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The Charlotte Observer endorses incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:46 pm
by Sangersteve
The Charlotte Observer endorsed incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) for the second time on Sunday. They didn't seem too pleased about it, though. Here is a sample of the glowing things they had to say about her:

"Kay Hagan has been a disappointment"
"She has done about the minimum you'd expect from a U.S. senator, with few if any notable legislative achievements."
"She has a chronic reluctance to take firm positions on controversial issues"
"...she needs to accept that while North Carolina is a difficult, divided state to represent, it deserves a senator who is not perpetually fearful of upsetting half the state’s voting population."

The Observer ends the endorsement by noting that they "recommend voters give her another chance to show she is up to it."

Re: The Charlotte Observer endorses incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:10 am
by Mark
A newspaper endorsed a Leftist Democrat? Say it ain't so.

Re: The Charlotte Observer endorses incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:54 am
by Ric

Re: The Charlotte Observer endorses incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:38 am
by scarlett~nc
yes, by all means vote for a disappointment ..sounds like the way to go typical of liberal newspapers ..

oh well, I voted for Thom Tillis ..just don't think I want to vote for a disappointment and give her another try ..WOW ..DEMOCRATS care nothing for this Country ..lets get a few more disappointments in office ..Wow !

Re: The Charlotte Observer endorses incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:42 am
by GFB
scarlett~nc wrote:yes, by all means vote for a disappointment ..sounds like the way to go typical of liberal newspapers ..

oh well, I voted for Thom Tillis ..just don't think I want to vote for a disappointment and give her another try ..WOW ..DEMOCRATS care nothing for this Country ..lets get a few more disappointments in office ..Wow !

The only reason it's even close in your state, is because of some dumb ass Libertarian who is polling with 7%.

Re: The Charlotte Observer endorses incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:09 pm
by scarlett~nc
GFB wrote:
scarlett~nc wrote:yes, by all means vote for a disappointment ..sounds like the way to go typical of liberal newspapers ..

oh well, I voted for Thom Tillis ..just don't think I want to vote for a disappointment and give her another try ..WOW ..DEMOCRATS care nothing for this Country ..lets get a few more disappointments in office ..Wow !

The only reason it's even close in your state, is because of some dumb ass Libertarian who is polling with 7%.

yep, the Pizza delivery guy ...amazing how stupid some people can be 7% voting for him .. :oops: :evil:

Re: The Charlotte Observer endorses incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:31 pm
by bodine
scarlett~nc wrote:
GFB wrote:
scarlett~nc wrote:yes, by all means vote for a disappointment ..sounds like the way to go typical of liberal newspapers ..

oh well, I voted for Thom Tillis ..just don't think I want to vote for a disappointment and give her another try ..WOW ..DEMOCRATS care nothing for this Country ..lets get a few more disappointments in office ..Wow !

The only reason it's even close in your state, is because of some dumb ass Libertarian who is polling with 7%.

yep, the Pizza delivery guy ...amazing how stupid some people can be 7% voting for him .. :oops: :evil:

Why is it stupid in a democracy to vote for the Libertarian pizza guy? He may be the best candidate; you really don't know until he gets elected to something. 7% of the population is saying that the Democratic and the Republican candidates are unacceptable.

Re: The Charlotte Observer endorses incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:54 pm
by GFB
It's stupid because 3rd party candidates always help the candidate the voter dislikes the most.

All because neither of the two candidates is "perfect."

Re: The Charlotte Observer endorses incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:25 pm
by scarlett~nc
A true Libertarian would never throw a vote to a very liberal democrat :twisted: