Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

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Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby planosteve » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:04 am

Top Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out on Ebola

Washington's Blog spoke with one of America's leading experts on the dangers of research into deadly germs, Dr. Francis Boyle.

Dr. Boyle wrote the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.

Dr. Boyle served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International (1988-1992), and is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois, Champaign.

WASHINGTON'S BLOG: You said recently that laboratories in West Africa run by the Centers for Disease Control and Tulane University are doing bioweapons research. What documentary evidence do you have of that?

You mentioned that a map produced by the CDC shows where the laboratories are located on the West Coast of Africa?

DR. FRANCIS BOYLE: Yes. They've got one in Monrovia [the capital of Ebola-stricken Liberia] ... one in Kenema, Sierra Leone [the third largest city in the Ebola-hotzone nation], which was shut down this summer because the government there believed that it was the Tulane vaccines which had set this whole thing off.

And then they have another one in Guinea, where the first case [of Ebola] was reported.

All of these are labs which do this offensive/defensive biowarfare work.

And Fort Detrick's USAMRIID [the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases] has also been over there. So it's clear what's been going on there.

CDC has a long history of doing biowarfare work. I have them doing biowarfare work for the Pentagon in Sierra Leone as early 1988.

WASHINGTON'S BLOG: And how do you know that? Have you seen official documents?

DR. FRANCIS BOYLE: An official government document: the Biological Defense Research Program, May 1988. I analyzed it in my book, Biowarfare and Terrorism.

It's clear that [the U.S. bioweapons researchers] were using Liberia to try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention. And CDC - for years - has been up to its eyeballs in biowarfare work.

They always try to justify the development of offensive biological weapons by claiming it's being done for "defensive" purposes. That's just a lie ... and it's always been a lie.

It's been the case on Ebola and just about every other biowarfare agent you can think of.

WASHINGTON'S BLOG: Does that type of research violate the Biological Weapons Convention?

DR. FRANCIS BOYLE: Well, of course! It also violates the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act [which Boyle drafted], which was passed unanimously by both houses of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Bush, Senior.

That Act creates life in prison for this type of "Dr. Menegle" type work.

WASHINGTON'S BLOG: And Obama recently said - as quoted in the New York Times article - that he's "curtailing" this type of defensive research, or putting it on hold.

Do you believe him?

DR. FRANCIS BOYLE: That's the smoking gun, right there. Read that article [the New York Times article quoted above, which notes "a sudden change of heart by the Obama administration" about labs creating ever-deadlier versions of germs which are already lethal].

The reason they've stopped it is to cover themselves, I think, because they know that this type of work was behind the outbreak of the [Ebola] pandemic in West Africa.

But that's an admission right there, de facto.

Dr. Boyle made it clear that he is not suggesting - as some others are - that Ebola was intentionally released into the African population. He says he has seen no evidence of intentional release. He's speaking about an accidental release of germs from a biowarfare research lab.

He's convinced, in fact, that this Ebola epidemic in Africa started with the release from a U.S. bioweapons lab in West Africa. One of the reasons for his conviction that the outbreak started with the release from a bioweapon lab is that this Ebola strain seems to be much worse than those previously seen in the wild.

As Dr. Boyle told us:
It seems to me that [the Ebola epidemic in West Africa] has U.S. biowarfare programs written all over it.

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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby John in Plano » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:57 am

the following copied from the rant above is a couple falsehood.......aka.. a lie.........the first Ebola case happened in the 70a in the Congo, followed by Sudan

And then they have another one in Guinea, where the first case [of Ebola] was reported.
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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby planosteve » Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:12 am

John in Plano wrote:the following copied from the rant above is a couple falsehood.......aka.. a lie.........the first Ebola case happened in the 70a in the Congo, followed by Sudan

And then they have another one in Guinea, where the first case [of Ebola] was reported.

Assessing what someone says as a lie, assumes that you have knowledge that they knew the truth but purpously misstated the facts. You have evidence of that?
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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby John in Plano » Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:47 am

The information on initial cases of Ebola, news reports etc is there, omitting information is a tact taken by some who want to bend info to suit ones agenda, some whom are lazy and many other reasons.

A lie by omission is still a lie.
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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby scarlett~nc » Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:38 am

another one of these America the Evil category ? :roll:

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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby RaisinCain » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:09 pm

Congratulations, you are now a believer of Louis Farrakhan

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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby GRANDPA » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:35 pm

Ya need this -
13425d1201360481-aluminum-foil-protective_suit.jpeg (38.98 KiB) Viewed 1685 times
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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby planosteve » Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:03 pm

RaisinCain wrote:Congratulations, you are now a believer of Louis Farrakhan

I believe Farrakhan was a critic of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Is that what you are referring to? If so are you saying that he was wrong to speak out against it?
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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby Dancer » Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:54 pm

Look far and deep enough, and the internet will tell you everything you want to hear and believe in. And SOME believe it.

