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Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:44 am
by LibraryLady
A robbery outside of a Dallas grocery store ended in gunfire. Now, authorities are trying to determine if the victim should face charges. The incident happened at around 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday night in the parking lot of the Aldi store located near the intersection of Forest Lane and Webb Chapel Road in northwest Dallas.

Police stated that a couple in their 60s or 70s was walking out of the store when they became the targets of a robbery. Early reports indicate that a cell phone and other personal belongings were stolen. The couple said that the suspect then jumped into a vehicle and started to take off.

But the victim was armed with his own weapon, and he started shooting at his attacker.

The suspect was struck multiple times. His vehicle hit a parked car and the robbery suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

Investigators are now questioning the couple to determine if charges should be filed.
If the man didn't have a gun license, there might be charges. Otherwise, I doubt any jury would convict the man.

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:01 am
by Sangersteve
The suspect was struck multiple times.

A great example of gun control.

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:25 am
by Ric

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:26 am
by crocmommy
Sounds like the victim had good training and was a good shot. Would really hope he wouldn't be indicted...

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:32 am
by truep
one less we will have to pay to put in prison. Wonder what would happened if he didn't have a gun to protect himself!

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:34 am
by LibraryLady
I predict the dead man's family will sue.

"You didn't have to kill him."

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:48 am
by crocmommy
My husband had his cell phone stolen in broad daylight out of his rental car while has was going inside a convenience store in Denver. He even had a friend sitting inside the car waiting while the phone was stolen. However, the friend has advanced Parkinsons and was not able to react. But I am still amazed that someone will go for a phone with someone actually sitting in the car. If my husband had a gun with him, would the guy deserve to die for what he did? Probably not. BUT, that goes along with the territory when you choose that lifestyle of taking what is not yours and disrupt many victims' lives. Maybe if more victims had guns, they'd think twice...

Yes, I am very hacked....

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:59 am
by LibraryLady
I agree with you, Lisa.

"If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."
Sure, it was only robbery, but you are making a life of crime and society doesn't need that.

I have no sympathy for the loss of life in this circumstance.

--and, Good Grief, stealing a phone when a person is in the car??????????????????????????????????????????

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:02 am
by Red Oak
I'll chip in on the Taxidermy fees.

I believe Texas has a provision that allows you to shoot a thief if you believe it is the only way to retrieve your property.

I can't look it up right now, and I would not recommend doing it.

We don't know the whole story, perhaps the Criminal was attempting to run them down or still pointing a weapon at them ?

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:11 am
by GFB
The stealing of smart phones has become quite a thing out here..when you're in bad neighborhoods like Hollywood.

They grab them right out of your hands..there's even a name for the new crime.. "Apple Picking."

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:29 am
by grouchy
I am absolutely willing, capable, qualified and able to kill someone at any time.....under the right circumstances.

In this case I would not have done so once the guy was driving away. However, I truly hope this guy walks.

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:35 am
by glenn/dallas
Texas law: It is justifiable to use deadly force :to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary,robbery etc etc

By law its legal.

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:05 am
by grouchy
grouchy wrote:I am absolutely willing, capable, qualified and able to kill someone at any time.....under the right circumstances.

In this case I would not have done so once the guy was driving away. However, I truly hope this guy walks.

I just saw a report on CH 11 news. The sob knocked the mans wife down. That changes things. I would have killed him on the spot.

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:57 am
by BigTex
I would have shot him then got into the car and run over him.

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:07 pm
by GFB
BigTex wrote:I would have shot him then got into the car and run over him.

You left out pour gasoline on him and light him on fire first.

Re: Shooting and Robbery at Aldi's in north Dallas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:40 pm
by LibraryLady
He knocked the wife to the ground, ripped her gold chain off her neck and ran to the car (did he get the purse also?)

I wonder if the police will link him to other grocery store robberies/purse snatching.