutely not be judged by following Trump. If I had to rely on that I might as well go ahead and sell my soul to the devil.

But that brings up another question. How do Trump supporters feel that they’re walking the Christian walk? What part of Trump’s agenda aligns to Christianity?

Tell me what part of the lefts foolishness of late would make anyone think Christianity?

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 1:36 pm
by Sangersteve
Way too many people, my age, who were considered “hippies” that have abandoned the message.

What was that message?

Peace, love, and flowers or tune in, turn on ,and drop out?

If you followed either one past your early 20's you had nothing of what I would consider values of anything but leftism.

There is no utopia, the left proves they only believe in talk about helping.

We care about the homeless by allowing them to defile our cities

Bonus if we give them supplies to use drugs in open view.

Let's all wear pink to show we value womens rights

Then lets vote to allow men to invade women's spaces.

Great value system there chief.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 2:40 pm
by rusty
Ric wrote:
rusty wrote:
Ric wrote:
Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged.

If I’m going to be judged I will absolutely not be judged by following Trump. If I had to rely on that I might as well go ahead and sell my soul to the devil.

But that brings up another question. How do Trump supporters feel that they’re walking the Christian walk? What part of Trump’s agenda aligns to Christianity?

Tell me what part of the lefts foolishness of late would make anyone think Christianity?

Obviously you can’t answer my question if you have to answer it with another question.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 3:45 pm
by rusty
All you Trumpers… is this really the guy you think is a good Christian role model? If so, why?

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 6:03 pm
by GFB
Ric wrote:
Tell me what part of the lefts foolishness of late would make anyone think Christianity?

No one will be able to do that.

But Trump supporters can easily identify their Christian beliefs..starting with, openly EMBRACING their Christian beliefs, which obviously involve wanting prayer in schools and being pro life..often involves wearing crosses..and certainly involves knowing the difference between the two types of people that God made in his own image.

There are men..and there are women.

And we would never support a jackass that can’t define a woman for the Supreme Court..even though she somehow knows SHE is one.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 6:06 pm
by GFB
But Trump supporters do not need to be Christian.

And we did not elect him to be a religious leader..or even a religious man..only to embrace and enforce those good things that religious people want their country to return to.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 6:58 pm
by Mark
President Trump is an imperfect man. There is only one perfect Man to have ever walked the face of this earth.

The Holy Bible is full of imperfect men that were chosen by God to do His work.

President Trump was 100% right at the end of his State of the Union address the other night when he said that God spared his life last summer so he could save this nation.

It's insulting that somebody from the Godless Democrat party wants to preach to us about Christianity.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 8:58 pm
by planosteve
Do you figure Peter Paul and Mary were more religious than Fibber McGee and Molly?

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 11:19 pm
by jellowrestling
rusty wrote:All you Trumpers… is this really the guy you think is a good Christian role model? If so, why?

He's not the Pope, he's our President.

The last guy presided over boys in girls' sports, Drag Queen story hour, 482 genders, racist indoctrination, corruption, political persecution, flying criminal illegal aliens all over the country (and a wide-open border in general), and weakness that emboldened Putin to attack Ukraine. That's just for starters. I'll take Trump every day, and twice on Sunday.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 10:23 am
by rusty
You guys dodge questions as good as Republicans on Meet The Press.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2025 5:45 pm
by rusty
jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:All you Trumpers… is this really the guy you think is a good Christian role model? If so, why?

He's not the Pope, he's our President.

The last guy presided over boys in girls' sports, Drag Queen story hour, 482 genders, racist indoctrination, corruption, political persecution, flying criminal illegal aliens all over the country (and a wide-open border in general), and weakness that emboldened Putin to attack Ukraine. That's just for starters. I'll take Trump every day, and twice on Sunday.

He's your President, not mine. How many incidences of boys in girls sports, Drag Queen story hour, gender afirmation, or any of the other things you mentioned effected you, or anybody, in recent memory? The Republicans are great at trying to find a boogie man, But how relevant are those boogie men? those things.

Republicans, the party of fear. And the party that panders to the people who want to believe the things they people to be fearful of.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2025 8:21 pm
by planosteve
Ric wrote:
rusty wrote:If you are a Trump advocate, you aren't living a Christian lifestyle.