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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby planosteve » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:11 pm

A History of Guatemala’s Syphilis Experiment: How a U.S. Led Team Performed Human Experimentations in Central America

Dr. Cyril Broderick, A Liberian scientist and a former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry says the West, particularly the U.S. is responsible for the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Dr. Broderick claims the following in an exclusive article published in the Daily Observer based in Monrovia, Liberia. He wrote the following:

The US Department of Defense (DoD) is funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research. This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus. Hence, the DoD is listed as a collaborator in a “First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March.

Is it possible that the United States Department of Defense (DOD) and other Western countries are directly responsible for infecting Africans with the Ebola virus? Dr. Broderick claims that the U.S. government has a research laboratory located in a town called Kenema in Sierra Leone that studies what he calls “viral fever bioterrorism”, It is also the town where he acknowledges that is the “epicentre of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.” Is it a fact? Is Dr. Broderick a conspiracy theorist? He says that “there is urgent need for affirmative action in protecting the less affluent of poorer countries, especially African citizens, whose countries are not as scientifically and industrially endowed as the United States and most Western countries, sources of most viral or bacterial GMOs that are strategically designed as biological weapons.” He also asks an important question when he says “It is most disturbing that the U. S. Government has been operating a viral hemorrhagic fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Sierra Leone. Are there others?”

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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby RedEye » Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:21 pm

If Ebola is supposed to be some sort of a weaponized bio weapon then it's an absolute failure. It takes 3 weeks to manifest itself and even in a third world country the survival rate is over 50%. Similar viruses have cropped up in Africa for centuries and with devastating results but it was normally in small villages and relatively isolated.
It's like blaming the flu in 1918 on Germany when it actually originated in this country and went to Europe on our troop ships and later returned to this country when the troops returned home. I've read that more troops died of the flu than in battle.

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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby planosteve » Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:20 am

RedEye wrote:If Ebola is supposed to be some sort of a weaponized bio weapon then it's an absolute failure. It takes 3 weeks to manifest itself and even in a third world country the survival rate is over 50%. Similar viruses have cropped up in Africa for centuries and with devastating results but it was normally in small villages and relatively isolated.
It's like blaming the flu in 1918 on Germany when it actually originated in this country and went to Europe on our troop ships and later returned to this country when the troops returned home. I've read that more troops died of the flu than in battle.

Not claiming to be an expert, but from what I've read virus does not naturally spread via air. It has to be turned into an aerosol which has to be done in a lab. That is what is called weaponizing. Once weaponized it is very dangerous and there have been accidental releases in labs which have killed people working there.

So, I think the first step would be to determine if in fact there is a bioweapons lab there or not. If not you could just dismiss the story. If there is then you need to keep looking.
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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby planosteve » Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:46 am

Here is a good explanation of weaponizing viruses.

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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby John in Plano » Sat Oct 25, 2014 7:47 am

Measles is an airborne virus that predates the internet and all the secret labs its discovered
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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby planosteve » Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:39 am

John in Plano wrote:Measles is an airborne virus that predates the internet and all the secret labs its discovered

"Measles is spread by sneezing, coughing and close personal contact. It's one of the most contagious diseases." I don't think that is the same as an aerosol virus that has been weaponized. It is dry, floats in the air until it contacts a wet surface which activates it.
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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby John in Plano » Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:46 am

Tuberculosis is an an airborne virus that predates man made electricity.
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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby RaisinCain » Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:52 am

planosteve wrote:
RaisinCain wrote:Congratulations, you are now a believer of Louis Farrakhan

I believe Farrakhan was a critic of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Is that what you are referring to? If so are you saying that he was wrong to speak out against it?

I am referring to the fact that Farrakhan believes that Ebola was created by the US. To wipe out blacks, of course.

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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby Houston » Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:06 am

well the truth is:
while he was young at the time, "W" was on a family trip to Africa and he started the virus while poaching Ivory.
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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby planosteve » Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:19 pm

RaisinCain wrote:
planosteve wrote:
RaisinCain wrote:Congratulations, you are now a believer of Louis Farrakhan

I believe Farrakhan was a critic of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Is that what you are referring to? If so are you saying that he was wrong to speak out against it?

I am referring to the fact that Farrakhan believes that Ebola was created by the US. To wipe out blacks, of course.

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Re: Ebola likely came from a CDC biowarfare lab

Postby PlanoSooner » Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:17 pm


people..... it is all a ruse to sell hazmat uniforms as halloween costumes....

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