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A tale of two crimes

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:56 am
by Sangersteve
If you are a protected class, you can attack another protected class. I don't see where anyone was arrested and charged with a hate crime.

HOUSTON, TX- Smoke choked the streets of the city of Houston yesterday as Islamic protesters gathered to oppose the Supreme Court’s decision upholding gay marriage. Throughout the day members of the Muslim community prowled the city streets, tearing down LGBT flags from public buildings and private residences. A large pile containing hundreds of LGBT flags was burned later during a massive anti-gay-marriage rally.

Terrified residents hid in their homes and workplaces as a giant mob of over 3,000 Muslim men and women marched through the streets while pointing their fingers in the air and shouting ‘death to the homosexuals,’ ‘Allahu Akbar,’ and other homophobic slurs mixed with praises of Allah.

Susan Griffon, an outspoken lesbian and LGBT supporter, had her nose broken with the heel of a shoe that was used like a club, as she wrestled with a group of protesters ripping an LGBT flag out of her cigar shop window. The assailants who beat her shouted, “you are not a man, stop dressing like it.” They walked off with the flag, leaving her unconscious on the sidewalk.

Muhmar Al-Sajeer, one of the organizers of the rally, welcomed attention of the media. “We have objected verbally time and again to the LGBT people,” he told reporters. “We told them we did not want to see their insensitive rainbow flag everywhere, as it offends our eyes and souls. They ignored our pleas and flaunted that filth in our faces anyway. The only way we could respond to their provocation was to take back our streets by force.”

However if you happen to be white.

Prosecutors have charged Cameron Mayfield, 23, with third-degree arson after police arrested him for burning a gay pride flag.

"You know, my client is going to apologize for what he did," Mayfield's defense attorney James Martin Davis said.

The charge carries a maximum of five years in prison.

Davis said in court the charge "trivializes what true hate crimes are."

Davis admits his client was drinking since 1:30 a.m. before the incident.

"His uncle's gay, he doesn't have any animosity," Davis said. "He's just some kid that got drunk and it was a prank. Now all of the sudden they're taking this."

Last month, Davis' client, Gregory Duncan, was convicted of a hate crime for a 2013 assault. Davis said Mayfield's actions would have been a $100 fine if the victims were straight.

"There's a political wind that's blowing pretty hard these days in Omaha, and I want to make sure that wind doesn't blow my clients over," Davis said.

The lesbian couple affected disagrees, saying, "The intent really does make the difference. Watching him run toward our house with our burning flag, seeing him stop and wave that burning symbol of a controversial, and inherent part of our being(s) as a minority, in front of our house as a clear message, made it scary. That made it an attack as opposed to a prank."

A judge ordered Mayfield to have no contact with the victims, Ariann Anderson and Jess Meadows-Anderson.

The Douglas County Attorney's Office said Mayfield's charge of arson was aggravated by a hate crime, making his charge a class four felony. He's back in court on March 27.

Thank you democrats.

Re: A tale of two crimes

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:18 am
by BillB
SCOTUS ruled several years ago, that burning a flag was protected free speech.
It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

Re: A tale of two crimes

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:23 am
by Red Oak
The enemy of my enemy is my friend principle at work......

Both the DNC Media, LGBTEIEIO's and the Islamic Radicals want to destroy Traditional America; so for the time being they are sort of aligned.

Re: A tale of two crimes

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:35 am
by John In Austin
Maybe we'll get lucky and LBGTs and muslims start killing each other.

Re: A tale of two crimes

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:31 am
by ralph
interesting event but I can't find any news of this event anywhere but a few other sites but nothing mainline news yet .

Re: A tale of two crimes

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:00 pm
by mayhem
If 3,000 Muslim men met together in the streets of Houston to play bingo (or whatever they'd play),
you'd think Fox News and CNN would have been there and we'd be drenched with run on news
about that.

Much less an anti gay mob.

Not saying it didn't happen.

Saying it's strangely quiet out there if it did.

Re: A tale of two crimes

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:21 pm
by Kiamichi
It didn't happen.