Period, paragraph, end of story.

Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged.

Your going to be judged whether you judge or not.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2025 8:31 pm
by jellowrestling
rusty wrote:
jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:All you Trumpers… is this really the guy you think is a good Christian role model? If so, why?

He's not the Pope, he's our President.

The last guy presided over boys in girls' sports, Drag Queen story hour, 482 genders, racist indoctrination, corruption, political persecution, flying criminal illegal aliens all over the country (and a wide-open border in general), and weakness that emboldened Putin to attack Ukraine. That's just for starters. I'll take Trump every day, and twice on Sunday.

He's your President, not mine. How many incidences of boys in girls sports, Drag Queen story hour, gender afirmation, or any of the other things you mentioned effected you, or anybody, in recent memory? The Republicans are great at trying to find a boogie man, But how relevant are those boogie men? those things.

Republicans, the party of fear. And the party that panders to the people who want to believe the things they people to be fearful of.

Well, the whole gender bender thing is one of the reasons I decided to retire early. And it got worse after I left. I refused to play along and pretend that boys are girls and girls are boys. It's a mental illness, and I couldn't ethically do my job if I were lying to people and affirming their mental delusion. A couple of years after I left, they had a girl taking steroids to pretend to be a boy who won the state championship in wrestling.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2025 9:35 pm
by GFB
jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:
jellowrestling wrote:He's not the Pope, he's our President.

The last guy presided over boys in girls' sports, Drag Queen story hour, 482 genders, racist indoctrination, corruption, political persecution, flying criminal illegal aliens all over the country (and a wide-open border in general), and weakness that emboldened Putin to attack Ukraine. That's just for starters. I'll take Trump every day, and twice on Sunday.

He's your President, not mine. How many incidences of boys in girls sports, Drag Queen story hour, gender afirmation, or any of the other things you mentioned effected you, or anybody, in recent memory? The Republicans are great at trying to find a boogie man, But how relevant are those boogie men? those things.

Republicans, the party of fear. And the party that panders to the people who want to believe the things they people to be fearful of.

Well, the whole gender bender thing is one of the reasons I decided to retire early. And it got worse after I left. I refused to play along and pretend that boys are girls and girls are boys. It's a mental illness, and I couldn't ethically do my job if I were lying to people and affirming their mental delusion. A couple of years after I left, they had a girl taking steroids to pretend to be a boy who won the state championship in wrestling.

The left destroyed the country with open borders.

They destroyed the civil society with this gender nonsense.

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2025 12:15 am
by jellowrestling
GFB wrote:
jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:

He's your President, not mine. How many incidences of boys in girls sports, Drag Queen story hour, gender afirmation, or any of the other things you mentioned effected you, or anybody, in recent memory? The Republicans are great at trying to find a boogie man, But how relevant are those boogie men? those things.

Republicans, the party of fear. And the party that panders to the people who want to believe the things they people to be fearful of.

Well, the whole gender bender thing is one of the reasons I decided to retire early. And it got worse after I left. I refused to play along and pretend that boys are girls and girls are boys. It's a mental illness, and I couldn't ethically do my job if I were lying to people and affirming their mental delusion. A couple of years after I left, they had a girl taking steroids to pretend to be a boy who won the state championship in wrestling.

The left destroyed the country with open borders.

They destroyed the civil society with this gender nonsense.


Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2025 7:05 am
by planosteve
Trump lives a Jewish lifestyle. ... president/
That's why his daughter married one. ;)

Re: Have we all lost our minds?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2025 7:53 am
by planosteve
rusty wrote:I just watched “50 Years of Peter, Paul, and Mary on PBS. My takeaway? There are a lot of people in my generation that need to watch this and try to get back to their roots. Way too many people, my age, who were considered “hippies” that have abandoned the message. If you really get down to it, it’s all about living a Christian lifestyle, even if we’re not all Christians.

If you are a Trump advocate, you aren't living a Christian lifestyle.

Period, paragraph, end of story.

Ah, not quite the end. Peter Yarrow was Jewish. ... il-rights/