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More class in his litte toe

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:31 pm
by Sangersteve
Obama has blamed all of his failings on George Bush or anyone else, never taking blame on himself.

Then you got this guy.

Former President George W. Bush declined to criticize President Obama’s handling of Iraq and the rise of the Islamic State, the terrorist group that has captured large swaths of land in the Middle East, opting instead to respect the difficulties associated with the office.

“The president has to make the choices he thinks are important,” Bush said during a Fox News interview that aired Thursday. “I’m not going to second guess our president. I understand how tough the job is. To have a former president bloviating and second-guessing is, I don’t think, good for the presidency or the country.”

But that’s not to say that Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade didn’t try to coax an “I told you so” moment from Bush, who has warned in the past that withdrawing from Iraq without leaving some U.S. troops to ensure a smooth transition could end in disaster.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:45 pm
by PlanoSooner
Right or wrong.... Like him or not..... GW will NOT go down in history as a lesser prez than the community organizer

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:18 am
by BigTex
But . . . you have to keep in mind who writes the history books.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:48 am
by GFB
PlanoSooner wrote:Right or wrong.... Like him or not..... GW will NOT go down in history as a lesser prez than the community organizer


Good God no!

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:00 am
by planosteve
A lot of "class" comes from being born into a wealthy family and never have to get down in the mud. And having a dozen books published cataloging all of the stupid things you said is not classy IMO.

Former presidents " improve" in status the longer they are out of office. The best indication is what the polls showed at the end of their term. Bush was polled as the worse since Nixon. I don't agree. I think Bush was a lot worse than Nixon. But, Obama is going to be a bottom feeder too. It depends on his last 2 years.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:11 am
by ann jusko
Planosteve, another point we don't agree on. I do know in my heart that GWB loves the U.S.A. and it's citizens. I'm not sure you like anyone except Ron Paul. I watch the wounded warriors and the way they love GWB. Now these guys gave a lot and have more prospective than you do. I'll accept their judgment on the character of GWB.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:55 am
by planosteve
ann jusko wrote:Planosteve, another point we don't agree on. I do know in my heart that GWB loves the U.S.A. and it's citizens. I'm not sure you like anyone except Ron Paul. I watch the wounded warriors and the way they love GWB. Now these guys gave a lot and have more prospective than you do. I'll accept their judgment on the character of GWB.
I don't have any problem with Bush personally. I have a problem with his job performance. So did the overwhelming number of the American people who personally observed his 8 years and by the time it was over considered him the worst since Nixon.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:59 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
ann jusko wrote:Planosteve, another point we don't agree on. I do know in my heart that GWB loves the U.S.A. and it's citizens. I'm not sure you like anyone except Ron Paul. I watch the wounded warriors and the way they love GWB. Now these guys gave a lot and have more prospective than you do. I'll accept their judgment on the character of GWB.
I don't have any problem with Bush personally. I have a problem with his job performance. So did the overwhelming number of the American people who personally observed his 8 years and by the time it was over considered him the worst since Nixon.

Most of his Presidency..his poll numbers were very good.

This President, other than his first 6 months..have NEVER been good.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:19 am
by planosteve
This President, other than his first 6 months..have NEVER been good.

That was because 9/11 and the aftermath goosed his ratings a lot higher at the beginning. He polled 90% approval the week after. By Oct 2008 was down all the way to 25, the 2nd lowest ever recorded by Gallop. Nixon still holds the record at 24.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:29 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
This President, other than his first 6 months..have NEVER been good.

That was because 9/11 and the aftermath goosed his ratings a lot higher at the beginning. He polled 90% approval the week after. By Oct 2008 was down all the way to 25,

7 very good years later.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:56 am
by Red Oak
Dubya's career was built on the Family Legacy; Obama's has been built on Race.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:34 am
by kent
"polls" consider Nixon the worst all because of Watergate. Watergate pales in comparrison to what our current president has done and continues to do. Carter was the worst president ever because he was just incompetent at the job. This guy is the worst because he intentionally intends to hurt this country. IMHO, of course.

As for Carter, he gets the distinction of the president who has no character when it comes to commenting on a current president.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:53 am
by planosteve
I don't see how from the standpoint of policy there is any difference between Bush and Obama. They were virtually identical. Obama just extended the basic policies from the Bush administration. War war war, spend spend spend, and govt provided healthcare.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:31 pm
by GFB
planosteve wrote:I don't see how from the standpoint of policy there is any difference between Bush and Obama. They were virtually identical. Obama just extended the basic policies from the Bush administration. War war war, spend spend spend, and govt provided healthcare.

Large tax cuts..two times..for everyone..especially middle class and below.

Large increases In allowable IRA and 401K contributions.

Samuel Alito vs Sony Sotomayor

John Roberts vs Elena Kagan

Winning a war vs turning that country back over to terrorists.

Building the country up vs tearing it down.

Respecting the military vs not wanting to spill your latte.

Receiving great respect and trust from our allies vs them losing complete faith and trust in us.

Enemies fearing us vs them laughing at us and pissing all over us.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:33 pm
by GFB
Upbeat "gentleman" vs narcissistic America hater with a chip on his shoulder.

They have nothing in common.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:40 am
by planosteve
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:I don't see how from the standpoint of policy there is any difference between Bush and Obama. They were virtually identical. Obama just extended the basic policies from the Bush administration. War war war, spend spend spend, and govt provided healthcare.

Large tax cuts..two times..for everyone..especially middle class and below.

Large increases In allowable IRA and 401K contributions.

Samuel Alito vs Sony Sotomayor

John Roberts vs Elena Kagan

Winning a war vs turning that country back over to terrorists.

Building the country up vs tearing it down.

Respecting the military vs not wanting to spill your latte.

Receiving great respect and trust from our allies vs them losing complete faith and trust in us.

Enemies fearing us vs them laughing at us and pissing all over us.

Funny, I don't recall any decrease in my income tax. The "compassionate conservative" was every bit the phony as was the Peaceprize man.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:49 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:I don't see how from the standpoint of policy there is any difference between Bush and Obama. They were virtually identical. Obama just extended the basic policies from the Bush administration. War war war, spend spend spend, and govt provided healthcare.

Large tax cuts..two times..for everyone..especially middle class and below.

Large increases In allowable IRA and 401K contributions.

Samuel Alito vs Sony Sotomayor

John Roberts vs Elena Kagan

Winning a war vs turning that country back over to terrorists.

Building the country up vs tearing it down.

Respecting the military vs not wanting to spill your latte.

Receiving great respect and trust from our allies vs them losing complete faith and trust in us.

Enemies fearing us vs them laughing at us and pissing all over us.

Funny, I don't recall any decrease in my income tax. The "compassionate conservative" was every bit the phony as was the Peaceprize man.

All marginal tax rates were lowered.. SIGNIFICANTLY!

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:52 am
by planosteve
All marginal tax rates were lowered.. SIGNIFICANTLY!

Bush's tax cut was meant to deflect criticism about the cost of invading Iraq. It was a ruse. Bush and Cheney said the was would cost about 40 billion. They fired the guy that objected and said it would be at least 100 billion. Now, the total spent is over 2 trillion and still climbing.

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:23 pm
I think NObama will act as if he is still president even after he is out of office. After all, he acted like he was before his inauguration. Remember his office of the president-elect?

Re: More class in his litte toe

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:47 am
by planosteve
GRANDPA wrote:I think NObama will act as if he is still president even after he is out of office. After all, he acted like he was before his inauguration. Remember his office of the president-elect?
About all they can do is give speeches. Clinton makes a lot because he's paid lot of money. Bush doesn't. He probably doesn't need the money, he's from a rich family.