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Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:08 pm
by Sangersteve
I have brain lock on issues of time. Can not remember dates of anything, either significant or mundane. Oh yes it causes problems: worst of course is the anniversary, followed by birthdays. Then time itself, I will get asked a question about when something happened, I just guess, Donna can quickly recite the date, year and time of day. To me everything happened a couple of months ago, oh I know better I just can't remember.

Outside of time related issues I forget nothing, the first job I ever did as a self-employed person was in Burbank,Ca, a pump change on a 300 ton toggle machine,the customer was Merrick they make nothing but coat hangers and the guy I worked with was Ali,also there was no soap in the bathroom.I stayed at a Holiday Inn, had to drive to Santa Fe,Ca to pick up a special tool, and there was a minor tremor just as I walked into my room.Don't have a clue how long ago it was.

Know all the words to songs I enjoyed, can tell you the phone number I had when I was 18.

Oh look....something shiny

Re: Memory

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:56 am
by grouchy
Y'all make a good team. All angles covered.

Re: Memory

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:49 pm
by PlanoSooner
i am bad with time. if i cannot see my son's face while i think back, i cannot date it very well.

some things are easier. mostly the mundane is hard.

remember that stones concert? yeah. was it 6yrs ago or 16? idk