ISIS is just the excuse to destroy Syria

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ISIS is just the excuse to destroy Syria

Postby planosteve » Sat Mar 07, 2015 7:07 am

In August of 2013, even as the words came out of US President Barack Obama’s mouth regarding an “impending” US military strike against the Syrian state, the impotence of American foreign policy loomed over him and those who wrote his speech for him like an insurmountable wall. So absurd was America’s attempt to once again use the canard of “weapons of mass destruction” to justify yet another military intervention, that many believed America’s proxy war in Syria had finally reached its end.

The counterstroke by Russia included Syria’s immediate and unconditional surrendering of its chemical weapons arsenal, and with that, so evaporated America’s casus belli.

Few would believe if one told them then, that in 2015, that same discredited US would be routinely bombing Syrian territory and poised to justify the raising of an entire army of terrorists to wage war within Syria’s borders, yet that is precisely what is happening. President Obama has announced plans to formally increase military force in Iraq and Syria “against ISIS,” but of course includes building up huge armies of “rebels” who by all other accounts are as bad as ISIS itself (not to mention prone to joining ISIS’ ranks by the thousands).

All it took for this miraculous turn in fortune was the creation of “ISIS,” and serial provocations committed by these Hollywood-style villains seemingly engineered to reinvigorate America’s justification to militarily intervene more directly in a war it itself started in Syria beginning in 2011.

ISIS could not be a more effective part of America’s plans to overthrow the Syrian government and destroy the Syrian state if it had an office at the Pentagon.
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Re: ISIS is just the excuse to destroy Syria

Postby jellowrestling » Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:47 pm


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Re: ISIS is just the excuse to destroy Syria

Postby Houston » Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:43 am

all in due time
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Re: ISIS is just the excuse to destroy Syria

Postby planosteve » Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:18 am

The US has overthrown the govt. of about 80 countries and replaced them with puppets we could control. Unfortunately, they are criminals who are very abusive to their own people. Then they ran into Syria. All of a sudden chanting "he's got to go" didn't work anymore because Al-Assad is very popular in his own country and vowed to stay and fight. He was not just a gutless wonder.
Creating another proxy army like Al-Quida out of young, stupid Muslims was just the ticket.
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